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1、 現金管理 112017 非主要貨幣匯款指南 重要事項重要事項/免責聲明:免責聲明: 1. 此指南中包含的資料僅供給客戶作一般參考,並可在沒有通知下隨時變更。 2. 對於任何列載於此指南的有關資料(包括但不限於適用之外匯管制法規及當地銀行法規)是否準確、充足或詳盡,中國銀行(香港)有限公司(本行)並沒有作出任何陳述,亦不作任何保證,而客戶不應將有關資料當作準確、充足或詳盡而加以倚賴。對於有關資料或內容的錯誤或錯漏,本行明確卸棄有關責任。 3. 請在發出匯款指示前向收款人瞭解收款國當地的有關法規要求。 4. 所有匯款均受相關帳戶及匯款交易的條款所約束。客戶可以在銀行網頁()或任何一間分行內取得相

2、關條款。 貨幣貨幣 截匯時間截匯時間 最快生效日期最快生效日期 注意事項注意事項 巴貝多元巴貝多元 (BBD) 17:00 T+2 需提供匯款用途 需提供收款人地址 孟加拉塔卡孟加拉塔卡 (BDT) 17:00 T+2 因 SWIFT 號碼並不能指明確實分行,所以需提供收款銀行地址及分行編號。 收款人需要填寫匯入匯款表格(FORM C),並列明匯款用途。除 FORM C 外,境內代理銀行或收款行可能要求收款人提供證明檔以確定收款人身份及匯款用途,例如:發票、有效的工作證等 為加快完成檢查手續,建議匯款人提供收款聯絡人及電話於匯款指示的匯款附言內 保加利亞列弗保加利亞列弗 (BGN) 17:00

3、 T+1 需要提供 22 位元 IBAN 號碼於收款人帳戶號碼 涉及稅款的匯款需於匯款附言內提供 BULSTAT UIC (法人的身份號碼) 或 EGN 號碼 (個人的身份號碼) 或 LNC 號碼 (需要繳交稅款、關稅或保險金的外國人身份證號碼) 對應稅局提供正式登記號碼的付款種類編號(6 位) 捷克克朗捷克克朗(CZK) 17:00 T+0 需要提供 24 位元 IBAN 號碼於收款人帳戶號碼 衣索比亞比爾衣索比亞比爾(ETB) 17:00 T+2 需提供收款行分行名稱及地址 需提供收款聯絡人名稱及電話號碼 斐濟元斐濟元 (FJD) 17:00 T+2 沒有特別要求。 迦納塞地迦納塞地 (G

4、HS) 17:00 T+2 建議提供銀行分行編號。 需提供收款人地址。不接受以郵政信箱為收款人地址。 匈牙利福林匈牙利福林(HUF) 17:00 T+0 貨幣 HUF 金額不可包含少數點後數位 需要提供 28 位元 IBAN 號碼於收款人帳戶號碼 印尼盾印尼盾(IDR) 17:00 T+2 代理銀行或收款銀行有可能會要求收款人提供匯款相關文件,以符合該國的外匯管制規定和當地銀行適當的監管要求 印尼盾金額不可包含小數後數位 匯款用途必須是付款指示的一部分。 按下表選擇相應的匯款用途, 匯款人需使用以下匯款用途代碼在附言欄中輸入相應的匯款用途,相關格式為: PURP/CODE/Purpose De

5、scription (Text) 。 匯款用途代碼 (CODE) 匯款用途 (Purpose Description) 2011 Goods Transaction 2016 Goods Processing Service Fee 2017 Goods Repairs Service Fee 2018 Goods Transaction Paid Full 2019 Goods Transaction Paid Partial 2021 Transportation Service Fee Passenger 2022 Transportation Service Fee Goods 203

6、0 Traveling Expense 2040 Education Expense 2050 Postal Service Fee 2062 Construction Service Fee 2070 Insurance Fee 2080 Financial Service Fee 2090 Computer Service Fee 2100 Royalties or License Fee 2111 Lease Payment 2112 Rent for Land or Building 2121 Service Fee Law/Audit/Tax/Business Management

7、2122 Service Fee Mining/Agriculture/Architecture design 2123 Service Fee Research and Development 2124 Service Fee Administrative and Operations 2130 Service Fee Recreation/Art 2150 Workers Remittance 2161 Tax or Penalties or Fines 2162 Gift or Grants 2163 Employee Compensation 2192 Buy fixed asset

8、2201 Direct investment in Indonesia 2221 Loan to Indonesian resident/entity up to 1 year 2222 Loan to Indonesian resident/entity more than 1 year 2234 Loan to Indonesian resident/entity fin leasing 2341 Buy - Shares 2342 Buy Warrant and Rights 2351 Buy Government Bond 2352 Buy Corporate Bond 2353 Bu

9、y Medium Term Note (MTN) 2361 Buy SBI and SWBI 2362 Buy Government Bills 2363 Buy Promissory Note 2364 Buy NCD 2371 Buy Mutual Fund 2372 Buy Exchange Trade Fund 以色列新謝克爾以色列新謝克爾 (ILS) 17:00 T+2 需要提供 23 位元收款人 IBAN 號碼 印度盧比印度盧比 (INR) 17:00 T+2 匯款用途必須是付款指示的一部分。 按下表選擇相應的匯款用途, 匯款人需使用以下匯款用途代碼在附言欄中輸入相應的匯款用途,相

10、關格式為: PURP/CODE/Purpose Description (Text) 。 匯款用途代碼類別 匯款用途代碼 (CODE) 匯款用途 (Purpose Description) Capital Account P0017 Receipts on account of Sale of non-produced non-financial assets (Sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks etc., land acquired by government, use of natural reso

11、urces) Government P0019 Receipts on account of Sale of non-produced non-financial assets (Sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks etc., use of natural resources) Non-Government P0028 Capital transfer receipts (Guarantee payments, Investment Grant given by the government/intern

12、ational organisation, exceptionally large Non-life insurance claims including claims arising out of natural calamity) - Government P0029 Capital transfer receipts ( Guarantee payments, Investment Grant given by the Non-government, exceptionally large Non-life insurance claims including claims arisin

13、g out of natural calamity) Non-Government Foreign Direct Investment P0003 Repatriation of Indian Direct investment abroad (by branches and term life insurance premium P0605 Auxiliary services including commission on insurance P0607 Insurance claim Settlement of non-life insurance; and life insurance

14、 (only term insurance) P0608 Life insurance claim settlements (excluding term insurance) received by residents in India P0609 Standardised guarantee services P0610 Premium for pension funds P0611 Periodic pension entitlements e.g. monthly quarterly or yearly payments of pension amounts by Indian Pen

15、sion Fund Companies. P0612 Invoking of standardised guarantees Financial Services P0701 Financial intermediation except investment banking Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, etc. P0702 Investment banking brokerage, under writing commission etc. P0703 Auxiliary services charges on operatio

16、n & regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services etc. Telecommunication, P0801 Hardware consultancy/implementation Computer & Information Services P0802 Software consultancy/implementation (other than those covered in SOFTEX form) P0803 Data base, data processing charges P0804 Repair and maintenance of computer and software P0805 News agency services P0806 Other information services- Sub



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