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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文上海市出租汽车行业管理研究解决当前行业管理瓶颈性问 题若干建议姓名:陈辰申请学位级别:硕士专业:公共管理指导教师:袁钢20090607上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 I 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 解决当前行业管理瓶颈性问题若干建议 摘 要 围绕体现出租汽车在城市一体化交通体系中的灵活、 舒适、 安全、畅达的个性化服务形式,形成运营模式先进、从业人员队伍稳定、运营服务规范诚信、 乘客行业满意度高的行业机制, 实现行业结构优化、市场运行有序、政府监管有力、行业自律的公开、公平公正市场环境的目标。在摸清行业现状的基础上,对国内外出租汽车行业管理的

2、情况和经验进行了汇总研究,并运用公共经济学相关理论,对目前阻碍出租汽车行业发展的主要重大问题,如出租汽车行业发展定位、市场总量调控、行业管理等方面进行专题研究。通过研究,提出明确行业定位,是制定上海市出租汽车行业发展政策的基础和前提;认为出租汽车行业定位与城市经济发展水平和公共交通供应能力紧密相关, 而上海正处于向国际化大都市迈进的进程中,整个城市空间布局、产业发展布局、人口布局、交通设施体系都处于加快优化完善期;提出上海市出租汽车的行业定位是提供门到门的个性化服务,作为轨道交通、地面公交等定线公共交通的补充和完善,是城市公共客运交通体系中不可替代的组成部分,具有私家车重要替代者的功能,主要用

3、于城市中短距离出行,满足较高消费能力群体的基本出行需求,以及较低消费能力群体的特殊出行需求。并通过较为严密的定性和定量分析,对上海市出租汽车市场总量调控提出了两阶段建议,现阶段为缓解出租汽车供应紧张局面,保障世博会举办期间用车需求,建议适量上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 II 增加出租汽车总量,且采取招标方式分次投放市场,密切关注市场动反应, 以决定是否继续投入; 远期考虑到轨道交通供应能力大幅提高、出租汽车价格上涨趋势等因素的影响,建议坚持总量控制,逐步降低出租汽车在公共交通中的比重,调节区域结构,制定出租汽车退出和市域向郊区转换的相应规定,调节利益格局,通过运价

4、调整、规范承包金管理等措施,控制企业合理的利润水平,保障驾驶员适度的工资水平,调节工作时间,适当降低驾驶员劳动强度。此外还就完善制度建设和强化日常监管方面,结合实际情况,提出了较为合理的对策和建议。 关键词:上海市,出租汽车,行业管理,公共管理 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 III RESEARCH ON SHANGHAI TAXI INDUSTRY Several Suggestions on Current Industrial management bottleneck solution ABSTRACT Taxi is a flexible, comfor

5、table, safe and smooth form of individualized transport in an urban integrated transport system. In order to build a taxi service system with advanced operation mode, stable employment system, strict management and good reputation and to realize the goal of optimizing the industrial structure, regul

6、ating the market operation, strictly exercising the governmental control, displaying the industrial self-control ability and creating a fair market environment, a research has been made on the current situations and experiences of the taxi industry from home and abroad on the basis of a outlook of S

7、hanghai industry. The research also focuses on the main causes that impediment the development of Shanghai taxi industry, such as position of taxi industry, control of market size, and industrial management. The research put forwarded that a right position of industry is the basis and prerequisite 上

8、海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 IV of the making developmental policies of Shanghai taxi industry. It maintains that the position of industry is closely connected with the economic development level and the ability of public transport supply. As Shanghai is developing into an international metropolis,

9、the citys special, industrial, demographic structure and its transport facilities are all in a period of accelerated improvement. The research proposes that the industrial position of Shanghai taxi service is a provision of door-to-door individualized service a supplement and improvement of fixed tr

10、ansport modes including metro and bus and an irreplaceable part of urban public transport system. Taxis function as a substitute of private cars, mainly used for medium or short distance trip, satisfying the basic need of high-end consumers and the special need of low-end consumers. Through strict q

11、uality and quantity analysis, the research puts forward a two-phase suggestion on the regulation of total number of taxis in Shanghai. The first phase is to moderately increase the number of taxis so as to relieve the short supply of taxi and to meet the need of 2010 World Expo. The increase should

12、be conducted by means of bidding and closely paying attention to market response in order to decide whether to keep increasing. Considering the great growth of metro supply and the increase of taxi price in the long term, the research suggests gradually decreasing the share of taxi in public transpo

13、rt, regulating regional structure and beneficial structure and making relevant policies of taxis recession from 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 V urban area or transition from urban area to suburban area on the principal of total control. Through the regulation of taxi price and the management of cont

14、ract capital, these policies will keep a reasonable profit level for enterprises, insure the salary level of taxi drivers, regulate working hours and relieve drivers labor intensity. In addition, according to the real situation, the research raises some reasonable resolutions and suggestions for the

15、 improvement the system and reinforcement of the daily supervision. KEYWORDS: Shanghai,taxi, industrial management, public management 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:陈 辰 日期: 年 月 日 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 上海市出租汽车行业管理研究 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇


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