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1、河南科技大学硕士论文 I论文题目: 多义拟声拟态词语义扩展机制分析 以词根为“论文题目: 多义拟声拟态词语义扩展机制分析 以词根为“”的多义拟声拟态词为例 ”的多义拟声拟态词为例 专 业:专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 生: 张建芳 研 究 生: 张建芳 指导教师: 张卫娣 副教授 指导教师: 张卫娣 副教授 摘 要 摘 要 多义拟声拟态词占日语拟声拟态词总数的三分之一,具有重要的地位。现有成果对拟声拟态词的研究集中于从音韵、形态、句法方面进行考察,对其多义性的考察尚不多见;且从认知语义学的角度考察多义拟声拟态词的语义扩展机制的研究也非常缺乏。 为此,本文选取

2、以“”为词根的“” 、 “” 、 “”和“”四个多义拟声拟态词为考察对象,利用青空文库和日语语料库两个语料库收集用例。从认知语义学的角度,参考 Lakoff 的放射式范畴(radial category)(1987),考察上述四个词的语义扩展机制。首先,依据已有成果和内省方法进行语义分类,确认每个词的多个义项;其次确认其原型义和引申义;然后对其各个义项展开分析,明确各个义项之间的相互联系,并探讨隐喻、转喻和提喻等修辞手段在语义扩展过程中的作用。在此基础上绘制各个多义拟声拟态词的语义构成网络。 通过本论文的考察,可知四个词的语义扩展在以下三个方面有共性。第一,四个词均以作为“拟声词”的模拟雷声的

3、意义为原型义。且语义扩展的方向为:从作为拟声词使用的意义向作为拟态词或拟情词的意义方向转换。也就是从具体、客观的用法向抽象、主观的用法扩展。第二,隐喻在四个词的语义扩展中均发挥了作用,从中可知,范畴化和隐喻是实现一词多义的重要的认知工具,隐喻的发生基于源域和目标域之间的共享属性,隐喻性思维是拟声拟态词一词多义发生的基本理据。第三,提喻在本文的四个研究对象的语义扩展中没有起作用。 而转喻在“”一词的语义扩展中起了重要作用,在其他三个词的语义扩展中却没有起作用。 “”本来是模拟自然界的雷的声音的拟声词,但在现实生活中人们利用它来指代“雷”这一自然现象本身。而且,在实际的语料中,也有利用时间的邻接性

4、, 用运动的过程来表示运动的结果的用法, 这也是基于转喻的语义扩展。 本论文的研究表明,在日语多义拟声拟态词的学习中,学习者既要重视从语境中理解词义,同时也要了解多义词相互联系的词义之间的基本概念体系。 河南科技大学硕士论文 II关 键 词:关 键 词:多义拟声拟态词,语义扩展,隐喻,转喻,提喻 论文类型:论文类型:基础研究 河南科技大学硕士论文 IIISubject: The analysis of semantic expansion mechanism to polysemy onomatopoeia Focusing on polysemous onomatopoeia based o

5、n word root “goro” Specialty: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Name: Zhang Jian-fang Supervisor: Associate Prof. Zhang Wei-di ABSTRACT Polysemy onomatopoeia occupies a third of the Japanese onomatopoeia. The researchers in this field mainly study the onomatopoeia from phonology, morpheme

6、and syntax, with little attention being paid to the diversity of their meanings. This paper is intended to study the semantic expansion system of the onomatopoeia from the angle of cognitive linguistics. The paper has tried to study four varieties of “goro”, they are “gorogoro”、 “goroQ”、“gorori”and“

7、goroN”. The data were from two corpusesAozorabunko and Japanese Corpus. The writer has studied the semantic expansion system of these four forms from the aspect of cognitive linguistics by adopting Lokoffs Radial Category(1978). Firstly, the words have been classified according to the introspective

8、method based on the existed research. Secondly, the prototype meaning and the extended meanings have been confirmed. Thirdly, every meaning has been analyzed, and the relationship between these meanings has been stated. At last, the functions of metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche in the procedure of

9、semantic expansion have been explored. Based on the above research, the network of polysemy onomatopoeia has been drawn. Through the exploration of this thesis, the semantic expansion of these four words has some similarities in three aspects showing as below: firstly, the four words all take the me

10、aning of simulation of thunder which is produced by onomatopoeia as prototype meaning and they share the same direction for semantic expansion, namely the transition from the meaning used as onomatopoeia to the meaning used as approximator. That is expanding from specific and objective use to abstra

11、ct and subjective use. Secondly, metaphor plays an important role in the four words semantic expansion from which implies that categorization and metaphor are important cognitive tools for polysemy , the appearance of metaphor is based on the shared property between source domain and target domain a

12、s well as that metaphorical thinking provides fundamental rationale for onomatopoeic and polysemy. 河南科技大学硕士论文 IVThirdly, synecdoche shows little function for the semantic expansion in this thesiss four subjects of study. Metonymy plays an important role in the semantic expansion for the word “gorogo

13、ro” but functions nothing in the semantic expansion for other three words. “gorogoro” is originally used as onomatopoeia for simulating natural thunder, but actually it is used to refer to the “thunder” a natural phenomenon itself in real life. And in the Aozorabunko and Japanese Corpus, there are s

14、ome instances that take advantage of time contiguity and indicates the result of movement with its process which also based on the semantic expansion of metonymy. The research of this thesis shows that for Japanese learners, it is very important to not only pay attention to the understanding of sent

15、ence meaning from context but also learn more about the basic concepts of system for meanings interrelationship among polysemy. KEY WORDS:polysemy, onomatopoeia ,semantic extension, metaphor ,metonymy, synecdoche Dissertation Type: Fundamental research 河南科技大学硕士论文 1始 東南言語言、 日本語量多、使用頻度高、造語力強際立。従来研究、語彙体系全体中心部分占、周辺的、特異扱多。、日常会話、文学作品出。日本語


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