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1、On Luo Luns Philosophy ThoughtCandidateSupervisorCollegeProgramSpecializationDegreeUniversityDateZhang JunhuaProfCai SiguiCollege of Philosophy and History-CultureChinese PhilosophyChinese Acient PhilosophyMaster of PhilosophyXiangtan UniversityMay 10th ,2009湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研

2、究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:日期:年月日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名:导师签名:日期:日期:年年月月日日摘 要

3、本论文主要从四个方面对罗伦哲学思想进行论述。任何思想的产生都有其历史必然性,因此在论文的第一部分主要论述了罗伦的生平著作以及时代思潮背景,这一时期程朱理学的官学统治地位得到确立,学术的垄断使朱学丧失了进一步发展的新动力。明中的理学家们也有感于此,他们在恪守程朱理学“不变”的同时,在一定程度上对其加以修正,为这一时期的朱子学的发展注入了的新的活力。第二章 主要阐述了宇宙本体论,罗伦认为太极为理,把太极上升到了本体论的高度,提出了太极能自动静的观点,并且他同时主张天地万物为一本,将此原则作为“仁”的内在要求与准则。第三章主要论述了心性修养论,罗伦有很明显的心学倾向,他认为“道之本于人心”,把心作为

4、万物的主宰,判断“是非”的标准,同时认为心无死生,具有感通古今的能力。在心性关系上,主张心性二分,性为体,心为用;在修养方法上,罗伦在“明心”的基础上,提出为学应该致心中之知,明心中本有之明。在治学方法上,他主张反身内求,持静涵养,但是却继承了朱子渐进的方法。第四章通过其思想与陈献章思想的一些比较研究,来突显这一时期朱学的发展特色,从而展现他对程朱理学的继承与发展,明确其在程朱理学的发展过程中所具有的重要影响,以彰显其在理学思想的变迁中所体现的重要作用。关键词:罗伦; 太极; 心性; 修养IAbstractThe text divides into four chapters to elabo

5、rate Luo Luns Philosophy of china. Anythoughts production has its historical inevitability, therefore the paper first part mainlyelaborated Luo Luns biography work as well as the background of current thought.In thistime, the Neo-Confucianism was monopolized by Cheng-Zhus Neo-Confucianism and loseth

6、e power of development . Beginning of Ming dynastys Neo-Confucianism Sholars haverealized this kind of crisis, they revised the Cheng-Zhus Neo-Confucianism when theyfollowed it, therefore they increased the power for Neo-Confucianism development. Thesecond chapter mainly elaborates the universe onto

7、logy, Luo Lun thought that the Tai Ji isLi .He thought Tai Ji which can be active is the ultimate reason of the nature and the society,and dominate everything. He advocated that Tai ji create the universe, altogeher. The thirdchapter mainly elaborates Luo Luns philosophy thought of the Xin- Xing and

8、 zhe method ofhow to cultivate the good morality. He thought “Dao is in my heart”. Xin dominatingeverything and judgment of the right and wrong. Xin has the ability of estimate the good andthe bad .At the same time he tought Mind has the abilight of feeling to pass the ancient andthe modern, Xin is

9、the eternal existence. In the relations of the Xin and Xing he advocatedXing is the concert of Xin,and Xin is the applying of the Xing, they are two different things.For the method of how to cultivate the good morality. He emphasize that there were twodifferent kinds of knowledge, one is the verbal

10、learning, the other is the ethical learning, andlater is important. Man should focus on the ethical learning. He thought man should know Liand Xing in the mind by the intuition. The forth chapter mainly elaborates Luo Lunscharacteristicof thought. Compared Luo Luns thought with Chen Xianzhangs thoug

11、ht tounderlines the Neo-Confucianisms characteristic about development in this time, UnfoldsLuo Luns inheritance and development to Cheng Zhus Neo-Confucianism,thus shows hisinfluential role which manifests in Neo-Confucianism thoughts vicissitude.Key words: Luo Lun;Tai Ji;Xin-Xing; Cultivate the go

12、od moralityII目 录摘 要 . IAbstract . II引 言 . 1一 选题的意义 . 1二 罗伦研究文献综述 . 1第章 学术背景及师友关系 . 41.1 学术背景 . 41.1.1 程朱理学独尊 . 41.1.2 明中朱子学发展概况 . 51.2 生平简介 . 61.3 师友关系 . 9第 2 章 宇宙本体论 . 122.1 太极 . 122.2 太极动静 . 122.3 一本万殊 . 14第 3 章 心性修养 . 173.1 心性论 . 173.1.1 心 . 心为贵 . 道之本于人心 . 心能感物 . 心无死生 . 203.1.2 性 . 213.1.3 心统性情 . 223.2 修养方法 . 253.2.1 明心 . 253.2.2 格物穷理 . 263.2.3 读书明


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