山东省沂水县第一中学高中英语《unit1 the fourth period》课件 新人教版必修5

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《山东省沂水县第一中学高中英语《unit1 the fourth period》课件 新人教版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省沂水县第一中学高中英语《unit1 the fourth period》课件 新人教版必修5(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 The fourth periodTeaching methods situational teaching method ;cooperative learning method;programmed teaching method;task-based and assessmentteaching methods.Teaching aims and demands一、topic: how to organize scientific research; contributions of scientists 二、vocabulary 三、functions: talking

2、about scientific job; describing people 四、grammar : the past participle as the attribute and predicativeArrangement of teachingthe first period: warming up the second period: language points of reading the third period : reading the fourth period : learning about language and language points of usin

3、g language the fifth period: using language the sixth period: grammar the seventh period: exercises 1. victim2. physician3. analyse4. defeat5. challenge Answer key for Exercise 1 on page 46. enquiry7. pump8. blame9. absorb10.linktoAnswer key for Exercise 2 on page severesuspectedexposedexpertscurefo

4、resawconcludedannouncedattendedAnswer key for Exercise 3 on page 4:make a suggestionmake a decisionmake a planmake a contributionmake a speechmake a noisemake a changemake a descriptionmake an investigationAnswer key for Exercise 1 on page 42 1. link2. to3. polluted4. clue5. neighbourhood6. suspecte

5、d7. blame8. cure9. severe10.drew11.the conclusion12.instructed13.handles14.defeatedAnswer key for Exercise 2 on page 421256341Answer key for Exercise 3 on page 421. Apart from going to the park, I limit my movments to my neighbourhood.2. It is difficult to draw a conclusion without enough evidence.

6、3. These scientific enquiries will contribute to the success of our project.4. Gustave Eiffel was very enthusiastic about his plan to construct the iron tower, which made him world-famous.5. He often puts forward unusual plans. So be cautious about them before you decide to join in.6. Who was the fi

7、rst person to reject the idea that the earth was the centre of the universe?7. Although his writing doesnt make sense, Fred is positive that his composition will score a high mark.Answer key for exercise 1 on page 51. when he though about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. (attribute)2. He

8、immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump. (attribute)3. He became interested in two theories. (predicative)4. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. (predicative)The Past Participle Read Page 88.(DIY) (3m)From the book, we can knowThe Past Pa

9、rticipleattributepredicativeobject complementadverbialWhere the past participle is used?So many thousands of terrified people died.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people.attributepredicative2. Complete the tableterrified peoplereserved seats polluted water a crowded roo

10、m a pleased winnerpeople who are terrifiedseats which are reservedwater that is polluteda room that is crowdeda winner who is pleasedchildren who look astonished a vase that is brokena door that is closedthe audience who feel tired an animal that is trappedastonished childrena broken vasea closed do

11、orthe tired audiencea trapped animalComplete the sentences.1.He got _ about losing the money.2.Why do you always look so_ ? Do you sleep well these days?3.I was _ with the film I saw last night. I had expected it to be better.worriedtireddisappointed4. Everybody was _ to hear the death of the famous

12、 film star. 5. The children are really _ about going to the zoo. 6. His wound became _ with a new virus.shocked/ depressedexcitedinfectedWB Page 43 1. Choose appropriate verbs.1.They were _ to accept my idea.2.Ill be _ to know they made the wonderful fireworks.3.The mayor said that he was _ about th

13、e _ rise of the water level in the river bed.preparedinterestedworried continued4. Recently _ soldiers are helping to take the victims to safe areas from the flood.5.Most of the newspaper seems to be _ with pop stars.6.He was_ of going alone into the empty house.arrivedconcernedfrightenedRewrite the

14、 sentences (P43, 2)1.I found this broken plate on the floor.2.I saw a tall, dark and handsome man called Xiao Ming.3.I looked at that modern abstract painting coloured in yellows and greens.4.Yesterday I got the expected answer to my question on the Internet.5.She is my friend devoted to my interest

15、s.6.On the doorstep I found a lot of bottles marked in green ink.7.We saw many cracked windows in that room.1)表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测, 或本来 要做某事却因某种原因未做成,通常用来 说明某一情况,但不象should或ought to 那样含有责备之意。如: Yet he could not tell anyone about his theory as the powerful Christian Church would have punished him for even s

16、uggesting such an idea.Language points1) I guess the poet would have been about 20 when she wrote her first poem.2) Another worker wouldnt have acted like that.neednt have + p.p.表示做了不必做的事,相当于,译 为“其实没必要 ” should have + p.p.表示应该做某事但实际上未做,译 为“本应该 ” should not have + p.p.表示本不应 该做某事但实际上 做了,译为“本不应该” 相关知识总结: The first suggest


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