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1、上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “节能减排”政策的执行研究以江苏省电力公司为例 I“节能减排”政策的执行研究 以江苏省电力公司为例 摘 要 目前我国二氧化碳排放量已位居世界第二,甲烷、氧化亚氮等温室气体的排放量也居世界前列。面对日益严峻的环境现状,中国政府做出了积极的努力,在全国范围内积极实施“节能减排”政策,并要求“十一五”期间,实现单位国内生产总值能耗降低 20、主要污染物排放总量减少 10的节能减排目标。但是,好的政策需要有好的执行,才能达到甚至超过政策制定的目标。对于中国政府的“节能减排”政策能否达到效果,“十一五”节能减排目标能否实现,政府各部门,中国各行业对“节能减排”政策的有效执

2、行是关键。特别是对于煤炭消费占全国总量一半,污染排放占全国总量一半的电力行业来说,有效执行“节能减排”政策尤为关键。本文通过以江苏省电力公司为例,以公共政策执行相关理论为依据,经过充分的调查分析,论述了作为国家垄断企业的电网公司是如何在电力行业执行国家的“节能减排”政策。主要就江苏省电力公司在企业内部实施的“替代发电” 、 “电网降损”等措施以及配合政府实施“上大压小” 、 “能效电厂”建设等措施进行了详细的阐述。然后,结合对国外电力行业实施节能环保政策措施的研究,对江苏省电力公司执行“节能减排”政策的效果进行了分析,总结了其政策执行的成功之处在于:一、企业的社会主义国家垄断性质促使其具有政策

3、执行的义务和内在动力;二、为政策执行推出的各项措施都以政策实践为基础并循序渐进实施;三、注重学习国外成功的经验和方法;四、与政府相关部门密切配合政企联动等。同时分析了“节能减排”政策在电力行业执行中存在的问题:一是缺乏适合电力产业节能环保发展的完备的法律体系,二是电网公司节能减排的积极性缺乏制度的保障,三是缺乏节能减排的市场运行机制等。通过对江苏省电力公司在“节能减排”政策执行过程的详细分析,最后, 本文为 “节能减排” 政策在电力行业更好地执行提出了政策建议: 第一, 制定与 可再生能源法相配套的各项规章制度的建立,为可再生能源的开发、运用、交易、销售等各个环节提供保障,促进绿色电力产业的发

4、展;第二,实行电网企业利润与其售电量上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “节能减排”政策的执行研究以江苏省电力公司为例 II脱钩的政策,同时配套建立“节能返还”制度,保证电网公司企业“节能减排”的积极性;第三,建立“节能自愿协议”机制、 “绿色电力”交易机制等电力市场新机制,促进绿色电力产业发展;第四,建立“阶梯电价”制度,促进全民节约用电。 关键词:节能减排,政策执行,电力 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “节能减排”政策的执行研究以江苏省电力公司为例 IIIA RESEARCH ON THE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY SAVING AND EMISSION

5、 REDUCTIONTAKE AN EXAMPLE OF JIANGSU ELECTRIC COMPANY ABSTRACT Now China ranks World No.2 in terms of the CO2 emission volume, and also takes the lead on other greenhouse gases emission such as firedamp or Nitrous Oxide. Facing the more and more severe environmental situation, the government is maki

6、ng great effort to carry out the policy of energy saving and emission reduction throughout the country, and aiming the target towards reducing 20% on unit GDP energy consuming and 10% on main contamination emission during the period of 11th Five-Year Plan. But, good policy requires good execution, o

7、nly that we can reach even exceed the target. The forcefully executing the policy of energy saving and emission reduction by all industries and all ministries is the key point whether the policy really works and whether the target will be realized. Especially for the electric power supply industry,

8、which accounts for 50% of national coal consuming and also 50% of national pollutant emission.Taking the example of Jiangsu Electric Company, based on 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “节能减排”政策的执行研究以江苏省电力公司为例 IVthe theory of public policy implementation as well as thorough investigation and case study, this thesis ex

9、plains that as the state-owned monopoly enterprise, the power supply company follows up the strategic policy through self-performing the measures of ”generation substitution”、”grid energy conservation” and cooperating the national measures of ” keep and promote the large and hold or close down the s

10、mall power plants”、”Efficiency Power Plantor”. Then combining the research on energy-saving and environmental protection policies performed by overseas electric power industry, this thesis analyzes the effect of performing the policy by this company and concludes those successful experiences. Firstl

11、y the company has the enterprise nature of socialist monopoly, which urges the company to have the responsibility and motive to perform the political measures. Secondly those self-performing measures are based on political practices and carried on step by step. Thirdly the company concerns on learni

12、ng from overseas experience and methods. Lastly the company works closely with the governmental corresponding ministry and keeps some pace. The thesis also analyzes those pending problems when performing the policy. They are lack of the complete legal system matched with development of energy-saving

13、 and environmental protection in this industry,lack of fundamental support for the positivity of the power supply company and lack of the market mechanism to carry on energy saving and emission reduction. In last, this thesis proposes suggestion for better performing the policy in this industry afte

14、r detailed analyzing the performing process by Jiangsu Electric Company. Firstly, 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “节能减排”政策的执行研究以江苏省电力公司为例 Vto set up relevant rules and regulations to back up the , which would provide the protection to every steps of recovered energy including development, adoption, trade and sale a

15、nd improve the development of green power supply. Secondly, to carry on the policy of de-connection of sales profit and sales volume of the supply power company, at the same to set up the system of energy saving refund to ensure the positivity of the company to perform the policy of energy saving an

16、d emission reduction. Thirdly, to set up the new mechanism of energy-saving agreement and the new trade system of green power supply, pushing the development of green power supply industry. Fourthly, to set up the system of stager electricity price, pushing all nation to use the electricity in an saving way. KEY WORDS: energy saving and emission reduc


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