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1、九年级上册 Modules 461. advantage (n. ) _ (反义词义词 ) 缺点,不利条件2. produce (v. ) _ (n. ) 产产品3. invent (v. ) _ (n. ) 发发明 _ (n. ) 发发明家4. create (v. ) _ (n. ) 创创造 _ (n. )创创造者disadvantageproductinventioninventorcreationcreator5. upstairs (adv. discovered B. discovered; inventedC. invent; discover D. discover; inve

2、nt【自主归纳】(1)invention意为为“发发明”,它是可数名词词。(2)inventor意为为“发发明者”,单单数时时其前需用冠词词an。(3)invent与discover的区别别_“发发明”,表示发发明原先不存 在的东东西,如机器或工具等invent答案: invention inventor A “发现发现 ”, 表示发现发现 原来已存在但未被人们们知道的东东西_discover2. instead adv. 代替Do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning? 你会不会开窗户户而不开空调调?Mike, do

3、nt chat online all day. You should do more outdoor activities _. A. instead B. either C. too D. also(2011安徽中考)What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead of C. together with D. out of【自主归纳归纳 】instead 与instead of的区别别(1) _ 用作副词词,意为为“代替;顶顶替”,常用于句末。(2)

4、_ 用作介词词短语语,意为为“代替,而不是”,其后跟动词时动词时 ,需用v. -ing形式。答案:A Binsteadinstead of3. rather than 而不是Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players. 现现在,信息可以在线线接收,从因特网下载载,而不必到书书中去寻寻找,并且信息可以存储

5、储在光盘盘上或像MP3之类类的存储储器上。(2011乌鲁乌鲁 木齐齐中考) 他只是位教师师而不是个艺术艺术 家。He is only a teacher _ _ an artist. You rather than I _ (be) going to Beijing tomorrow. Her mother prefers to go to work on foot rather than _ a car. A. drive B. driving C. drives D. to drive【自主归纳归纳 】rather than的两个考点(1)rather than是并列连词连词 ,意为为“而

6、不是”,用于连连接两个并列结结构。其连连接两个主语时语时 ,谓语动词谓语动词 与rather than _ (前/后)面的主语语保持一致。(2)在prefer. . . rather than. . . 结结构中,prefer 后接动词动词 不定式,rather than 后接动词动词 原形。答案:rather than are A前4. That means you can drop in for a few minutes or you can stay as long as you like. . . 也就是说说,您可以随便进进去看一会儿,也可以愿意停留多久就停留多久我打篮篮球和他一样样

7、好。I play basketball _ _ _ he does. (2011宿迁中考)Paul isnt as _ as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his homework. A. careless B. more carefulC. more careless D. careful我们们的学校是他们们学校的三倍大。Our school is _ _ _ _ _ theirs. 【自主归纳】(1)as. . . as意为为“同一样样”,用 于同级级比较较,中间间用形容词词或副 词词的 _ (原级级/比较级较级 )(2)表达“不如”时时,用“not

8、so/ as+ _ (原级级/比较级较级 )+ as”结结构原级级原级级答案:as well as D three times as big as(3)表达“一方是另一方的若干倍” 时时,用“倍数+as + _ (原级级/比 较级较级 )+as”结结构原级级5. No shouting! 不要大声喊叫! 看牌子,上面写着“禁止停车车”。抱歉,刚刚才我没看见见。Look at the sign. It says, “_ _. ”Sorry. I didnt see it. You mustnt touch it. (改为为同义义句)_ _ it. 【自主归纳归纳 】表示禁止的句型答案: No p

9、arking Dont touch. 根据句意及汉语汉语 提示完成单词单词1. (2011 包头头中考) Do you know where trains are _ (生产产)? 2. (2011北海中考)My teacher often told me to pay _ (注意)to my spelling while I was writing. 答案:1. produced 2. attention 3. (2011无锡锡中考)They all hurried _ (向楼上) to see what was going on. 4. (2011乌鲁乌鲁 木齐齐中考)Kanas Lake

10、 is a very beautiful place. A large number of _ (旅游者) come here to enjoy themselves every year. 5. (2011黄冈冈中考)If everyone _ (遵守) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 答案:3. upstairs 4. tourists/visitors/travelers 5. obeys/ follows. 单项选择单项选择1. (2012聊城中考)Can I come this afternoon or tomorr

11、ow morning? _ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None【解析】选A。考查代词的用法。either意为“任何一个”;neither意为“两者都不”;both意为“两者都”;none意为“没有”。根据答句中谓语动词is可排除C项。由答语“我今天和明天都有空”可知应是“哪天都行”,故排除B、D两项,选A。2. (2012绵绵阳中考)David suddenly felt nervous. _, it was his first time to go on stage. A. At le

12、ast B. After allC. At once D. At all 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。at least至少; after all毕竟; at once立刻; (not)at all根本(不)。根据句意“大卫突然感到紧张,毕竟这是他第一次上台”。可知选B。3. (2011无锡锡中考)Dont try to do everything at once. Take it a bit _. A. at times B. at that timeC. at all times D. at a time【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。at times 有时;at that time 在那时;a

13、t all times 总是;at a time 一次。根据句意“不要试图一下子就把所有的事情做了。一次做一点。”可知选D。4. (2011呼和浩特中考)These problems are too hard to _. Will you give me some advice? There are many ways. The most important is to have a careful plan. A. work out B. look outC. hand out D. break out【解析】选A。考查动词短语的辨析。work out解决(疑难问题);look out 向外看;hand out 分发;break out 打破。问句句意:这些问题解决起来太难了。你能给我一些建议吗?故选A。5. (2011达州中考)How many _ teachers are there in your school? _ them _ over two hundred. A. woman; The number of; isB. women; The number of; isC. woman; A numb


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