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1、1 Pardon my language. 原谅我的用词。 Thatll be all. 就这么多吧。 Could you please let us by? 你能让我们过一下吗? You buying this? 你信这个? Penny for your thoughts? 想什么呢? We have catching up to do. 我们该叙叙旧了。 Can we turn this down? 你能小点声吗? You take your time. 你慢慢来。 She does not take kindly to criticism. 她非常讨厌被批评。 The phone is

2、ringing. 电话在响。 I didnt even let on I was taking anything. 我都没承认我服过什么。 We dont have anything to be frightened of. 我们没什么可怕的。 Keep an eye on her. 照顾好她。 What a good way to look at it. 你真是想得开。 I dont do drugs. 我不吸毒。 That means you too. 你也一样。 Toss it. 扔了。 You want to say a few words? 你想说几句话吗? Im a real cr

3、owd pleaser. 我确实是个讨大家喜欢的人。 Ill walk you home. 我陪你走回家。 We will make it work. 我们能搞定。 Are you blushing? 脸红了? 2 He is pinning his hopes on getting into Yale. 把希望寄托在 Places like this are always shaking you down. 这种地方总是死要钱。 Everybody wants a payoff. 每个人都想得点好处费。 Howd it go? 怎么样? Just keep it casual. 自然点。 T

4、hats fun. 真好玩。 Maybe on some level. 可能有一点。 Where did you get that? 你怎么这么想? Thats such a lame excuse. 真是个烂借口。 Whats the big deal? 有什么大不了的呢? Did you get a haircut? 你理发了吗? I didnt want to intrude on your life. 我不想打扰你的生活。 What have you got there? 你们在吃什么? He was trying to pull a fast one (=deceive you) w

5、hen he told you hed paid. I will have a. 点菜 You must be mistaken. 你一定搞错了。 Hold your horses! 别着急慢着点。 You can imagine what I was going through. 你能想象我有多煎熬。 Isnt she something? 她不错吧? I know you are pissed at me. 我知道你还在生我的气。 They left you a really nice tip. 他们给你留了不少小费。 A little religion do you a world of

6、 good. 有点信仰对你很有好处。 3 I have been admiring your necklace all day. 我一直挺欣赏你的项链的。 I wouldnt be so quick to judge. 我也不想太早做评判。 Ive just been a mess lately. 我最近的生活一团糟。 Nothing to get worked up over. 没事的别激动。 Im so thrilled for you two. 我真为你俩高兴。 Im pulling for you guys. 我支持你们。 I have a favor to ask of you. 我

7、想请你帮个忙。 Well turn that person over to the police. 我们会把他交给警察。 It will bore you to death. 能让你无聊死。 Lets cut to the chase. 我们有话直说。 Count backwards from 10. 倒数十下 。 a slap on the wrist 小施惩戒 I assure you. 我向你保证。 Did I scare you? 我吓到你了吗? People just ran scared. 人们都被吓跑了。 What makes you jump to that conclusio

8、n? 你怎么得到那个结论(错的)的? Im done with that. 我不想那样了。 I wouldnt wanna put you out like that. 我不想那样麻烦你。 You got a screw loose? 你脑子进水了? It will do you some good. 对你有好处。 Whats it got to do with me? 跟我有什么关系? Hes a mess about it. 他难受极了。 4 That went right away. 渐渐好了。 Ill be brief. 我长话短说。 Thats good by me. 我没有问题。

9、No worries. 别担心。 Youve mistaken me for someone else. 你认错人了。 get through airport security 通过机场安检 I have a bit of good news myself. 我自己有个好消息。 Im gonna go wash up. 我去洗个手。 You have to at least try to be excited by the things shes excited by. Shed see right through that. 她马上就能识破。 You will do fine. 没问题的。

10、Thats because you havent been around them much. 那是因为你没怎么跟他们玩儿。 Had a tough night. 今晚郁闷了。 Did you and Amy get in a fight? 你和她吵架了? Im no expert in women. 我不太懂女人。 How does that work? 那有什么用? They are having a huge sale. 他们在大减价。 What would you do if you were in Rosss situation? 如果你是他你会怎么办? I wouldnt wann

11、a be the guy whos up against you. 我不想成你的竞争者。 To go in another direction. 换个角度说 Can you hand me a tissue?能给我拿张面纸吗? Is your back feeling better? 你背好点了吗? 5 Dont kid about that! 别开这种玩笑! Can I see you for a moment? 我能和你谈谈吗? Maybe you can cut me some slack. 或许你能绕我一次。 That brings me in the loop a little. 这

12、好像跟我有点关系。 Thats why I did so bad on the test. 这就是我为啥考这么差。 Im having a hard time concentrating. 我没法集中注意力。 That guy at the counters totally checking you out. 吧台那人一直在看你。 Theyve always been there for me. 他们总是在支持我。 I also get to present an award. 我还得上台搬个奖。 Put on your seatbelt. 系上安全带。 You are on your own

13、 there. 你得靠自己。 This bot is one to watch. 这个机器人前途无量。 You sound like your dad. 你说的跟你爸一样。 I cant even think straight. 我脑子都不转了。 The power is out. 没电了。 defining moment 决定性时刻 There are people a lot worse off than me. 还有比我惨的人。 You will find ways to cope. 你会有办法的。 Is there any message I may pass along? 需要我传口

14、信吗? I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf. 改过自新。 I dont feel much like talking. 我不想说话。 Drinks are on the house. 酒水免费。 6 We got off to a bad start. 我们的开局不好。 I can scratch that right off. 我可以把那个挂掉。 Do you ever get scared at all? 你感觉害怕吗? Its mostly panic, anxiety, a great deal of sweatin

15、g. 我会觉得害怕、 焦虑、 满身大汗。 Ill let you know if something comes up. 有事我告诉你。 How do you keep your figure? 你怎么保持身材的? I wouldnt wanna go through that again. 我不想在经历那种痛苦了。 We are gonna wind things down with a little game. 我们来玩儿个游戏放松一下。 How could you tell? 你怎么知道的? You are obligated to. 你必须 I dont think you have

16、a good handle on dictatorships. 我觉得你误解的意思了。 Im a big believer in. 我坚信 There are a million great vacations you could take. 有很多旅游胜地你可以去。 Thats rough. 太过分了吧。 What do we start with? 我们从哪开始? Im a freak. 我是怪胎! I never know what to do in these situations. 我没有这方面的经验。 Thats a healthy attitude. 你这心态不错。 You cant just spring that up on a guy. 你不能就这么在人家没有心理准备的时候 说出来。 soap spots 肥皂泡 This task will be a little bit more up your alley. 超出你


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