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1、计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Organization广义双语教学课程http:/青岛理工大学 校级精品课程http:/ 计算机组成原理(第2版). 高等教育出版社1同学们好!2课程的目的与任务本课程是计算机科学与技术专业的一门主要的技术基础课。 通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握单台计算机硬件系统的组成、各 主要部件的结构和工作原理,了解计算机运算器、控制器、主存 储器和输入输出系统的基本设计方法,为学习后继课程准备必要 的硬件知识。先修课:数字逻辑,汇编语言,计算机导论后继课:操作系统,计算机系统结构,微计算机技术

2、,接口技术,3参考书徐爱萍. 计算机组成原理习题与解析. 清华大学出版社William Stallings. Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance,5th edition. Prentice-Hall,Inc.2000 电子工业出版社http:/ http:/ http:/www.tomshardware.co.uk/ http:/bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/CIC/ http:/www.microprocessor.sscc.ru/ http:/en.wikipedia.org/w

3、iki/Multi-core_(computing)王爱英. 计算机组成与结构.清华大学出版社4课程的基本要求1了解计算机硬件系统的基本组成。 2掌握数据在计算机中的表示方法。 3掌握定点补码加减法运算、浮点加减法运算的原理。 4了解定点乘除法运算和浮点乘除法运算的原理。 5掌握运算器的工作原理。 6掌握主存储器的结构、工作原理和设计方法。 7掌握指令格式、寻址方式和指令系统的设计方法。 8掌握CPU的组成、工作原理和微程序控制器的设计方法。 9熟悉辅助存储器的工作原理和结构。 10掌握输入输出系统的工作原理、中断和DMA传送的概念。 11了解数据校验码的原理 12了解主要输入/输出设备的工作

4、原理和结构。 13熟悉总线的概念和总线结构。 14掌握存储系统的层次结构和Cache的概念。5“计算机组成原理”是计算机专业的最重要的专业基础课之一。 具有难度大、知识点多的特点。在本门课程的教学中: l教学内容的顺序可能与教材不同 l适当补充一些教材中没有的新内容 l部分内容不在课堂上讲述,请同学们自学为了学好本门课程,要求: 1上课认真听讲,记笔记,不说话。 2课后抓紧时间阅读教材的有关内容,认真做作业。 3每章讲完后及时归纳要点,抓住“三基”。(基本概念,基本原理,基本方法) 4在学习中有问题,抓住课间时间问老师。同学之间互相交流 。注意:各章内容相对独立,把问题留到后面将积累地越来越多

5、 。 5注意积累英文的专业术语,提高专业英语阅读能力。 6认真做实验,必须预习实验。 7“数字逻辑”的知识对本课程很重要,应抓紧复习。6第一章 计算机系统概论Computer design is concerned with the hardware design of the computer. Once the computer specifications are formulated, it is the task of the designer to develop hardware for the system.Computer design is concerned with t

6、he determination of what hardware should be used and how the parts should be connected. Chapter 1 Introduction7The basic functions that a computer can perform are: Data processing, Data storage, Data movement, ControlWhat is a Computer?电子数字计算机 Electronic Digital Computer 机电计算机电子模拟计算机机械计算机Computers:

7、lHave limited capabilities. lCan only do basic mathematics and logical comparisons. lMust be instructed with programs what to do.A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data (input), manipulates the data according to some rules (process), produce results (output) and stores the results for

8、future use (storage).8Computer计算机硬件系统的基本组成主机主存 储器运算器控制器输入 设备输出 设备控制命令数据指令结果数据 程序地址输入设备和输出 设备统称为外部 设备(Peripheral )或外围设备在计算机的工作过程中 ,有多种信息在流动: 数据流,指令流,地址 流,控制流。存储器处于机器的中心9冯诺伊曼计算机冯诺伊曼(Von Neumann) 冯诺伊曼计算机的主要特点:1. 计算机硬件系统由运算器、控制器、主存储器、 输入设备和输出设备五大部分组成。 2. 程序存储。 3. 采用二进制运算。 4. 一维线性结构的存储器组织。 5. 串行计算。存储程序计算

9、机The Von Neumann architecture is a design model for a stored-program digital computer that uses a processing unit and a single separate storage structure to hold both instructions and data. A stored-program digital computer is one that keeps its programmed instructions, as well as its data, in read-

10、write, random-access memory.便于数据的表示, 有两个稳定状态 的器件容易找到运算规则简单10在冯诺伊曼计算机上解题,首先要建立数学模型,提出算法 ,编制解题程序。预先将程序和数据顺序保存在存储器中。计算 机自动从存储器中逐条取出指令执行。冯诺伊曼计算机主机Main MemoryALUControl UnitInput DevicesOutput DevicesControl SignalDataInstructionResultDataProgramAddress11Von Neumann MachineIn most modern computers, throu

11、ghput is much smaller than the rate at which the CPU can work. This seriously limits the effective processing speed when the CPU is required to perform minimal processing on large amounts of data. The separation between the CPU and memory leads to the Von Neumann bottleneck, the limited throughput (

12、data transfer rate) between the CPU and memory compared to the amount of memory.Stored-program computers were an advancement over the program- controlled computers of the 1940s, such as the Colossus and the ENIAC, which were programmed by setting switches and inserting patch leads to route data and

13、to control signals between various functional units.The CPU is continuously forced to wait for needed data to be transferred to or from memory. 12控制器 + 运算器中央处理器 Central Processing Unit,简称CPUCPUA Central Processing Unit (CPU), or sometimes just called processor, is a description of a class of logic m

14、achines that can execute computer programs.The term itself and its initialism have been in use in the computer industry at least since the early 1960s.The form, design and implementation of CPUs have changed dramatically since the earliest examples, but their fundamental operation has remained much

15、the same.中央处理器是计算机的核心部件13把CPU的大部分逻辑都集成在一个半导体集成电路芯片上, 称为微处理器(Microprocessor,简称MPU)MicroprocessorPrevious generations of CPUs were implemented as discrete components and numerous small integrated circuits (ICs) on one or more circuit boards. Microprocessors, on the other hand, are CPUs manufactured on

16、 a very small number of ICs; usually just one. The overall smaller CPU size as a result of being implemented on a single die means faster switching time because of physical factors like decreased gate parasitic capacitance. This has allowed synchronous microprocessors to have clock rates ranging from tens of megahe


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