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3、因此,我们需要超越。(第三章第一、二节)本文还考察了时间的四维结构问题。论文指出:逻辑世界因其不表现流逝,它存于三维时间中,现实世界因其是流逝的,它则存于一维的内时间中。 经验”与“逻辑”、“现实”不在一个世界里,它存在于一维的外时间中(流逝的外时间是个虚假的东西)。(第三章第三节)要想得见真理,我们必须实现两种超越:第一,从经验超越到现实(现象学的面向事物本身);第二:从经验超越到逻辑,也就是超越那流逝的一维性的外时间,进入三维时间。这是无比美好的最终真理。(第三章第四节)经验中“不严格的因果性”是由“映射”造成的,在经验中人颇难寻觅到真理,只有在出生与死亡的那两个瞬间,才有可能直面真理,而

4、对认识有意义的却只有出生,因此,认识确是回忆。(第三章第五节)关键词:本体;必然性;因果性;时间;超越;真理IABSTRACTIn the initial section of Hegels The Logic, a pure logical deduction wasunfolded from the Nihility to Beings and to the Variation, where a stipulation wasgained and turned into the Given Existence. Here we are going to pump that why andh

5、ow the Variation gained a stipulation? Through the review of the independency ofthe logic, we consider that it is feasible to take the logical conception as thePrinciple. (Chapter 1)Then, after when we study in turn on the Inevitability and the Chanciness, theCausality, the Law of Ample Reason, a co

6、nclusion was given that the logic followsthe strict causality, besides, the reality has an identical relation with the logic.(Chapter 2, Section 1,2,3)We focus on the issue of Infinity, and we conclude that the confusedconception of Infinity is actually a conception rely on non-space-time. Weconside

7、r that which does not exist in space-time is inconceivable and belonged toNihility, contrastively, one which exists in space-time that includes the reality andthe logic is inevitable and finite. (Chapter 2, Section 4)The conclusion of Finite World advances the cognition of the question wegave out in

8、 the beginning. Finite World is to say Finite Variation, hence being tosay Finite Principle because the Variation is the Principle. Once the FinitePrinciple is affirmed, it will guarantee an inevitable Progress which means gaining astipulation and turning into the Given Existence. (Chapter 4, Sectio

9、n 5)Compared with the Reality, the Experience is undemanding in the Causalitythat Infinity and Nihility are inseminated there. Accordingly, we need totranscend. (Chapter 3, Section 1,2)After the study of the Four-Dimensional Time, we conclude that the logicalworld exists in the three-dimensional tim

10、e on the reason of the feature of non-lapse.On the other hand, because of the feature of lapse, the Reality exists in theone-dimensional Interior Time. The Experience, which does not exists in the sameworld with the Reality and the Logic, exists in the one-dimensional Exterior Timewhich is illusive.

11、 (Chapter 3, Section 3)We should achieve two levels of Transcending in the purpose of the emerging ofthe Truth. Firstly, it means transcending from the Experience to the Reality, whichIIlikes the slogan of Phenomenology saying Face to thing in itself. Secondly, itmeans transcending from the Experien

12、ce to the Logic which is to say surpassing theone-dimensionalExteriorTimewhichislapsing,andachievingthethree-dimensional time. This is the ultimate truth. (Chapter 3, Section 4)The undemanding Causality in the Experience is caused by Mapping. Peopleare hardly possible to achieve Truth, only when in

13、the time of birthing and dying canone face the Truth, of which only birthing is significant to human beings. Therefore,cognition is recalling.Key Words: Principle; Inevitability; Causality; Time; Transcend; TruthIII湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经

14、发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:日期:年月日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名:导师签名:日期:日期:年年月月日日是存在的,非存在则不存在。”第一章 绪论1.1 问题之起源以下是黑格尔逻辑学第一篇关于从“存在


16、“无”。较之“存在”和“无”概念,它是具体的,是逻辑发展历史进程中第一个拥有内涵的具体概念,不像“存在”与“无”概念那样几无内涵。然而,单凭其有内涵,我们是无法获得“变易”的规定性的,因为它是彻底的不安息,不能持有自身。欲赢得其规定性,也许有必要从其外延入手。附释2:“不安息”让人联想到赫拉克利特的“火”,即那个“过去、现在和将来都是在一定分寸上燃烧着、在一定分寸上熄灭着的永恒的活火。”当然,我们也会同时想到第一个研究存在的哲学家巴门尼德和他的话:“惟独存在2一旦“变易”取得了规定,在黑格尔看来,它就成为“特定存在”(或“持存之在”、“定在”)。附释3:黑格尔哲学中,有“特定存在”(“定在”)和“持存之在”(“持续存在”或“持存”)两个概念,用的都是Dasein。但“定在”和“持存”在含义上并不相同,这是本文将要存疑和分辨的地方,下文第二章第四节附释2将看到本文做出的分析和区分,表明“特定存在”不等于“持续存在”。问 题 恰 恰 就 出 现 在 这 里 :“ 变 易 ” 取 得 规 定


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