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1、R-ID(07/17) 填寫本表格前,請先參閱 重要事項 。 Please read the Important Notes before completing this Form. 補領學生證申請表補領學生證申請表 APPLICATION FOR REPLACEMENT OF STUDENT IDENTITY CARD 個人資料 STUDENT PERSONAL PARTICULARS 姓名 (*先生/女士/博士) Name (*Mr/Ms/Dr): 英文 (English) 中文 (Chinese) 學生編號 聯絡電話 Student No.: Contact Tel.: 流動電話 (Mo

2、bile phone) 如你打算更改你在學生紀錄上的聯絡電話,請登入 MyOUHK (My Programme Student Records Personal Information edit phones)進行更改。 If you want to update the contact telephone number in your student record, please update via MyOUHK (My Programme Student Records Personal Information edit phones). 補領原因 REASON(S) FOR REPLA

3、CEMENT 請於適當的方格內加上“號。 Please put a “” in the appropriate box(es). 損毀 遺失 其他 (請註明) Damage Loss Others (please specify) 聲明 DECLARATION 本人已閱畢列載於表格的重要事項及今期學生手冊的有關部分,並同意遵守該等規例。 I have read the Important Notes of this form and the relevant section in the current Student Handbook. I agree to conform to the r

4、elated Regulations. 學生簽署: 日期: Signature of Student : Date: * 請刪去不適用者 *Please delete as appropriate 重要事項 IMPORTANT NOTES 1. 你在此表格所提供的個人資料會用作一切學生及大學的行政管理用途。若你未能提供完整及準確的資料,大學可能無法提供你所需的學 術及行政管理服務。大學會將你所提供的資料保密,但亦可能將資料交予大學有關人員及為大學提供服務的其他人員及機構。你有權查 閱及改正你的個人資料,如有需要,請聯絡保障資料主任。 The personal data provided on

5、this form will be used for student and University administration purposes. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may affect the provision of academic and administrative services to you. The University will keep the personal data provided confidential but may need to disclose it to app

6、ropriate personnel in the University and other parties providing academic and administrative services to the University. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data. If you wish to do so, please contact the Data Protection Officer. 2. 本校通常不會給未有註冊修讀任何科目的學生補發學生證,如學生再次註

7、冊修讀本校任何附有學分的科目,則其補領申請將會受理。 Applications from students who have not registered for any courses will not be entertained normally. A replacement of Student ID Card will only be issued upon his/her re-registration for any credit-bearing course at the University. 轉下頁P.T.OR-ID(06/17) 九龍何文田香港公開大學教務處學分承認及學生

8、紀錄組 電話:2768 6624 傳真: 8148 3374 Advanced Standing & Records Office, Registry, The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon Tel: 2768 6624 Fax: 8148 3374 3. 填妥本表格及附上 “4 厘米 x 5 厘米” 正面近照一張。照片背面寫上中、英文姓名及學生編號。 Complete this form and enclose a recent photograph of yourself at the size of “4 cm x 5

9、 cm”. Write your name (both English and Chinese) and student number on the back of the photograph. 4. 補領學生證的費用為港幣一百元、請以支票或本大學的財務部發出的收據付款,支票抬頭應填上香港公開大學。 本科生課程 請把填妥的表格連同支票或收據交回學分承認及學生紀錄組(地址:香港九龍何文田香港公開大學 C0514 室入學及註冊組(本科生課程),否 則申請會作廢。 兼讀制課程及研究生課程 請把填妥的表格連同支票交回教務處學分承認及學生紀錄組,否則申請會作廢。 郵寄地址:香港九龍何文田香港公開大學

10、A0511 室教務處學分承認及學生紀錄組。 遞交地點:同上。(辦公時間:星期一至星期五上午九時至下午一時及下午二時至五時四十分,公眾假期除外。辦公時間外可將表格放入 設在同樓層的教務處收集箱。) Attach to your application form a cheque for HK$100 payable to The Open University of Hong Kong or the receipt issued by Finance Unit of the OUHK, for the Replacement of Student Identity Card Fee. Under

11、graduate Programmes Return the completed form and the cheque or the receipt to the Advanced Standing & Records Office of the Registry (Address: Admissions & Enrolment Office (Undergraduate), C0514, The Open University of Hong Kong, Homantin, Kowloon). Otherwise, the application will be void. Part-ti

12、me Programmes and Postgraduate Programmes Return the completed form and the cheque to the Advanced Standing & Records Office of the Registry. Otherwise, the application will be void. Address by Mail: Advanced Standing & Records Office, Registry, A0511, The Open University of Hong Kong, Homantin, Kow

13、loon. Submit in person: Location same as above. (Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 5:40pm except public holidays. Application forms can be put in the Collection Box outside A0511 outside office hours.) 5. 如有需要,你可要求本校發出信件以證明你正在申請補領學生證。該信件可暫時作為使用本校設施的准許證。你收到補領的學生證後、 該信件便即告失效。 A lette

14、r certifying that you are applying for a replacement of Student ID Card will be issued upon your request to serve as a temporary entry permit to the OUHK premises. Validity of the permit will expire on the date of collection of the Replacement Student Identity Card. 6. 本校會於 15 個工作天後發函通知你領取新學生證。如你在 1

15、5 個工作天後還未收到本處的消息,請致電 2768 6624 與學分承認及學生紀 錄組聯絡。 You will be notified by letter in about 15 working days when the replacement card is ready for collection. If you do not hear from us after 15 working days, please contact the Advanced Standing & Records Office at 2768 6624. 7. 你必須於新學生證發出後三個月內親自到本校教務處領取

16、補領的學生證。你應帶同有效的身份證明文件供本處職員查核。假如你不能親 自領取學生證,你可委託他人帶同你的委託證明領取學生證。 本科生課程 領取地點:香港九龍何文田香港公開大學 C0514 室入學及註冊組(本科生課程) 兼讀制課程及研究生課程 領取地點:香港九龍何文田香港公開大學 A0511 室教務處領取。 You are required to collect the replacement card in person at the counter of the Registry within 3 months after the replacement card is ready for collection. You should bring with you a valid proof of identity for checking by count



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