译林牛津版模块三第二单元教学设计Project The development of characters(1)

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1、- 168 -校园英语 / 基础教育研究译林牛津版模块三第二单元教学设计 Project The development of characters(1)江苏省淮安市洪泽湖高级中学/徐丽金教学目标:1.让学生了解汉字的发展。2.使学生在小组活动中,学会相互协作。教学重难点:1.如何让学生根据汉字的形成方式来解释汉字的意义。2.学习在小组合作中如何提高英语。教学方法:“531”课堂模式下的小组合作,学生展示等教学形式。教学步骤:Step 1. 新课导入In reading,we learn English and its history. Do you want to know somethin

2、g about the development of Chinese characters? Today I will show you something about its development. Lets enjoy a short movie.汉字演变.flv . The development of Chinese characters reveals(反映)the development of our culture.【设计说明】通过与文章关联的小电影的欣赏,把学生很自然地引入到新课中,同时也挑起了他们学习课文内容的浓厚兴趣。Step 2. 小组比赛比一比,赛一赛Who can

3、draw some pictures to show the development of a certain word?【设计说明】小组比赛,更容易激发学生的学习热情,让他们自然而然地再次被吸引到文章主题上去。Step 3. 阅读理解1.快速阅读Answer the following questions:1)Who first invented Chinese writing?2)When did the Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese characters?【设计说明】通过快速阅读,培养了学生迅速寻找有用信息的能力,使他们初

4、步对课文的体裁和内容有所了解。2. 仔细阅读(任务1.) 回答问题:1)How old is the Chinese writing?2)How did Cang Jie invent Chinese writing?3) Were all characters developed from drawings of objects?4)How did the character of “mountain” develop over time? Can you give any other examples?(任务2.) 段落大意概括:(小组合作)1. Brief introduction of

5、 Chinese characters2. The origins of Chinese characters 3-4. Form and development of Chinese characters5. Simplified Chinese characters(任务3.) 任务型阅读The 1._ of Chinese charactersA man named Cang Jie 2._ Chinese writing. It is 3. _ from western languages. It uses characters to 4._ for ideas instead of

6、5._an alphabet. Some characters have been 6._and others have been made more difficult over time. In the 1950s the Chinese 7._ introduced simplified Chinese characters and now they have been used8._ in Chinas mainland【设计说明】通过回答问题,概括文章的段落大意和任务型阅读的练习,让学生进一步加深对课文的了解。Step 4. 课堂巩固Show pictures about diffe

7、rent types of characters to the students,and then do some exercises about it.【设计说明】巩固练习的设立,让学生对本节课所学内容做到心中更加明确。Step 5. 小组讨论Nowadays there are so many borrowed words in our language. Please cite some examples and talk about whether it is necessary for us to use such words.Examples:迷你:英语MINI的音译,超短裙。富士

8、:英语FUJI的音译,日本的著名的胶片。布丁:英语PUDDING的音译,西餐中的一种甜点心。金利来:译自英语GOLDENLION,原意为金狮,一种品牌。【设计说明】通过学生分组讨论,有效地锻炼了他们分析事物的能力,从而使本节课内容达到升华,在他们脑海中留下了更为深刻的印象。Step 6. 课堂总结【设计说明】通过课堂回顾,让本节课所学内容在学生脑海又重新闪现了一遍,从而让他们不容易遗忘。Step 7. 家庭作业Find more information on the Internet about the development of Chinese characters. 【设计说明】通过网络阅读,提高学生搜寻、定位、整合信息的能力,为下一课时的图册制作实现素材的积累。教后记:通过本节课的学习,让学生对汉字的发展有了深入的了解,学生们对这节课也是很有兴趣的,从象形字,会意字,指事字到形声字,无一不给他们留下深刻的印象。在以后的教学中,我觉得应该注重这方面的开导,注意开拓学生们的视野,让他们对外面的世界,中国的文化瑰宝有更进一步的认识,同时,不断训练他们的阅读技巧,提高他们的阅读水平。


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