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1、 1 20122012 考研英语风考研英语风 20112011- -1 1- -1 19 9 一、励志美文 为活着而战为活着而战 2010 年 1 月 12 日这天,23 岁的迈克森失去了左腿,他的生活也随着海地那场 7.3 级地震发生了改变, 他一度绝望,但因足球重燃对生活的热情。“生命没有结束,生活还得继续。”与迈克森一样怀有梦想的还 有很多年轻人,在痛苦的康复过程中,他们通过足球领悟到了生命的价值和存在的意义。2011 年 1 月 10 日,为了纪念这场灾难,海地国家截肢者队与扎尔延截肢者队进行了一场比赛,他们拄着拐杖,全力奔跑。 小伙子们说“这是为生命而战!” 1 2010 年 1 月

2、 12 日,迈克森正在工厂上班,突如其来的地震将他埋在废墟下面。“我准备对自己被压住 的部位动手,这时我看到一群人走过来,他们看到我正在锯自己的腿,就说这人需要生存,尽可能给他一 切生存条件。”就这样,迈克森被救了出来。然后他的生活全部破碎了,一直到他参加了海地截肢者足球 队,“是足球一直在支撑着我。” 海地地震造成 30 万人受伤,其中 4000 多人截肢。在这支截肢者足球国家队里,大部分人都是因为地 震而被迫截肢的。25 岁的艾曼纽也是在那场地震中失去了左臂, 他在废墟中被埋了 4 天, 直到被救出。 “我 当时已下定决心,都想好自杀了,埋在我身边的人 有的已经死了。我一直用手挖废墟,但找

3、不到出口, 我的嘴里灌满了各种脏东西。”艾曼纽称,那黑暗的 一刻他终生难忘,“当感到要死时,我抛开了所有的 事,我一直在回忆美好的东西,就这么慢慢坚持了 下来。”现在,艾曼纽是海地截肢者队的守门员。 2 为了纪念那段历史,更为了让大家好好地活下 去,1 月 10 日,海地国家截肢者队和扎尔延截肢者 队在太子港进行了一场比赛,国家队最终 1 比 0 获 胜。 “今天, 我们都是胜利者, 我们是在为生命而战, 因为这就是我们追求的生命的意义。”迈克森称希望 通过比赛让海地人找回生活的勇气。大地震后,很 多失去双腿双臂的人都在排队等待假肢,一些人安 上了假肢,但还有更多的人无法安装假肢。在康复 的过

4、程中,他们拄着拐杖开始踢球,重新寻找生活 的希望和目标。在太子港,甚至在整个海地,越来 越多的截肢者足球队成立,其中有一支队名叫“狼蛛 队”,因为狼蛛在断腿后依旧能很好地生存。 截肢者足球赛每队上场 7 人,守门员要求双腿 健全,其他队员都要拄着拐杖比赛,不得戴假肢。2 拐杖是特制的,上端固定在肘关节下,以便更好地摆动和急停。此外,与正式足球赛不一样的是,截肢者 足球赛上下半场各 25 分钟。比赛中,球员禁止触碰对方的拐杖和受伤的肢体,避免让对方再次受伤。刻 苦的训练后,队员们已习惯了用拐杖作为支撑来奔跑,用健全的那条腿来传球、射门。单腿快速奔跑对他 们的平衡能力要求很高,为了能踢到球,他们的

5、拐杖在每一次停下时几乎都要插进草皮中,再启动时很容 易摔倒。但对这些从死亡线上走过的年轻人来说,战胜困难本身就是生活的一部分。 3 早在 1980 年,美国便成立截肢者足球联盟,在他们的推动下,截肢者足球世界杯 2000 年进行了第一 届比赛,此后每两年一届。地震后,美国截肢者足球协会帮助海地成立截肢者足球队,一些机构目前还在 想办法筹建康复中心。除了足球,这些年轻人还需要良好的康复物理治疗条件及足够的教育培训。 2010 年 8 月,大地震过去半年后,在美国截肢者足球联盟帮助下选拔出来的 15 名队员聚在一起,成 立了海地截肢者国家足球队,他们每天刻苦训练。从美国来协助球队管理的克里斯说,这

6、些小伙子们每堂 训练课都是 110%的付出。2010 年 10 月,海地截肢者足球队参加了在阿根廷举行的世界杯,共有 14 支队 参加,最后的冠军属于乌兹别克斯坦队。 在这届世界杯中,海地队没有赢得一场胜利,不过,主教练帕科博仍对这支刚组建 35 天的国家队充 满信心,“当我们有机会参加世界杯时,我们能做的就是继续向前,继续向前,直到胜者的终点。”对海地 人来说,他们已经赢得了属于自己的世界杯。 这场特殊球赛不但场面震撼,更重要的是能给身处逆境的人以希望。 3 二、写作练习 v 三、词汇与阅读练习 Im getting caught up in Chinese New Year I was i

7、n a sea of red. To my left was a rack filled with a wide variety of differently-designed hongbao. Some had golden Chinese characters imprinted across the front, some had pictures of little rabbits. To my right were bins full of bright red long underwear. A throng of people crowded around depositing

8、various red items in their shopping charts. Further into the store, people filled up their carts with snacks and rushed to the liquor section to see what baijiu was on sale. Really, there is no better reminder that Chinese New Year will soon be upon us than a trip to the supermarket. If you want a l

9、ess pleasant reminder then just try to buy a train ticket. As the days remaining in January become fewer and fewer it will become harder and harder to participate in what has to be the largest human migration in the world. To ignore the buying frenzy and travel exodus, you would probably have to bur

10、y your head in the sand. But even if you did that I am convinced you would still fail in your effort to ignore the most important holiday in China because, come Chinese New Years Eve, at the stroke of midnight the ground will literally shake from all the explosions around you. Trying to ignore Chine

11、se New Year in China is as futile as trying to ignore Christmas in America. It is much easier to get swept up in the holiday. For the last few years that is exactly what has happened to me. For the last four years I have migrated back to my fiancs hometown on the icy plains of Inner Mongolia. 4 Ive

12、sat on soft couches eating sunflower seeds and mandarin oranges. Ive helped prepare jiaozi and stuffed my face with them. Ive delivered presents of milk and biscuits only to end up having them served to me. Ive sipped tea and downed countless shots of baijiu. Ive been packed into cars, buses and tax

13、is to visit distant relatives. Ive gotten a fresh haircut for a family picture. Ive watched the annual Spring Festival Gala on TV and not really paid attention until famed Chinese comedian Zhao Benshan takes the stage. Ive lit fireworks with burning cigarettes and run way before they blew me up. Ive

14、 both given and received little red envelopes filled with money. Ive slept on a bed with three other people after we played cards practically all night. Ive dreaded the prospect of going back to work. Really, I think Ive done just about everything a person can do to celebrate Chinese New Year. So, n

15、ow when winter comes around I find myself feeling more connected to Chinese New Year than I do to Christmas. Maybe I am just influenced by my surroundings more than anything else. After all, Im an ocean away from my culture. But in the end I am glad that there is no possible way that I can even try to ignore Chinese New Year. Even though the crowds and commercialism can be a bit much, having another holiday isnt a bad thing at all. Not only has it given me memories I will never forget it has helped me understand China on a much deeper level.


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