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1、 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘 要 行政复议作为一项与行政诉讼相衔接的用以解决行政争议的法律制度,在世界上不少国家的法律体系中占有极为重要的地位。行政复议,是指公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政主体的具体行政行为违法或不当侵犯其合法权益,依法向主管行政机关提出复查该具体行政行为的申请,行政复议机关依照法定程序对被申请的具体行政行为进行合法性、适当性审查,并作出行政复议决定的一种法律制度。文章一共分为四个部分,除了引言和结语外,以下是简要内容。 第一部分分析行政复议的概念和性质,在这一章里主要论述了行政复议的概念并比较了西方国家行政复议制度的发展状况。讨论了现存的三种性质之说,即司法说、行政说、行

2、政司法说。为下面的行文作了铺垫。 第二部分主要介绍我国行政复议制度的内容。 一是行政复议制度的基本原则,合法、公开、公正、及时、便民原则;二是行政复议的范围,包括对公民、法人和其他组织合法权益的保护,对抽象行政行为的审查,对行政复议范围的排除规定;三是行政复议的申请人资格,我国行政复议的申请人资格就是指公民、法人、其他组织能够提起行政复议所应具备的条件。在此笔者就美国、德国、日本和我国台湾地区的相关规定进行了比较研究;四是行政复议的机关,在此比较了我国和其它国家的不同模式;五是行政复议的程序,包括申请、受理和决定等。 第三部分阐述了我国现行行政复议制度的主要问题:包括行政复议定位不准确;行政复

3、议机构独立性问题;行政复议管辖体制上的缺陷;行政复议的程序问题,包括行政复议的审理方式,行政复议法没有关于回避的明确规定,律师代理制度没有得到很好地体现;现有行政复议制度对抽象行政行为的监督不力;行政复议的效力问题;法律责任的追究方面的问题,没有对行政机关不履行法定职责所应当承担的外部法律责任作出明确规定;当申请人对规范性文件提出附带审查时,有权作出处理的行政机关不履行或违法履行法定职责时,所应当承担的法律责任没有明确规定;没有规定行政责任的追究主体与追究程序;关于复议机关的行政赔偿责任的规定不够合理,行政复议机关负责法制工作的机构的“处理建议权”如同虚设。 第四部分对我国行政复议制度提出完善

4、建议。通过分析我国行政复议制度自身存在的问题和与其它国家的行政复议制度的对比,可以看出,我国的行政复议制度,既存在观念上的认识偏差,又存在体制设计上的不够科学和现有法律操作性差等问题,那么对其进行完善,就不是在原有的行政复议制度上进行细枝末节的修补,而是要抓住问题的关键所在进行科学的改进。行政复议的历史和现实表明,复杂的社会现实无法使人们在公平与效率之间作出绝对平衡的模式构建,人论我国行政复议制度及其完善 IIII们所能做的只是在二者之间寻求最大程度形式平衡的契合点。为了寻求进步,就不能仅局限于眼前,既要用历史的眼光看到它的发展趋势,又要用实事求是的态度借鉴世界上其他国家和地区先进的制度模式,

5、然后对我国的行政复议制度进行尝试性的重新构建。本文试图从以下几点入手进行行政复议制度的重新构建,提出完善我国行政复议制度的构想:准确定位行政复议法的立法宗旨;设置专门的行政复议委员会;提高行政复议人员的专业水平;改善行政复议的程序;修改行政复议终局裁决的规定;扩大对抽象行政行为的审查范围等。 关键词关键词:行政复议 行政行为 行政救济 行政复议法 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 IIIAbstract As a legal system which is linked to administrative litigation and used to resolve administrative di

6、sputes, administrative reconsideration plays an extremely important role in the legal system of many countries in the world. Administrative reconsideration means a kind of legal system where citizens, juristic persons and other organizations think that the specific administrative acts of the adminis

7、trative bodies are illegal or improper and violate their legitimate rights and interests, and they legitimately propose the application for reviewing the specific administrative acts, and then according to the statutory procedures, the administrative reconsideration organs conduct a legitimate and a

8、ppropriate review of the specific administrative acts on application and make the decision on the administrative reconsideration. The article is divided into four parts in total, and the following content except introduction and conclusion is a summary. The first part analyzes the concept and nature

9、 of the administrative reconsideration. In this chapter the author mainly discusses the concept of the administrative reconsideration and compares the development of the administrative reconsideration system in Western countries. The author also discusses the existing three ideas of the nature: the

10、judicial idea, the administrative idea and the administrative judicature idea and pays the way for the following lines. The second part introduces the content of Chinas administrative reconsideration system. The content of Chinas administrative reconsideration system contains several parts: the fund

11、amental principles of administrative reconsideration system, which consist of principles of legality, openness, justice, timeliness and convenience; The scope of administrative reconsideration including the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the right of citizens, juristic persons

12、and other organizations, the review of abstract administrative acts, and the exclusion regulation of the scope of administrative reconsideration; The eligibility of the applicants for administrative reconsideration eligibility, and the eligibility of the applicants in our country means that citizens

13、, juristic persons and other organizations can propose the qualifications for administrative reconsideration, and then based on it the author conducts a comparative study of the relevant regulations in America, Germany, Japan and Taiwan; The organs of administrative reconsideration, and based on it

14、the author compares Chinese mode with that of other countries; The procedure of administrative reconsideration including application, acceptance and decision. 论我国行政复议制度及其完善 IVIVThe third part describes the main issues of Chinese current administrative reconsideration system including incorrect posit

15、ioning of administrative reconsideration; The independence issue of administrative reconsideration organs; The shortcomings of the governing systems of administrative reconsideration; The procedure issue of administrative reconsideration including that there is something wrong with the jurisdiction

16、way of administrative reconsideration, there are not clear regulations about avoidance in administrative reconsideration, and the agency system of lawyers is not being properly reflected; The ineffective supervision of abstract administrative acts in the existing administrative reconsideration system; The effectiveness issue of administrative reconsideration; The investigation issue of legal responsibilities, for example, there are not clear regulations of external legal responsibiliti



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