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1、第12课时Units 78,Book 8B基础过关第12课时 基础过关类别课标 考点要求词汇 拓展1. polite(反义词 ) _(副词) _ 2. wait(名词)男服务_(名词)女服务员 _ 3. comfortable(反义词 ) _ 4. behave(名词) _ 5. special(副词) _ 6. advantage(反义词 ) _ 7. suggest(名词) _ 8. besides(形近词) _ 9. clear(副词) _ 10. solve(名词) _ 11. normal(副词) _ 12. care(形容词)_(副词)_rude/impolitepolitelyw

2、aiter waitress uncomfortablebehavioursolutionspeciallydisadvantagesuggestion beside clearlycarefullynormally careful第12课时 基础过关短语 归纳 1. 排队等候_ 2. 变得生气_ 3. 控制;抑制_ 4. 违反规则 _ 5. 扑灭;熄灭(火);关灯_ 6. 捡起;拾起_ 7. 入睡_ 8. 听说_ 9. 与交朋友_ 10. 当众_ 11. 开会_ 12. 介意做某事_ 13. 扔垃圾_ 14. 小心不要做某事_ 15. 鼓励某人做某事_ 16. 取得进步;取得进展_wait

3、in lineget annoyed/angry keepdown break the rule put out pickup fall asleep hear of/about make friends with in public at a meeting mind doing sth drop litter take care not to do sth encourage sb to do sth make progress第12课时 基础过关短语 归纳17赠送;分发_ 18插队_ 19穿上_ 20立刻,马上_ 21首先_ 22而不是_ 23一个母语是英语的人_ 24洗餐具_句型再现1

4、. “你介意把你的自行车挪动一下吗?”“不,一点都不。”Would you_? No, not at all. 2. 乱扔垃圾几乎从来都是不被允许的。Dropping litter everywhere _. 3. 那些歌手中有些人英文歌唱得和说英语国家的人一样好。Some of those singers were_just_.give away cut in line put on right away at first rather than a native speaker of English do the dishesmind moving your bike is almost

5、never allowed able to sing English songs as well as native speakers 第12课时 基础过关句型 再现4. 或许将来我应该 尽量不那么客气。Perhaps in the future _. 5. 我该给妈妈买 什么生日礼物呢?What should I_? 6. 之后,同一件礼物可能会赠送给别 人。Later,the same gift _. 7. 请不要跟着我转好吗?Could you please _around? 8. 为何不给她买部照相机呢?_you get her a camera? 9. 在美国,一些人要求家人和朋友把

6、钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们 买礼物。In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to_charity_ them gifts.I should try not to be so polite get my mom for her birthday may be given away to someone else not follow me Why dontgive money to rather than buy 第12课时 基础过关句型再现10. 相反,做顿饭 就够了。_,making a meal_. 11她还说 唱英文歌

7、使她对学习英语更感兴趣。She also said that _English songs madeher_ English. 12这种比赛鼓励在中国的人们讲 英语。This kind of contest encourages people in China_English.语法结构1. 情态动词 shall,will及should,would的用法。详见 P88,语法互动(八) 2. 表示征求意见或提出建议的句型。详见 P98,语法互动(十三)singingmore interested in learning to speak Instead is enough词汇点睛第12课时 重点突

8、破1 allow v允许;许可;承认 搭配 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth 允许做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 She wouldnt allow such loud noise.她不允许有这么大的噪音。 Many people allow him to be the leading artist in his field. 很多人都承认他在这一艺术领域首屈一指。重点突破第12课时 重点突破中考典例 Take time to relax by listening to music, reading a boo

9、k or justspending some time alone. Relaxing allows you _ toyour students with more energy. 2011哈尔滨 Areturn Bto return Creturning解析 B 考查“allow sb to do sth”结构。第12课时 重点突破2 put out 扑灭、熄灭(火);关灯 Could you please put out the cigarette? 你能熄灭烟吗? 搭配 put off 推迟; put on 穿上,上演; put up 张贴,举起; put down 放下; put aw

10、ay 收拾起来; put back 放回原处 中考典例 Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here. Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette atonce.2012连云港 Aput out Bput away Cput up Dput off解析 A 由“But smoking is not allowed here.”和“Sorry, Ididnt see the sign.”可知答话者会把烟熄灭。第12课时 重点突破3 pick up 捡起 点拨 当pick up后接代词宾格时,代词

11、宾格应位于up之前。 I would have picked it up if I had noticed it. 我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。 拓展 pick up还有“得到、学会”、“驾车去接某人”、“恢复健 康”、“继续(讲故事、谈话、友谊等)”意思。 She picked up French while he was staying in Paris. 他在巴黎时学会了法语。 Pick me up at the hotel. 到宾馆接我。 She picked up soon after the operation. 她手术后恢复很快。 We can pick up the

12、story where we stopped yesterday. 我们继续讲我们昨天没讲完的故事吧!第12课时 重点突破4 suggest v建议;提议 点拨 suggest表示此意时常用于以下几种结构: (1)“suggest名词/代词”或“suggest名词/代词to人”, 但不能说suggest sb sth。 We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议明天去参观博物馆。 (2)suggest doing sth He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。 (3)suggest

13、that 从句(从句中的谓语动词用“should动词原 形”,should可省略。) They suggested we should write them down right away. 他们建议我们马上把它们记下来。第12课时 重点突破拓展 suggest的名词形式是suggestion,是可数名词。而 advice也表示“建议”,是不可数名词,此时表示“一条建 议”用a piece of advice。 第12课时 重点突破巧辨异同1 instead/instead of/rather than (1)instead是副词,意为“代替,而不是”,在句中充当状语,常用于句首,起连接上下句的作用。 Tom doesnt study hard. Instead, he plays football all day. 汤姆学习不努力,反而整天踢足球。第12课时 重点突破(2)instead of 和rather than都表示“代替,而不是”,除了都可接名 词、代词外,前者接动词时要用其 ing形式,后者接 动词


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