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1、范文评析:Television as a Better Source of News Among the three mass media television, newspaper and radio (短语作引言句)I regard television as a better source of news(自己的观点,即全文的中心思想) 。 My statement that television is a better source of news (段首句用同位语从句与首段中心思 想衔接) is based on the following two reasons (对全段内容加以限

2、定). The first reason is that television can report news more quickly (层次 1). We can get the news at the same time when something is happening or immediately after something happened(拓展句). While(转折,引 出其它媒体的缺点不足)newspapers can only offer the news that happened a day or two days ago. The second reason

3、is that television can report news more vividly and impressively(层次 2). With sounds and pictures on TV, we can be deeply impressed by the news as if we were personally on the spot(拓展句举例说明). But (转折,指出不足)when we try to get news from the newspaper, we have to concentrate our mind on the lines and use

4、our imaginations to form a concrete image, which is always tiresome and time-consuming. According to the above mentioned reasons, we can easily draw a conclusion that television is really a better source of news(总结,重申首段观点).范文评析:The Main Difference between Exam-oriented Education and Quality-oriented

5、 Education Education in China used to be exam-oriented one. But with the development of education reform, quality-oriented education is stressed again and again. So there rises a question: What is the main difference (题目要点) between these two? (提问法开头) According to my understanding, exam-oriented educ

6、ation focuses on students ability of passing examinations of different levels. This education is to test the students command of knowledge they have obtained from the textbooks. So examination results are the only criterion which is used to evaluate the students whether they are “excellent” ones or

7、“bad” ones(应试教育 的主要特点). However(转折引出素质教育的特点), quality-oriented education focuses on students various qualities, including academic quality, moral quality, cultural quality, most important, their individual personality and potentialities. The main purpose of the education is to bring students practic

8、al potentialities into full play. Quality-oriented education can teach students now to face difficulties and solve problems independently. From the above comparison between exam-oriented education and quality-oriented education, we find that the latter one is superior(表明作者的倾向性). So it is time for ou

9、r universities and colleges to bring quality-oriented education into students daily life(提出建议).范文评析:Faleng Cult Should Be Banned in Our Country Faleng Cult, a superstitious organization, was abolished by our government last year(用事实 陈述作引言). Its abolition was applauded by most of the Chinese people a

10、nd the overseas Chinese(隐含式中心思想,表达作者支持取缔的态度). FalengCult should be banned because it worked against science, society and human being(段 落主题紧扣全文主题思想,并对段落内容加以限定). Faleng Cult worked against science by implanting pseudo-scientific ideas in its believers(层次名 1-“反科学”). Its main doctrine was that when peop

11、le were ill they shouldnt go to see the doctors and take any medicine, but stay at home and practice the Faleng Gong for recovery. Such a doctrine resulted in the death of many people(举例说明其危害性). Faleng cult worked against society(层次句 2-“反社会”). It urged its practitioner to demonstrate protests agains

12、t the non-believers who criticized its abnormal behaviors and some news agencies that exposed its illegal activities. Its purpose was to make chaos in our society and undermine the stability of our normal social and family life(举例说明其 危害性). Faleng Cult also worked against human beings(层次句 3-“反人类”). M

13、any followers turned out to be so indifferent to normal daily life after practicing Faleng Gong that many families were brought to the edge of bread-up. Many tragedies proved that Faleng Cult was really an evil organization(举例说明其危害性). Faleng Cults motives are very vicious(指出其邪恶本质), therefore, it sho

14、uld be rooted out in our country(点题,得出结论)。 范文评析:Is Money All Powerful? In modern society, may people are money-oriented, they believe “money talks” and they try their best to run after money (事实陈述法作引言句). While(转折,表达自己的看法)in my opinion, money is not all powerful in some aspects. I have sufficient rea

15、sons to explain my statement that money is not all powerful(段落主题句 用同谓结构重申自己观点,同时又承上启下). With money, we can only buy some material things, but not the spiritual ones(层次句 1). For example(举例说明金钱的局限性), we can buy a big house, but we may fail to have a family; We may buy any medicine with money, but we m

16、ay not have a good health. Running after money so eagerly ay lead to violations of the law and breaks of discipline(层次句 2,说明追逐金钱的危害性). Many criminals admit that they committed crimes just for the purpose of making more money. When in prison, it is too late for them to blame themselves. From the above analyses, we can see that money is not so powerful. Therefore, we should possess a correct attitude towards money and try not to be the slave of mo


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