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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料2015年6月13日托福口语机经及答案解析2015年6月14日大陆托福考试口语部分都考了什么?小编第一时间 为大家整理托福口语部分的机经如下:Research shows that people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. 2015年6月14日大陆托福考试口语部分都考了什么?小编第一时间 为大家整理托福口语部分的机经如下:Research shows that people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. 口语 1 the

2、 effect that you have when you lack sleep 描述缺乏睡眠会对你产生的影响。 可罗列几种不同影响并适当展开,如注意力不集中( it s hard to concentrate on my learning ) , 心情不佳,做什么事情都心不在焉( I may be in a bad mood and have no interest in anything else )等。 2 working in the daytime and study at night or studying in the daytime and working at night,

3、 which one do you prefer? 二中择一回答即可:更倾向于白天工作晚上学习还是白天学习晚上 工作。 无论选哪种,都要给出原因。如选择白天工作晚上学习,可以是出于 personal preference ;另 外,白天更有力气,充满动力;晚上更安静,容易集中,无人打扰,效 率更高;并且这也是 common lifestyle 等。 3 proposal: provided a system that enable graduate students to tutor Math online 1) time more flexible 2) more graduate will

4、 be encouraged to be tutors woman agrees: 1) more time available for students who need help especially in evening when students are free and have many assignments to do2) because they can work at home, and neednt travel a long distance to the campus, more graduate will be willing to become a tutors.

5、 提出建议:可以提供让 graduate students 在线辅导数学这样一个系统。 原因有二:时间会更灵活;更多研究生会被鼓励做 tutors 。 女子同意该建议,原因有二:对于那些需要帮助的学生也会有更多 时间机会接受辅导,特别是晚上课余时间且往往会有很多作业要做的时 候;因为在家就能辅导,就不需要远距离奔波,会有更多研究生愿意成 为 tutors 。 模板: In the reading material, there is a proposal that Moreover, the woman does agree with such a good proposal for two

6、reasons. One is that , and the other is that 4 enclothing cognation : people will change their behavior according to the clothes they wear and behave according to the association and reflections related to the clothes experiment: find the difference between two similar pictures one group: wear lab c

7、oat the other group: just look at the lab coatresult : the first group find more difference that the other group so, we can see that the people who wear lab coat look themselves as an observant and see more carefully than the people just look at the lab coat. Reading 中给出 enclothing cognation 定义,人们会根

8、据穿着改 变行为,还会根据与穿着有关的联系和反应而表现。 随后通过实验来验证:一组人穿着实验服,一组人只是看着实验服 ,皆是为了找出两幅相似图片的不同之处。结果表明,穿着实验服的一 组会找出更多的不同。由此可知:穿着实验服的人们会把自己当做 observant 观察员,因此观察的也会更加仔细。 模版: The reading passage gives a term named , which means The professor in the listening material gives an exprement to demonstrate it in detail. Thus, t

9、he conclusion is drawn that 5 problem: leave her painting at her parents house when she visited her parents options: 1) drive back, but take 2 hours 2) paint another painting, but she really like her first painting 面对困难局面:把 painting 遗落在父母家中,两个 options 中择一。 可选两个选择中任意一个并阐述理由。 模板: The problem faced by

10、the student is that . There are two options. One is to ; while the other is that. As for me, I prefer the first one coz 6 adaptations for plant species in the rainforest to prevent water cumulating on the leaves 1) special coating substance example: some plants have waxy surface that turn the rain into droplet, so that it can roll off easily 2) long-sharped tip, called drip tips.Example: some species use the drip tip to make run off effect more efficiently 讲座内容:关于热带雨林中的植物物种如何调整适应以防止水在叶 子上堆积。详细给出两种方式并附带具体例子解释说明。


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