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1、国防科学技术大学硕士学位论文偏振光蒙特卡罗大气传输模型及其应用研究姓名:张华伟申请学位级别:硕士专业:物理学指导教师:杨俊才2010-11国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 第 V 页 摘 要 利用光在混浊介质中传输的偏振效应,人们在大气领域获得了许多新进展。本文针对混浊大气中常规紫外通信保密度不高以及目标识别深度不大这两个基本问题, 建立了偏振光在大气中传输的蒙特卡罗模型, 旨在给出可信的计算数据,以指导大气相关领域的研究。 深入分析了大气的粒子组成特征, 从散射特性上对光信号的传输过程进行分析;通过对比几种解决辐射传输问题的数值解法,显示出蒙特卡罗方法在处理此类问题上的优越性。 运用斯托

2、克斯/米勒矩阵方法,利用子午面法建立大气光传输的偏振蒙特卡罗模型; 通过与聚苯乙烯悬浊溶液背向散射米勒矩阵图样和累加法的计算结果进行对比来验证偏振传输模型的正确性。 利用偏振大气模型对紫外光非视线量子保密通信的可行性进行探讨, 利用误码率和搜索复杂度对不同大气条件下偏振基个数的选取进行讨论,结果表明,角度是影响系统误码率的主要因素,距离其次,散射粒子半径的影响最小;在接收端能够进行偏振分离的情况下, 利用相位编码实现小角度的紫外光非视线量子通信是有可能的。 基于偏振模型对混浊大气中提高目标识别度的方法进行研究, 通过对背向散射光强度、解偏振度以及偏振度在不同条件下的仿真结果对比,得出了偏振度识

3、别相对于传统识别方法能够有效提高目标物体识别深度的适用范围; 同时对利用后向散射光进行目标识别的最佳波长进行讨论。 总之,本文利用偏振光传输模型对混浊大气中的一些新应用进行了探讨,模拟结果表明, 利用光的偏振效应能够有效解决紫外通信的保密性低和目标识别深度小的问题,部分计算结果在国内外尚属首创。 关键词: 偏振光;大气传输;蒙特卡罗方法;背向散射米勒矩阵;非视线紫外量子通信;偏振度;目标识别; 国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 第 VI 页 ABSTRACT There has been a great achievement in obtaining information of atm

4、osphere by use of the polarization characteristic in recent years. To enhance the security in general ultraviolet communication and increase the distance of target recognition, we provide a theoretical model in this thesis. Results drawn form this model have a significant effect on guiding the resea

5、rch in atmosphere. The component characteristic of particles in atmosphere is discussed particularly in the thesis. And the propagation of signal is described by analyzing the scattering effect between atmospheric particles and photons. Then we make a detail comparison between several numerical solu

6、tion methods used in solving radiative transfer problem and find that the Monte Carlo method has an intrinsic advantage than others. A Monte Carlo model of polarized light transmitting in atmosphere is present by use of the Stokes/Mueller formalism and Meridian planes method. Then an experiment is d

7、esigned to record the backscattering Mueller matrix patterns of the polystyrene-sphere suspension. We find that the simulated results are the same as the experiment ones. Based on the above model, bit error rate (BER) and search complexity (SC) which determine the polarization bases are simulated wi

8、th different particle sizes, communication distances and elevations. Results show that the third factor plays a more important part than the former two in the choice of polarization base number. Low BER Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) ultraviolet quantum communication can be realized only in system where t

9、ransmit and receive elevations are small. Three different methods used for target recognition in turbid atmosphere are simulated. Results show that the DOP recognition has a better performance than the intensity and degree of depolarization (DOD) measurements. The best choice of wavelength for targe

10、t recognition is also discussed in this thesis. In a word, a detail discuss in the application of polarized light transport in atmosphere is present in this thesis. Simulation results show that the DOP method can solve the above problems well. A few results have never been seen in other papers. Key

11、Words:polarized light; transmit in atmosphere; Monte Carlo method; backscattering Mueller matrix; Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) ultraviolet quantum communication;Degree of Polarization; target recognition; 国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 第 III 页 表 目 录 表 2.1 气溶胶粒子的尺度范围. 6 表 3.1 偏振态对应的斯托克斯矢量. 14 表 3.2 光学元件的米勒矩阵. 15 表 3

12、.3 探测光强与起偏检偏的对应关系. 24 表 3.4 探测光强表示出的矩阵元素. 25 表 3.5 反射光s分量和p分量相位变化. 26 表 3.6 蒙特卡罗方法与Evans透射结果比较 . 28 表 3.7 蒙特卡罗方法与Evans反射结果比较 . 28 表 4.1 各物体反射米勒矩阵. 37 国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 第 IV 页 图 目 录 图 2.1 大气臭氧浓度分布. 5 图 2.2 三种尺度粒子的散射强度的角分布型式. 8 图 2.3 散射示意图. 9 图 3.1 蒙特卡罗模拟示意图. 17 图 3.2 子午面定义. 17 图 3.3 偏振蒙特卡罗流程图. 22 图 3.4 背向散射矩阵实验光路示意图. 25 图 3.5 背向散射矩阵实验光路图.



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