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1、 1 天路導向(粵)雙語講義天路導向(粵)雙語講義天路導向(粵)雙語講義天路導向(粵)雙語講義 積極生活的秘訣積極生活的秘訣積極生活的秘訣積極生活的秘訣 1 SECRETS OF POSITIVE LIVINGSECRETS OF POSITIVE LIVINGSECRETS OF POSITIVE LIVINGSECRETS OF POSITIVE LIVING - 1 1. Hello, listening friends, and welcome to this broadcast. 親愛的朋友,你好,歡迎你收聽我們的節 目。 2. Today, I want to talk to yo

2、u about how to live a positive life. 今天我要跟你談談,怎樣過一個積極的人 生。 3. This is different from positive thinking. 這跟積極思維不同, 4. Positive thinking is all about yourself. 積極思維以自我为中心。 5. Positive thinking requires constant self motivation and self affirmation. 積極思維需要不斷地自我鼓勵,自我肯定。 6. It is telling yourself that, “

3、I can do it” and “I can do it.” 也就是,不斷地對自己說:“我做得到,我 做得到。” 7. The problem with that is when you face a great obstacle, 問題是,當你面對一個極大的困難時, 8. and positive affirmation is not enough, 自我肯定不足以解決問題, 9. youll spend more days being down than being up. 那時,你將不再積極向上,反而是垂頭喪 氣。 10. And you will become dependent o

4、n people who will prop you up. 而且,你將要倚賴那些奉承你的人。 11. But heres the good news. 但我要告訴你一個好消息。 12. In this new series of messages called, The Secrets of Positive Living, 我們新的系列信息,主題是:積極生活的秘 訣。 13. I will tell you the secret of how the apostle Paul stayed positive all the time. 我要告訴你,使徒保羅如何保持積極生活的 秘訣。 14.

5、 I will share with you the secrets of positive living. 我要跟你分享,積極生活的秘訣。 15. Even when everything went wrong in his life, Paul was positive. 雖然保羅一生遭遇許多挫折,他總是積極樂 觀的。 16. When you read Pauls second letter to the Corinthians, 當你查考保羅所寫的哥林多后書, 17. you will be amazed at how much suffering he endured. 看到他忍受那

6、么多的痛苦,你會感到很驚 訝。 18. But he not only survived, he thrived. 他不但沒有被打垮,反而更有活力。 19. Paul was surrounded by negative people. 保羅身邊都是敵對他的人。 20. He was surrounded by negative situations. 保羅所處的都是負面的局勢。 21. He was surrounded by negative circumstances. 他四周都是對他不利的處境。 22. And yet Paul was able to live positively

7、through all of these negatives. 在所有的逆境中,保羅仍然活得積極起勁。 23. There are fifteen secrets for positive living. 積極生活的秘訣一共有 15 項。 24. And we can find the first one in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 1-14. 從哥林多后書第 1 章 1-14 節那裡,我們可以 看到第一個秘訣。 25. Let us read it together. 請聽我讀這段經文。 (林后 1:1-14) 林后 1:1-林后 1:14 2 1奉神

8、旨意作基督耶穌使徒的保羅和兄弟提 摩太,寫信給在哥林多神的教會,並亞該亞 遍處的眾聖徒。 2願恩惠、平安從神我們的父和主耶穌基督 歸與你們! 3願頌讚歸與我們的主耶穌基督的父神,就 是發慈悲的父,賜各樣安慰的神。 4我們在一切患難中,他就安慰我們,叫我 們能用神所賜的安慰去安慰那遭各樣患難的 人。 5我們既多受基督的苦楚,就靠基督多得安 慰。 6我們受患難呢,是为叫你們得安慰,得拯 救;我們得安慰呢,也是为叫你們得安慰; 這安慰能叫你們忍受我們所受的那樣苦楚。 7我們为你們所存的盼望是確定的,因为知 道你們既是同受苦楚,也必同得安慰。 8弟兄們,我們不要你們不曉得,我們從前 在亞西亞遭遇苦難,

9、被壓太重,力不能勝, 什至連活命的指望都絕了; 9自己心裡也斷定是必死的,叫我們不靠自 己,只靠叫死人復活的神。 10他曾救我們脫離那極大的死亡,現在仍 要救我們,並且我們指望他將來還要救我 們。 11你們以祈禱幫助我們,好叫許多人为我 們謝恩,就是为我們因許多人所得的恩。 12我們所誇的是自己的良心,見證我們憑 著神的聖潔和誠實;在世为人不靠人的聰 明,乃靠神的恩惠,向你們更是這樣。 13我們現在寫給你們的話,並不外乎你們 所念的,所認識的,我也盼望你們到底還是 要認識; 14正如你們已經有幾分認識我們,以我們 誇口,好像我們在我們主耶穌的日子以你們 誇口一樣。 26. Today, wel

10、l focus on the first secret. 今天我們就集中來看第一個秘訣。 27. And I call it the inflow/outflow equation. 我稱之为收入與支出的方程式。 28. When you understand this equation, 當你明白了這道方程式, 29. you will begin to grasp the first step to positive living. 你就能掌握積極生活的第一步。 30. Listen again to what the Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Pa

11、ul to write in verses 3-5. 請再聽一次聖靈啟示保羅所寫下的經文,第 3 到第 5 節。 31. “Praise be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, “願頌讚歸與我們的主耶穌基督的父神, 32. the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 就是發慈悲的父,賜各樣安慰的神, 33. who comforts us in all our troubles 我們在一切患難中,祂就安慰我們, 34. so that we can comfort those

12、in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 叫我們能用神所賜的安慰,去安慰那遭各樣 患難的人。 35. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, 我們既多受基督的苦楚, 36. so also, through Christ, our comfort overflows.” 就靠基督多得安慰。” 37. In this evil world in which we live, 在我們所處的這個邪惡的世界, 38. th

13、ere are diseases, 有疾病, 39. there are difficulties, 有艱難, 40. there are disappointments, 有失望, 41. there are disillusionments, 理想的破滅, 42. there is despair, 絕望, 43. there is sorrow and loss. 憂傷失落, 44. They are all inevitable. 都是無可避免的。 45. All these things Satan loves to use against Gods people. 這些都是撒但最喜

14、歡用來對付神百姓的手 法。 3 46. Why? 为什么? 47. In order that they may be discouraged, 這樣就可以打擊他們,使他們灰心。 48. in order that they may not accomplish great things for God, 這樣就可以打擊他們,使他們不再为神成就 大事。 49. in order that they may not make a difference in the world. 這樣就可以打擊他們,使他們不再扭轉這個 敗壞的世界。 50. You can try propping yoursel

15、f up all you want. 你可以想盡辦法給自己打氣, 51. But at best, that is going to be a temporary solution. 但充其量也只有短暫的效果。 52. The truth is this 事實上, 53. whenever we hit one of the many walls in life, 我們在人生中所遭遇的每一堵高牆, 54. there is God. 神都在那裡。 55. What about God? 神要做什么? 56. He is ready to give you more comfort and pr

16、opping up than you can handle. 祂在那裡要給你安慰,給你打氣,超出你所 求所想。 57. He is ready to get you up and running faster than ever. 祂在那裡要扶持你起來,給你加油,讓你可 以跑得更快。 58. Pauls second epistle to the Corinthians has been described as the most intimate and personal of all of his writings. 人們說,保羅所寫的哥林多后書,是他所有 的書信中,最個人化,也最親切的一卷。 59. He reveals to us his inner pain, 他向我們透露了他內心的痛苦, 60.


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