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1、上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 I常州市观光农业发展研究 摘 要 观光农业是旅游业发展到一定阶段后,旅游业向农业延伸而形成的一种新型复合型产业,具有“农游合一”的性质。观光农业是我国在 20 世纪 80 年代末新兴起的一种旅游形式,迎合了旅游者回归自然、注重体验、旅游频率高、旅途短的旅游需求,发展迅速。但对观光农业理论的研究还主要停留在对基本概念、资源开发和区域发展的描述性论述上,缺乏理论研究的系统性。 常州市观光农业的发展是随着城市化进程的不断加快和农业结构的不断调整优化而发展起来的。常州市有着良好的农业自然环境、优越的区位条件、雄厚的经济基础、完善的基础设施、发达的

2、农业科技等有利于观光农业发展的条件。近年来,常州市观光农业发展迅速,已经成为常州旅游业的重要组成部分,同时也是提高常州郊区农业的附加值、优化郊区产业结构的重要手段。常州市各级政府对深化农业结构调整,发展休闲观光农业十分重视,出台了许多扶持政策,有效地促进了休闲观光农业的发展和壮大。常州市观光农业虽然近几年蓬勃兴起,观光农业项目数量增加较快,市场需求也较大,但在发展中还存在一些不容忽视的问题,在实践探索中存在着一些问题和误区。上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 II例如从行业整体来看, 常州市观光农业处于发展的初级阶段, 各景区(点)分散布局在郊区各处,缺乏科学合理的统一规划

3、;景区(点)大多规模比较小,构想和建设的起点低等等。本文试图对常州的观光农业进行一些理论上的研究,旨在探索其中的规律性,并提出进一步推进常州市观光农业的发展的政策建议,以促使其健康有序地发展。这可能对指导全国其它地区观光农业的发展也会具有借鉴的意义。 本论文共分六个部分:第一部分是论文的绪论部分,对国内外研究的成果进行综述并分析了常州市关于观光农业研究的现状,从而找到本论文的切入点,然后界定了观光农业的概念并介绍了论文的研究目标、研究内容、研究方法和研究框架;第二部分从观光农业的概念、特征和国内外发展概况三个方面,对观光农业进行了分析;第三部分对常州市观光农业发展现状进行了分析,对客源市场科学

4、定位和市场细分,并对旅游者的旅游行为进行了分析,在对市场调查结果分析的基础上,指出常州市观光农业客源市场结构以受过高等教育的常州市中青年为主体,并用动态的眼光把长三角地区(不包括常州市)定位为潜力市场,并分析了经营主体的类型、布局及其产品和营销;第四部分在论述了常州市观光农业发展背景的基础上用SWOT分析法分析了常州市观光农业发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战;第五部分提出了常州市观光农业发展策略,具体阐述了整体规划策略、产业布局的策略和市场营销策略,进而对政府工作提出了可行性建议;第六部分是结论上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 III部分,对本论文进行了总结。 关键词:常州,

5、观光农业,发展 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 IVSTUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM IN CHANGZHOU ABSTRACT The agritourism is developing as a new style of tourism activity,when the tourism extents to agriculture. The agritourism is a complex type of the tourism,so its character is agriculture and tourism i

6、n one. Agritourism developed at the end of 1980s as a new tourism style. It catered for needs of the tourists, such as coming back to nature, the high frequency tour, the short way tour and so on.So it develops rapidly. But the study of the agritourim is only stabilizing on the conception of the agr

7、itourism, the development of the resources and the area development of the agritourism,lacking of the systematicness of the academic study. The agritourism in Changzhou developed with expediting of the urbanisation and the adjustment of the agricultures structure. There are favourable natural enviro

8、nment, superior area position, rich economic base and developed science and technology of agriculture in Changzhou. In recent years, Changzhou agritourism rapid development of agriculture, 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 VChangzhou has become an important component of the tourism industry, but also incr

9、ease the added value of agriculture suburbs of Changzhou, optimize the industrial outskirts of the important means. Changzhou City governments at all levels to deepen the adjustment of agricultural structure, the development of agritourism attaches great importance to agriculture, introduced a numbe

10、r of supportive policies, effective in promoting the agritourism development and growth of agriculture. Changzhou agritourism Although agriculture in recent years have mushroomed and Tourism rapid increase in the number of agricultural projects, the market demand for larger, but in the course of dev

11、elopment there are still some problems can not be ignored in practice and exploration, there are some problems and errors. For example, from the industry as a whole, Changzhou agritourism development of agriculture in the primary stage of the scenic spot (point) scattered throughout the layout in th

12、e suburbs, the lack of scientific and rational unified planning; scenic spots (points) are relatively small scale, and the idea of building a starting point Low, and so on. Changzhou in this paper attempts to carry out some of the tourism agriculture theoretical study, which aims to explore the laws

13、, and further promote the Changzhou agritourism development policy proposals to promote its healthy and orderly development. Studying the agritourism in 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 常州市观光农业发展研究 VIChangzhou is value in directing the development in China. There are six Parts in this Paper: the first Part is the in

14、troduction of the Paper. In this Part the overview abou the abroad and China is more important,and it also discusses upon the concept of the agritourism,the studying method,the Partition of the studying area and the studying frame. The second Part we systematically analyze agritourism from three asp

15、ects, the conception, the peculiarity, and also its development at home and abroad. The Third Part focuses orientation, the marking subdivision and the analyze of the tourists behavior. The paper analyzes the result of the market research, then points out the tourists marking character is most composed by the adults who have received the higher education. In a trending idea the paper thinks the wide range Yangtze River Delta as the potential market, the products and marketing of the managing body. The Fourth Part



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