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1、 I國立新竹教育大學人力資源教育處教師在職進修 美勞教育研究所美勞教學碩士班碩士論文 指導教授:黃銘祝 傾聽與凝視 生態環境關懷之創作論述 Listening and staring The Creation Exposition of the Ecological Environments Concern 研究生:陳瑞成 Chen Jue Cheng 中華民國九十五年十二月 II摘要摘要 傾聽與凝視生態環境關懷之創作論述 傾聽與凝視生態環境關懷之創作論述 本創作研究時間於 2005 年至 2006 年間創作作品為主體。以壓克力顏料為主要媒材,內容則以台灣生態環境關懷為陳述的主軸。 台灣生態環

2、境的問題,千頭萬緒,最近幾年更是災難頻仍,為了凸顯台灣生態環境危機的嚴重性以及保護台灣生態環境的迫切性;筆者選擇此一創作主題,借著傾聽與凝視來反思這塊土地的生態環境,並以此做為筆者繪畫創作發展的主軸,配合創作理念、學理基礎相關文獻、作品形式、內容意涵呈現的分析與探討,做一理念與實務的統整。 本研究的目的,以生態環境關懷為創作論述範圍,並探討與本文有關的美學分析,及相關創作主題。本研究的理論基礎包括:寫實與後現代主義關注社會現象的人文精神、象徵主義的隱喻思想、超現實主義繪畫語言的挪用、存在主義對未來的反思。而內容主題則是列舉東、西方古代環境哲學思想之異同,及近代人類中心主義對環境造成的浩劫,及現

3、代對環境生態的省思與做法。 在本文第三章則是個人創作形式與技法媒材運用分析,將筆者內心情感世界借由各種藝術的形式傳達出來。本研究中筆者探討不同畫派的形式、技巧等風格語彙,經擇取、融合、延伸、擴展,加入在自己的繪畫符號,以期鎔鑄出自己的藝術風格。筆者歸納出以下三種創作形式風格:一、複合多重空間的呈現。二、焦點的聚散與色彩氛圍的追求。三、隱喻與象徵的呈現。另外技法與媒材運用也以以下三方面來做探討:一、寫實技法的呈現,增強畫面的視覺感動。二、質感肌理的運用,豐富畫面質感的變化。三、現成物的併用,深化畫面內涵的隱喻。 在本文第四章是創作作品分析,借由作品主題內涵與形式技巧的分析,對作品做深入的詮釋。總

4、之生態環境之創作論述係借由生態環境的議題與美學方面的探討 , 透過各種技法和形式來建構個人的創作語彙 , 傳達對土地不捨的情感 。 關鍵字:生態環境、寫實主義、人文精神 IIIAbstract Listening and staring The Creation Exposition of the Ecological Environments Concern All the creations are made during 2005-2006. Using acrylic pigment as a main medium, the content concerns for Taiwans

5、ecological environment as the principal axis of the exposition. Taiwans ecological environment is very fragile and has been harmed by decades of rapid developments. Its especially under a big threat in the last few years. To highlight the seriousness of Taiwans ecological crisis and show the urgency

6、 of protecting Taiwans ecological environment, I choose this topic “Listening and staring” to introspecting humans destruction on this land. Based on this principal axis, I develop all the creations with imaginative thought related to the academic theories, cultural heritage, artwork styles, and the

7、 analysis and discussion of content meaning to build up the integration of the ideas and the reality. Its listed as the following. The purpose of this research is to study esthetic analysis and related topics. The theories foundation of this research includes: the human spirit that realism and post-

8、modernism pay attention to, symbolism thought, usage of surrealism skill and existisms introspection for the future. The content of this research shows the differences and similarities between “ancient” environment philosophy of the east and the west, the ecological crisis caused by “modern” human-c

9、entered thought and the “nowadays” ecology introspection. Chapter 3 describes how I design the creations by personal artistic style, skill method and the usage of medium. I study the styles and skills of different painting parties through choosing, blending, extending , expanding, and join my own pa

10、inting symbols. By this, I try to build up my own art style. I induce the following three kinds of styles: First, compound multiple-space presenting. Secondly, the getting and loosing of the focus and pursuit of the color atmosphere. Third, presenting of metaphor and symbols. The skill method and me

11、dium are also used in three aspects: First, the realistic skill method to strength the emotion moved by the creations, Secondly, the usage of different textures to enrich the contents of the creations. Third, the usage of the existing materials to deepen inside metaphor of the creations. IVChapter 4

12、 describes the style analysis of my creations by its content and the forming techniques. In short, my creations for “ Taiwans ecological environments concern” is to show caring emotions for the land by combining issues of the ecological environment and esthetics of various skill methods. Keywords: t

13、he human spirit, ecological environment, realism, post-modernism, symbol Keywords:ecological environment、realism、human spirit V傾聽與凝視生態環境關懷之創作論述 目 次 第一章第一章 緒緒 論論.1 第一節第一節 研究動機與目的研究動機與目的 .1 第二節第二節 研究的方法與步驟研究的方法與步驟 .3 第三節 研究範圍與限制第三節 研究範圍與限制 .7 第二章 創作學理基礎第二章 創作學理基礎.8 第一節 創作美學分析第一節 創作美學分析 .8 第二節 創作主題探討第二節 創作主題探討 .16 第三章 個人創作形式風格與技法媒材運用分析第三章 個人創作形式風格與技法媒材運用分析.26 第一節 個人創作形式風格第一節 個人創作形式風格.26 第二節 技法與媒材運用分析第二節 技法與媒材運用分析.31 第四章第四章 創作作品分析創作作品分析 .36 第五章第五章 結論結論.57 參考書目參考書目.


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