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1、1、thanks to 多亏了2、a series of 一系列3、make sacrifices 做出牺牲4、convenient and time-saving 方便省时5、shopping online 网上购物6、shopping in a department store 在商场购物7、measure v. 测量8、Pride comes before a fall.骄者必败9、Be proud of=take pride in 以为傲10、 A sense of national pride 名族自尊心*11、 Put ones pride into ones pocket 抑制自

2、尊心12、 In the pride of ones life 在年富力强的时期13、 Be replaced with 被取代14、 Replace A with B B 取代 A15、 Have a capacity of 有容量16、 Range from to 从到不等The ceil phone at the store range from cheap to extremely expensive.17、 Be famous / well-known / fabled / celebrated / legendary / renowned for 以出名18、 Ill fame =

3、 notorious19、 Be notorious / infamous for20、 Prestigious 著名的*21、 Celebrity 名人22、 Be famous overnight 一夜成名23、 Media hype 炒作24、 Paparazzi / puppy 狗仔队25、 Talent show 选秀26、 Love affairs 绯闻27、 Gossip 八卦28、 Sneak shot / spy shot 偷拍29、 Flaunt wealth 炫富30、 Scandal 门*31、 Elite 精英32、 Glamorous 光鲜亮丽的33、 Stan /

4、 an obsessive fan / hard-score fan / die-hard fan 铁杆粉丝34、 Have a corrupting influence 有腐败的影响35、 Cling to 依靠36、 Ceaseless 不停的37、 Patent 给予专利权38、 Be different from what they used to be 与原来不同39、 Be around 在傍边If you ever need any money, I will be around to help you.40、 In case 以防万一*In case it rains, wel

5、l cancel our picnic.41、 Traumatize 心里受创42、 Under the supervision of 在的监控下43、 Draw in 吸引 = appeal to 44、 Draw up a conclusion 下结论45、 Play a crucial role 扮演重要角色46、 Be suspended from school for a week 停学一周47、 Wait in suspense 心神不定地等48、 Be expelled from school 开除49、 Inferior 低级的 superior 高级的*50、 Power t

6、ends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely. 权力倾向腐败,绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。51、 Hardly had sb. Done when =no sooner had sb. Done than 一就52、 Employer employee 53、 Recruit 招募54、 By accident= by chance =by coincidence 偶然55、 Genre n. style 文学艺术风格What is your favorite genre of literature?56、 Dread 害怕 drea

7、d doing sth. Most kids dread going to the dentists.57、 Be desperate for sth.渴望某物58、 Rebellious 造反的Alex is very rebellious as a teenager. 59、 Drift from to 60、 Controversial 有争议的*61、 Unprecedented 史无前例的62、 Emission 排放物63、 Enemy fleet 敌舰64、 Drastic= extreme 极端的65、 Go on a diet 控制饮食She went on a diet to get rid of the bulge.( 赘肉)66、 This is a very flattering dress. (使身材好的)67、 Grain 条纹68、 Sturdy 耐用的 wear sturdy shoes 穿耐用的鞋69、 Clearance 清仓大甩卖Everything on clearance is half price.70、 Refund 退货*71、 Equate with 视同72、 The restaurant serves authentic Cantonese food.73、 Boutique 精品店74、 Parasite 寄生虫


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