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1、民族地区高中“校本科研”个案研究南宁市马山县马山中学“校本科研”个案分析Case Study on “School-Based Research”of High Schools in Minority Regions Take Case Analysis of “School Based Research”in Mashan High School, MashanCounty of Nanning for Example姓 名:李镇晖研究方向:教育管理导师: 訚金童研究员年级: 2004 级专业名称: 教育硕士中中 文文 摘摘 要要“校本科研”就是以校为本的科学研究。重视教师科研素质的培养,是

2、上世纪80年代以后各国师范教育和教师教育发展的走向。“科研兴校”是20世纪末中国教育界很抢眼的字眼,它反映了人们企盼通过科研改变学校面貌,转变学校实践行为的热忱。本文在分析了“校本科研”的含义、特点和实施意义的基础上,论述了实施“校本科研”的策略。本研究以西部少数民族的一个县级重点中学 南宁市马山县马山中学为个案,对民族地区高中“校本科研”进行了理论联系实际的分析,并提出了理性的反思。本文写作目的是为了总结我校“校本科研”的成功经验,与全国同类学校探索“科研兴校”之策。本文以一所民族地区的县级重点中学为研究个案,主要采用质的个案研究法。辅助研究方法有:经验总结法、文献研究法、案例研究法、叙事研


4、人的发展为出发点和终极目的,达到学校、教职员工和学生和谐发展的科学研究。“校本科研”可以针对学校工作中的各种问题展开,如校本教学研究、校本管理研究、校本文化研究、校本后勤服务保障研究、学生心理健康问题研究、校本教师培训研究、学生自主管理问题研究、校本课题研究等等。其中,校本教研是“校本科研”的核心。第二章实施“校本科研”的策略。内容包括:一、教育科研有效性策略构建的原则。二、有效策略之一:学校领导和教师分析学校现状,确定促进学校内涵发展的大课题。三、有效策略之二:校本教研 采用行动研究法。四、有效策略之三:用制度塑造学校文化。当前,可供实践者借鉴的教育科研策略与经验较少。实践告诉我们,任何经验


6、是马山中学取得成功的关键。第四章 “校本科研”的实践反思。从实施校本科研的案例出发,对实施校本科研进行反思。内容包括:一、扎实提高校长和教师的科研素质。(1)意识为先 科研型校长的首要任务;(2)学习与实践反思 科研型教师提高素质的途径。二、建立科学的评价和激励机制。(1)建立促进教师专业发展的评价制度;(2)建立灵活有效的激励措施。“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,教师要开展教育科研,就必须练好内功,加强教育理论学习。能满足教师需要的奖励措施当可激励教师进行校本科研。对一所学校来讲,学校的货币性激励资源是有限的,但学校的非货币化激励资源是无限的,学校的管理者可以有创造性地加以设计和应用。关键词:民

7、族地区高中;校本科研;个案研究关键词:民族地区高中;校本科研;个案研究ivCase Study on “School-Based Research”of High Schools in Minority Regions Take Case Analysis of “School Based Research”in Mashan High School, MashanCounty of Nanning for ExampleName: Li Zhen-huiSpecialty: EMDTutor: Professor Yin Jin-tonResearch Area: Education Man

8、agementGrade: 2004Abstract“School-based research”is the research carried out by school. Attachingimportance to the cultivation of teachersscientific research quality is the trend normaleducation and teacher education of different countries has followed since 1980s.“Scientific research promoting scho

9、ols”is the hot topic in Chinas educational field atthe end of 20th century which reflects peoples zealousness to transform schoolssituation and practical activity. This paper discusses the strategy of implementing“school-based research”on the basis of analyzing the connotation, characteristic andimp

10、lementing meaning of “school-based research”. Taking a county-level key highschool in Chinas western ethnic minority regions Mashan High School in MashanCounty of Nanning as the case study object, this paper analyzes “school-basedresearch”in senior high schools of minority regions combing theory wit

11、h practice andproposes rational reflection.The purpose of writing this paper is to conclude the successful experiences of“school-based research”in our school and explore measures for “scientific researchpromoting schools”along with other homogeneous schools of our country.This paper takes a county-l

12、evel key high school in minority regions as theresearch case and adopts qualitative individual case research as the major method.Auxiliary research methods are as follows: experience summarization method,document study method, case study method, narrative research method andinvestigation method. App

13、lying document study method can be good for theunderstanding of present situation of “school-based research”by the consultation ofabundant documents and thus establish a basis for the research. The application ofvcase analysis method can provide empirical material for the research through authorsexp

14、erience and objective analysis based on it. Investigation method can providesupportive material for the viewpoints the paper proposes by listing relative facts.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part is the basis of “school-based research”which mainly answers what isschool-based researc

15、h, what characteristics it has, what is the meaning for theimplementing of it and introduces important theory on education, psychology, schoolconstruction and management, thereby provide theoretical basis for the implementingof school-based research. “School-based research”can be understood as thesc

16、ientific research carried out by school. To be concrete, “school-based research”isthe scientific research carried out by school of basic education which takes theschools existing problems as the research object, aims at the improving of schoolworks and takes individual developing in school as departure point and ultimatepurpose so as to promote the harmonious development of school, its staff andstudents. “School-based research”can be carried out aiming at all sorts o


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