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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090280 法律硕士学位论文 我国食品召回制度的改革与完善 学 位 申 请 人 吴树甜 指 导 教 师:孟庆瑜教授 王强 学 位 类 别:法律硕士(非法学) 学 科 专 业:法律硕士 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二一二年六月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 20090280 A Dissertation for the Degree of J.M Reform and Improvement of Chinas Food Recall System Candidate:W

2、u Shutian Supervisor:Prof. Meng Qingyu WangQiang Academic Degree Applied for: Juris Master SpecialtyJuris Master University:Hebei University Date of Oral Examination:June ,2012 摘 要 I摘 要 食品召回作为一项制度在许多国家得到确立,美国、澳大利亚等国发展尤为成熟,在预防和防范不安全食品流入市场发挥了重要的作用。 我国 2009 年颁布的 食品安全法第五十三条确立该项制度,标志着我国食品安全与国际的接轨,代表着我国法治

3、的进步。但是,目前我国食品安全事件频频发生,消费者的生命健康、财产安全受到了严重的威胁,食品召回制度规定不够详细,并且漏洞百出、宽泛而宏观,并没有真正起到预防和防范不安全食品流入市场的作用, 针对这些食品召回制度的现状, 引出本文的研究目的对我国食品召回制度的改革与完善。食品召回制度作为食品安全的保护神,它的改革与完善迫在眉睫。 本文从食品召回制度的基本理论问题入手,首先界定了食品召回制度的基本概念、基本内容及发展食品召回的价值和意义;然后从食品召回制度的法律依据、监管部门、召回分类、召回级别、召回水平、召回程序及法律后果角度,横向的比较分析的方法介绍了美国、加拿大、澳大利亚新西兰的食品召回制

4、度;通过对比发达国家完善的食品召回制度,着重分析了我国食品召回制度的现状与缺陷,比如食品召回法律法规体系不完善,政治监管体制不健全,食品召回相关配套制度不完备,对违反食品召回制度的行为处罚力度轻、没有威慑力,社会监督体系不完备等等。最后针对我国食品召回制度存在的问题,借鉴外国此项制度的发展完善经验,从实际出发,以科学发展观为指导,本文从政府、企业、消费者三个层面提出完善我国食品召回制度的对策。 关键词 食品召回制度 食品召回的含义 食品召回的缺陷 完善 Abstract IIAbstract Food recall has been established as a system in man

5、y countries ,particuly mature in the the USA,Austrlia and other contries .The system has played an important role in the prevention of unsafe food from enterring the market. Food Safety Law enacted in 2009, Article 53 establishes the system, indicates that Chinas food safety and international standa

6、rds, represents the progress of the rule of law in China. However, Chinas food safety incidents occur frequently, the life and health of consumers, property safety are a serious threat because the food recall system shall not detailed enough, and be full of loopholes, broad and macro.It does not rea

7、lly play to prevent and guard against unsafe products from reaching the role of the market.To the situation of the food recall system, the auther leads to the purpose of this study on Chinas reform and improvement of food recall system .As the protection of God of food safety, the reform and perfect

8、 of food recall system becomes imminent. The paper starts from the basic theoretical problems of the food recall system, first define the basic concepts of food recall system, the basic content and the development of food recall value and significance; then the legal basis for the food recall system

9、, regulators, recall classification, level of recall, recall the level of recall procedures and legal consequences of the angle, horizontal comparative analysis of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand food recall system; compared to developed countries food recall system, chapter 3 f

10、ocuses on the analysis of defects,of Chinas food recall system.They include :the legal system is imperfect, political and regulatory system is not perfect, food recall related to system is incomplete, light penalties for violation of the food recall system behavior, there is no deterrence, social su

11、pervision system is incomplete. Finally, the paper improve Chinas food recall system from three levels of government, business, consumer response,for our food recall system exist the defects from reality,drawing on foreign development of this system to improve the experience, the guidance of scienti

12、fic concept of development. Key words food recall system the meaning of food recall foood recall of defective perfect目 录 III目 录 引 言1 第 1 章 食品召回制度的基本问题2 1.1 食品召回制度涵义揭示2 1.1.1 食品召回的概念 2 1.1.2 食品召回与食品撤回的区别3 1.2 食品召回制度的内容4 1.2.1 食品召回实施主体 4 1.2.2 食品召回的适用对象5 1.2.3 食品召回级别 6 1.2.4 食品召回分类 6 1.2.5 食品召回的后续处理6 1.2.6 食品召回的程序



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