漫画角色名称 - 图片参考

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1、 漫画角色名称 图片参考 角色简介 体积 1. 王小虎 Tiger Wong 作品: 龙虎门漫画 作家: 黄玉郎 角色: 王小虎 龙虎门大当家,武功高强,有腿 王之誉;为人富正义感,无惧恶 势力,好抱不平,联同一众龙虎 群英儆恶惩奸, 令歹徒闻风胆丧!Comic: Oriental Heroes Author: Tony Wong Yuk-long Character: Tiger Wong Big master of the Dragon Tiger Gate, known as the “King of Kickers” because he excels at martial arts.

2、 With a strong sense of justice, Tiger protects the weak and fights against powerful and evil forces without any fear. He punishes evildoers together with other heroes of the Dragon Tiger Gate, frightening all gangsters away!高度: 3000mm 宽度: 1200mm 厚度: 500mm 重量: 100kgs (設於港匯室外廣場) (設於港匯室外廣場) 2 步惊云 作品:

3、天下画集漫画 作家: 马荣成 角色: 步惊云 外号:不哭死神。 天下会雄霸弟子,得以传授排云 掌。 后获天剑无名传授莫名剑 法,号称掌剑双绝。 Comic: Tin Ha Author: Ma Wing-shing Character: Cloud Cloud is nicknamed “The God of Death Who Does Not Cry”. He is a disciple of Lord Conqueror of the Under Heaven Society and was taught “Cloud Palm”, a powerful palm style of ma

4、rtial arts. Later, Nameless imparted the “Heavenly Sword” to him. He was then a master in both palm stance and swordplay. Having conquered numerous pugilists in the Kong-woo, he now reigns over half of the Central Plains. 高度: 3100mm 宽度: 1400mm 厚度: 1000mm 重量: 100kgs (設於港匯室外廣場)(設於港匯室外廣場) 3 麦兜 Mcdug 作品

5、: 麦兜麦唛 作家: 麦家碧/谢立文 角色: 麦兜 作家谢立文及麦家碧自一九九零 年开始创作麦唛麦兜漫画,其富 内涵的故事及趣致的人物造型, 深受香港读者喜爱,麦唛麦兜更 被视为香港本土文化的象征。 Comic: McMug and McDull Author: Alice Mak/ Brian Tse Character: McDull Writer Brian Tse and comic artist Alice Mak have been working on the comic of McMug and McDull since 1990. The rich content of th

6、e stories, which incorporate serious social topics with adorable cartoon images, make McMug and McDull one of the most popular comics in Hong Kong and the two figures are seen as an emblem of Hong Kong local culture. 高度: 3000 宽度: 1500 厚度: 1200 重量: 90KG (設於港匯室外廣場)(設於港匯室外廣場) 4 笔笔 Bibi - 作家: 杨学德 角色: 筆筆

7、 香港动漫嘉年华吉祥物, 由香港 漫画家杨学德先生创作。 Author: Yeung Hok-tak Character: Bibi Bibi is the mascot of the Hong Kong Ani-Com Carnival and was created especially for the event by Hong Kong comic artist Mr Yeung Hok-tak. 高度: 3200mm 宽度: 1800mm 厚度: 1800mm 重量: 120kgs 5 龙神 Dragonm an 作品: 龙神漫画 作家: 邱福龙 角色: 龙神 天界四灵神将之一,代表

8、浩然正 气,职责守护定天仪,维护宇宙 平衡;因同僚虎帝的背叛,流落 地球,成为人类世界的保卫者, 奋力抵御魔界侵略。 Comic: Dragonman Author: Yau Fok-lung Character: Dragonman One of the four heavenly warriors of Heaven, Dragonman represents awe-inspiring righteousness. He is responsible for defending Heaven and the universe. Betrayed by his fellow Hudi, h

9、e was left stranded on earth and became a guard against evil forces for the human world. 高度: 1900mm 宽度: 1100mm 厚度: 900mm 重量: 50kgs 6 问天 Wen Tien 作品: 神兵玄奇漫画 作家: 黄玉郎 角色: 南宫问天 女娲传人,天晶之主,曾成为武 林盟主;一生光明磊落,英勇仁 义,守正辟邪,拥有凤皇之心, 臻半神之境,不死不灭,矢志不 移守护神州大地。 Comic: Weapons of the Gods Author: Tony Wong Yuk-long Char

10、acter: Nangong Wen Tien The descendant of Nwa and the master of Heavens Crystal, Wen Tien used to be the leader of the martial arts world. Wen Tien is upright and righteous and defends the world with determination and justice. 高度:1900mm 宽度:850mm 厚度: 500mm 重量: 45kg 7 乳七索 Ru Qi Suo 作品: 十八铜人漫画 作家: 邱福龙

11、角色: 乳七索 性格乐观,胸怀热血。为要成为 英雄,决定独上少林。自被挑选 为少林寺第八名铜人后,更激起 他习武的决心,终于功成下山, 化名乳太极,写下江湖前所未有 的英雄传奇。 Comic: 18 Bronze Men Author: Yau Fok-lung Character: Ru Qi Suo Ru Qi Quo is an optimist with passion in his heart. To be a hero, he decided to go to Shaolin alone. The fact that he was later selected as the eig

12、hth Bronze Man of the Shaolin Temple further encouraged him to study martial arts. Finally he succeeded and left the temple, creating the legend 高度: 2100mm 宽度: 1400mm 厚度: 700mm 重量: 50kgs of a hero in the Kong-woo with the nickname Ru Qi Suo.8 聂风 作品: 天下画集漫画 作家: 马荣成 角色: 聂风 外号:风中之神 天下会雄霸弟子,得以传授风神 腿。加上家

13、传武学傲寒六诀,号 称刀腿双绝。 Comic: Jonesky Comics Author: Ma Wing-shing Character: Wind Wind is nicknamed “God in the Wind”, a disciple of Lord Conqueror of the Under Heaven Society who was taught the “Heavenly Wind Kick”, specialising in both kicking and saber. Having conquered numerous pugilists in the Kong-

14、woo, he now reigns over half of the Central Plains. 高度:1600mm 宽度: 1700mm 厚度: 500mm 重量: 45kg 9 森巴 Samba 作品: 森巴漫画 作家: 姜志杰 角色: 森巴 来自非洲,活泼好动又力大无穷, 带着一班动物朋友在城市里弄出 不少趣事! 从剪发到大战外星人, 森巴生活的每一个片段也会让人 棒腹大笑。 Comic: Samba Author: Keung Chi-kit Character: Samba The outgoing and powerful Samba comes from Africa an

15、d crates lots of fun in the city with his animal friends! From having a hair cut to fighting aliens, every part of Sambas life is amusing. 高度: 1500mm 宽度: 1700mm 厚度: 1700mm 重量: 70kgs 10 蓝曦明 Lan Xi Ming 作品: 封魔幻想漫画 作家: 力奇 角色: 蓝曦明 封魔幻想的主角,本来是一 个平凡的中学生,因一次偶然机 会被作恶的魔族袭击,令体内的 蓝一门血统醒觉,得到惊人 力量。 其后遇上来自幻界的魔族,

16、并与他们成为朋友一起保卫和 平。 Comic: EXorcist Author: Ricky Character: Lan Xi-ming The main character of EXorcist. This ordinary student was occasionally attacked by an evil clan, which incredibly awakened his amazing inner powers. After that, he met with the evil clan from the magical world, who eventually became


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