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1、华中科技大学硕士学位论文第三方物流在XX集团公司可行性投资规划分析姓名:刘战飞申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:马士华20040401I摘 要 本篇论文以一个具体的企业为背景阐述了它的整个物流方案在文章中对物流理论只作了一笔带过式的处理首先从分析该企业的背景入手阐述该企业投资物流公司的客观现实其次从集团公司的物流现状下笔分析了当前的市场形势有较大的发展空间和客户的要求如把其他一些虽然极为重要但不是其核心业务的职能如运输仓储分捡配送等物流环节外包给专业的物流服务商并与这些企业保持紧密合作的关系分析了集团公司原有物流系统存在的问题分析了公司为什么要投资物流公司与投资物流公司有什么价值并且从

2、三个方面分析了投资物流公司的必要性再次从物流公司的市场定位集团公司的物流市场定位在长江三角洲和珠江三角洲的家电日用化工轻型建材等行业的产品的仓储运输配送以及一些其他小批量货物的网络快速运输运作模式(仓储 运输 配送和网络快速运输)和运作的具体方案(措施)方面层层详述包括了物流中涉及的仓储运输配送和快运等方面既有操作流程又有具体可执行和控制的细节文件最后分析了集团公司投资物流公司的可行性包括公司的管理难度分析 客户计划的衔接 产品先进先出工作的控制和沟通等方面分析了物流公司的财务情况如固定资产投资管理费用损益分析资本投资决策分析通过财务状况和投资可行性的分析总结并给出了 XX 集团公司投资 3P

3、L具体可行性的分析报告 这篇论文为那些大而全的企业特别为那些还在做自身物流而又没有成本优势的企业提供了一个理论依据和可以参考的实际例子也为那些欲进入物流领域的资金提供了一些可以参考的意见 关键词第三方物流 物流运作 投资可行性 IIAbstract This paper takes a concrete enterprise as the backgrounds, have explained its whole logistics scheme. In the paper, have only done the treatment of the saying little about typ

4、e to the logistics theory. First of all, start with analyzing the background of this enterprise and explain the objective reality of this enterprise investment logistics company. Secondly, start writing or painting from the logistics current situation of the group company, have analyzed the present

5、market situation (There is bigger development space) and the customers request, such as, it is not the function of its key business though some other one is extremely important, such as logistics links, such as transporting, storage, assigning to picking up, providing and delivering, etc, wrap up to

6、 the specialized logistics facilitator outside and keep the close and cooperative relation with these enterprises. Have analyzed the existed problem in the original logistics system of group company .It is analyzed why the company wants to invest logistics company and what value the company will hav

7、e in the investment of logistics company and has analyzed the necessity of the logistics company of investment from three parts. Moreover, that from the market orientation of the logistics company (The market orientation of logistics of the group company is: electrical appliances, daily-use chemical

8、 industry, light-duty building materials storage, transport, provide and deliver of products of trade and some other fast freight in the Changjiang Delta and Zhujiang River Delta) and operation mode (Storage, transportation, provides and delivers and fast freight) and the concrete respects of scheme

9、 (measure) of operation is stated in details. Including the respects, such as storage, transportation, providing and delivering and fast freight that involved in the logistics, etc. There are not only the procedure of the operation but also a detail file that can be executable and control. Finally,

10、have analyzed the feasibility of the investment logistics company of group company, IIIincluding, difficulty in management, what the customer planned is linked up, the first-in and first-out of the products that will be control and communicated, etc. Have analyzed the financial situation of the logi

11、stics company, such as, investment in fixed assets, administrative expenses, increase and decrease analysis, and capital investment decision analysis. Passing the analysis of financial situation and investment feasibility, have summarized it and provided the analysis report of concrete feasibility t

12、hat XX Group Company invests in 3PL. The paper has offered a theoretical foundation and a concrete instance that can be consulted for those enterprises that are heavy and whole or have those own logistics and do not have cost advantage specially. Have offered some suggestions that can be consulted f

13、or the money wanting to enter the logistics field too. Keywords: the third party logistics the logistics operation the feasibility of investment 11 导 论 物流价值的发现源于 20 世纪 60 年代而物流发展到现在还没有一个权威的定义在国际上最普遍采用的是美国物流管理协会(Council of Logistics Management)的定义 物流是供应链运作中以满足客户要求为目的对货物服务和相关信息在产出地和销售地之间实现高效和低成本的正向和反向

14、的流动和储存所进行的计划执行和控制的过程1 随着时间的推移企业和学术界讨论最多的是供应链第三方物流(3PL)在这篇论文中用一个具体的企业外包自己的物流业务从而探讨第三方物流是如何在该企业操作与运行的 以及它存在的问题等等 下面就从了解这个企业入手 XX 集团公司是一个民营企业从 20 世纪 60 年代一步一步发展壮大的它的成长经历同作坊式工厂发展成集团企业如出一辙 该集团的现任董事长在 20 世纪 60 年代集资 5000 元搞手工作坊 制造一些配件设备后来自制了一台电风扇经过完善后制成某某品牌的风扇产品向全国销售20 世纪 80 年代的改革开放政策让该企业进一步发展壮大从单一的风扇产品发展到


16、本最低卖给消费者的价格最2优惠就越具有优势就越能领跑行业类似 XX 集团公司的这种情况就有必要改变策略从降低成本入手专职于做自己擅长的事情比如把注意力专注于设计生产制造和营销而应该把内向物流和外向物流业务外包给其他的企业去做 基于上面的这种形势和趋势XX 集团公司内部就催生了这种物流公司这样做是很有必要也是势在必行的事 32 XX集团公司物流管理现状分析 2.1 当前的市场形势 据美国财富杂志报道目前全世界年营业额在 5000 万美元以上的公司在2001年业务外包给3PL的开支上升34% 比2000年业务外包的总开支增加近3250亿美元针对欧洲发达国家的统计第三方物流占总物流服务份额的比例德国为 23.33%法国为 26.9%英国为 34.4%意大利为 12.77%西班牙为 18%欧共体国家平均为 20%左右目前其需求仍呈增长趋势2相比之下中国第一方和第二方物流的比重比西方发达国家大得多随着生产流通领域竞争加剧第一方和第二方选择第三方承担物流服务的情况将会更加普遍这也说明国内物流外包市场有较大的发展空间 迈向 21 世纪的物流 不仅是企业战



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