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1、Scanned by CamScanner淮安区循环差异教学20 16年春季学业质量阶段监测七年级英语试题第0卷(选择题共55分)1听力测试(共20小题每小题1分满分20分)第部分听对话回答问题听两遍1What is Neil doing?A, TB c2 When will Mum c ome ba ck ho m e?A E Bc3What is you r uncle?A:? ,B B c4 What is br oken in Simons ho me? C5Wnere are they talk ing?AIn a shop BIn a 1ibra ry C1n a post of

2、fice 6How do es Stephe n u s u al1y go to schoor)ABy bus BBy bikeCOn footL级英ilti式题第1页(共8页)Scanned by CamScanner7W hich city do e s Ann a kn ow v ery we1= ABeij i n9 BMosc owCLondo n8W hat time is it n ow?AIts 7 : 1 2Blts 20 : 07Ct 5 7 : 209How many offic e buildings are there in the schoo1ATwoB丁 h r

3、e e0Doe s the boy get up e a rly at the weeke nd?AYe she do e s1 3 NoHe do e s ntCWe dont know第部分听对话和文谷厘【山两起1 1What are they talk ing about?AFilm sBSo ngsCSports! 2nwhich ye ar wil s their fo otball star bomAIn 1997BIn 1979CIn 970听第篇短文回答第旧1 i 小医清根据短文内容选择正确答案完成信息记录表Grandpa! s Glas se sWhat Gr a ndpa

4、h a pair of 3 gla sse sW here He often 1e ave s the m in 4How They ofte n dr op out of his 1513 Are ading Bsu n Cdark14Athe sofa Uthe s uper market Cthe car15 Apaper bag Bpo cket Cshopping bag 听第篇短文回答第1620小题6How m any pe ople are ther e in Jen nys family?AThre e BFo ur CFive17Doe s Je nnys father of

5、ten stay at home?AYeshe do es BNoHe doesnt CSorrywe do nt know 18What do es her mother want to be?AAn offic e worker BA doctor CA teacher 9That does her mother think otherjob ABusy 131nteresting cNot intere sting20Why does her bm t her Jack like his workqABe c ause he can m e et many new frie ndsBBe

6、 c aus e he c a n e al nice dCBe c ause he can get a 1ot of m o neyLijr.iz 1 iti r 2 iJc (j k* doCFiveScanned by CamScannerII单项选择(共15小题每小题1分满分15分l从A、BCD四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案 。2 1Jack is fr o m U KHe is English boyAa n, the Bthe ; a Cthe ; a n Da ; the22 The playgrou nd of ou r s cho o1 is the be st pl

7、ac efo otballAplaying Bto play Cp1ays Dplay23 We all 1ike the song Gangn am Style because itInterestingAta stes Bs m el1s Cs ou nds D1o oks24Your hous e is difre r e ntou rsYou have a ho usea be a utiful garde nA*om ha s Ba s, with Cfr o m with Das; ha s25T he volunte ers ca n help us fix thingsBr o

8、ken c ompute rsA1 ike Bis 1ike Ca r e like Dlo ok like26H is u ncle is a policemanHe wor ks in n e ar our s choolAthe po st of fic e Bthe s uper market Can office Dthe po1 ic e station27 Therea wo nder fui basketball match on CCTV5 this afte rno o nAis going to have Bis going to be Cwill have Dhave2

9、8 Tony with his fami1yIn a big and modern city nowAlive Blive s C1iving Dlived29Dont fo rget to tu r n of the lights whe n yo u le aveAYe s , I doBNoI dont CYes , I will DNo , I wont 30 The ma n in blu e is my n eighbourH is f1at is next toAm e Bmy Cmine DI31My parents always a sk meMy bedroom on Sa

10、turdayAcle a n Bc1ea n s Cclea ning Dto clean32Saturday is c o mingHele n do e snt kno wFor her ho1 idayAwhe re to go Bto go where Cwhere to go to Dto go to where 33Hellom ay 1 spe ak to Jan e?Am Ja ne BWho are yoL1?CThis is Jane spe ak ing DIm Jane speaking 34we go to Sha ohu Lake this weekend?Good

11、 de a!AShal1 1 3Are CHo w about DWhy 35T here iswith iny ra dioIt tlo esnt workAa nyth ing wr o ng Bs omething wro ng (nothing wro ng Dn ot anything wrongL1 $H ijf)Scanned by CamScanner满分加分)1xJ.头卜面短夏节!其人意然后从件题所给的四个选Jl厄!选出个最佳答案Little To m is tour !e a rs oldHis pare nts a re both workersThey ar e v e

12、ry 36 all dayand c a n n ot lo ok after him 37 To m live s with his grand1Ti a in a s1 Tiall village and it is not38 his houseSo he can 39 weeke nds with his parents every w eekHis gra ndrTia like sto 40 him interesting things abo tit their familyTom is happy to 4 1 thatOne dayTo1 Tl is at ho m e wi

13、th his fatherHe askswa s I born in Eng1a ndDad?“Ye s , you were“his father answers: Were you bor n in 42 ?Tom a sks Yes , I wa s“His father answers“And is it true that Mum was born in the usA?“To m a sks 43 His father says,“Yes ,Tom s aid,Be ca LIs e Grandm a tel1s me that we thr ee w ere bor n in 4

14、5 c o untriesc ant understand how we all c an me et together436 Abusy Bfree37Agood Bright 38Ain o nt of Bne xt to 39Aspend Bbuy40AaskBs ay4AreadBwrite42AJapan BAinerica43Am or e Bmuch44AOK Bright45Asame Bd ifferenttv阅读理解(共10小题每小题1钒Cfrie ndly DhappyCwell DniceCfar fro m DnearCtake Dc ostCspeak DtellC

15、know DlistenCthe USA Dthe UKCtwic e DlateCall right Dof c ourseCbig Dwe stern 满分10分) 阅读厂面短文从所给的四个选项中选出个最佳答案AHi! Let me te1l you s o mething about my beautiful hou s eIlive in a nice and new buildingThe bui1d ing has eighteen 11oorsThere are abotit eighty fami1ies in the bui1 dingThat is to sayabout two hu ndred a nd forty people live in the building My ho me is on the eleventh ilo orWe have two bedro om s and a living ro omThey ar e big and clea nThere are a lot of big tr ee s and b


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