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1、The Research on the Modern Service IndustrysDevelopment planning of the Street NamedShiyan in ShenzhenCandidateDaiQinSupervisorAssociate professorZheng ZhaoCollegeProgramSpecializationDegreeUniversityBusiness CollegeMaster of Business AdministrationMasterXiangtan UniversityDateMay 1822010湘潭大学学位论文原创性

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4、并总结了现代服务业发展的特点;运用后发优势理论、比较优势理论以及佩蒂克拉克理论论证了现代服务业的发展。对现代服务业发展的区域规划的方法、步骤和原则进行了介绍,为论文的研究奠定了理论基础。从我国的现代服务业、深圳现代服务业和石岩街道现代服务业三个层面分析了现代服务业发展的现状,认为在现阶段我国的现代服务业跟国际水平相比,还存在很大差距,但是发展潜力巨大。具体到石岩街道而言,其现代服务业的发展还处于起步阶段,服务业的层次比较低,存在的结构不尽合理等问题。针对石岩街道的现代服务业的发展现状,对石岩街道的服务业进行了 SWOT 分析,认为现代服务业发展对石岩的经济发展具有重要的战略意义。最后,根据 S

5、WOT 分析的结论和区域服务业规划的原则和方法,对石岩的现代服务业的发展进行了规划设计,主要是从规划的指导思路、规划原则、发展目标以及行业发展规划等方面进行设计,提出了 2020 年的石岩现代服务业的在总量、结构优化以及就业扩张等方面的战略目标,并分别从现代金融、房地产、商业服务、信息技术服务业等方面进行了行业层面的发展规划,并针对所设计的发展规划,提出了保障该发展规划顺利实施的措施。本文的研究对石岩街道的产业规划具有一定的指导作用,在一定程度上也能丰富区域产业规划理论。关键词: 现代服务业石岩街道科技服务业IAbstractThe modern service industry is a m

6、odern citys core competitiveness, it could speed upstructural adjustment and development patterns and change, upgrade the level of development andachieve long-term development strategy. With the rapid development of modern service industry,the national or regional economies are better. A highly deve

7、loped modern service industry is amodern international metropolis. The modern service industry development in Shenzhencompared with the same economic level of countries and regions is still relatively backward .sohow to develop modern service industry has become a practical reality that urgent subje

8、cts it to beimportant theoretical study and practical application value.This paper makes the “The Research on the Modern Service Industrys Development of theStreet Named Shiyan in Shenzhen” as topic. In this paper, use the historical data and documentsaccessible method, modern service industry of th

9、is article are defined and classified, andsummarized the characteristics of the modern service industry development. The development ofmodern service industry and regional planning theory in a brief introduction, mainly on regionalservice development planning steps and planning principles for the th

10、esis research has laid atheoretical basis. Next, from the status of the development of modern service industry that at thepresent stage of Chinas modern service industry with the compared to international standards,there is also a big gap, but the huge growth potential. Specific to the Shiyan Street

11、, itsdevelopment of modern service industry still in its infancy, relatively low level of the servicesector, the existing structure is not entirely rational and so on. Then use the SWOT to analysis itsexternal opportunities and threats to their development, and internal strengths and weaknesses fors

12、pecific analysis Finally, the modern service industry development planning, the main ideas fromthe planning guidance, planning principles, development goals, and industry developmentplanning, etc. Respectively, from modern finance, real estate, business services, informationtechnology services and o

13、ther aspects of the industry-level development plan, and for the thedesign development plan, put forward to guarantee the smooth implementation of developmentplanning measures. This study of the industry planning Shiyan has some significance as reference,to a certain extent, can also enrich the theo

14、ry of regional industrial planning.Key words: The modern service industry Shiyan Street Technology ServicesII目录摘 要.IAbstract.II第一章 绪论.11.1 本文的研究背景 .11.2 相关研究综述 .2 1.2.1 国外相关研究综述.2 1.2.2 国内相关研究综述.3 1.2 本文的研究目的和意义 .4 1.3 论文的研究思路和方法 .5第二章 现代服务业发展规划研究的基础.72.1 现代服务业概述 .7 2.1.1 现代服务业的定义与内涵.7 2.1.2 现代服务业的特征.8 2.1.3 现代服务业的分类.9 2.2 现代服务业发展的经济理论.10 2.2.1 佩蒂一克拉克定理 .10 2.2.2 后发优势理论 .1


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