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1、 2008 年专科英语(第 1 册)期末复习资料-I. Dialogue completion: (选择最佳的对话)(每题 分,共 分)1.Thank you for coming to meet us. A. My pleasureB. We like it very muchC. Nice to meet you.2.Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from the United States? A. How are you doing?B. Why? Yes, I am.C. Glad to meet you.3. Good morning. A. What a

2、bout you?B. Where do you work?C. Oh, hi there.4.Have you been living here long? A. Me? I guess so.B. Pleased to meet you.C. What do you do?5.Excuse me, I dont believe weve met. Im Edgar Snow. A. Have you been here long? B. Are you a student here?C. No. I dont think so.6.Good morning, managers. My na

3、me is Lynn and I come for the interview. A. Good morning, Lynn. Sit down, please.B. Could you tell us something about yourself? C. Why do you come to find a job in the summer vacation?7.Hi, Jane. Long time no see. A. No, surely notB. Sure! Where have you been this holiday?C. Call me Tom.8.May I intr

4、oduce my friend Thomas Green? We met in Paris. A. We live near by now.B. How great!C. Nice to meet you, Mr. Green.9.Excuse me, may I see the manager? A. I see, thank you, anyway. B. I am sorry, he is out. C. I am afraid I have no idea.10. Where can I find him, please? A. Well, you can find him in Ro

5、om 203, on the second floor.B. That is a good idea. C. Do you happen to know his telephone number?11. Thats right. I hope you can come. A. Can you make it?B. It would be my pleasure. C. Just yourself.12. Could I speak to Jim, please?A. Thanks a lot. Goodbye. B. I will try again laterC. I am afraid h

6、e is not in at the moment.13. Any idea when he might be back? A. Well, it should not be long.B. All right. Goodbye.C. He went out about an hour ago.14. May I make an appointment with him? A. He would be back this afternoon.B. Sure. Let me check his diary.C. Friday will be ok.15. When would you like

7、to come? A. I have a terrible pain in my back.B. I am meeting a friend at 4. C. I need an appointment as soon as possible.II从从 A,B,C,D 四选项中,选出最佳的答案。四选项中,选出最佳的答案。 (每题(每题 分,分, 总共总共 分)分)1 Dont _ such a little girl do what she cant do. A. forceB. obligeC. orderD. make2. The patients progress was encoura

8、ging as he could _ get out of bed without aid. A. hardlyB. onlyC. slowlyD. mentally3. Mr. Evans was killed in the air crash and _ his wife a large sum of money. A. gaveB. leftC. sentD. offered4. For the use of these tools, please make _ to the handbook. A. referenceB. notesC. studyD. use5. She thoug

9、ht the Frence dictionary of little _ and sold it together with the old newspaper. A. priceB. costC. expenseD. value6. No driver is allowed to drive his car into this area _ he has a special pass. A. unlessB. ifC. If onlyD. except7. - I never have meals in those dirty restaurants.- _ . A. So do I B.

10、So have I C. Nor do I D. Nor have I8. The seaman _ swim only half way before he drowned. A. couldB. mightC. was able toD. would9. The singing group _ gathered round the piano to hear the teacher play. A. wereB. wasC. whoD. that10. Is this _ umbrella I chose just now? A. aB. anC. theD. /11. Ten nimut

11、es _ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A. seemedB. seemC. is seeming D. seems12. Three years had passed. I found he had _. A. a few white hairB. a few white hairsC. some white hairD. much white hair 13. We saw a lot of _ in the field eating grass. A. cow and sheepB. cows and sheepC. cow

12、and sheepsD. cows and sheeps14. Every means _ been tried since then. A. hasB. haveC. areD. is15 _ have known each other for ten years. A. I, you and heB. He, you and I C. You, he and I D. You, he and me16 One should take care of _. A. his healthB. her healthC. their healthD. ones health17 Here is my

13、 card. Lets keep in _. A. touchB. relationC. connectionD. friendship18 She cant help _. And no one else can help her either. A. himB. himselfC. herD. herself19 After she _ her shopping list, she found she had forgotten to buy some sugr. A. checkedB. examinedC. testedD. saw20 It was not until 1920 _

14、regular radio broadcasts began. A. whileB. whichC. thatD. since21. The hero in the story is an artist in his _. A. thirtyB. thirtysC. thirtiesD. thirtieth22 They have a son of _ years old. A. twelveB. twelvesC. twelfthD. the twelfth23 We like sitting in the _ row in cinema. A. fiveB. fifthC. fifieth

15、D. the five24 Up to now, scientists have not found out how to _ patient of that disease. A. treatB deal withC. get rid of D. cure25 This took place in _. A. the 1930sB. the 1930C. a 1930sD. 1930sIII. 把把 A 栏中的英语单词和栏中的英语单词和 B 栏中的意思解释匹配:(每题栏中的意思解释匹配:(每题 分,分, 总共总共 分)分) 1 AB1.secretarya. a person who is in charge of office work 2.airportb. a kind of feeling 3.assistantc. a place for plane to land or take off mond. one who is doing helping wor


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