【优化探究】(新课标)2014高考英语总复习 Book 5 板块九 Modules 1-3课件 外研版

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《【优化探究】(新课标)2014高考英语总复习 Book 5 板块九 Modules 1-3课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优化探究】(新课标)2014高考英语总复习 Book 5 板块九 Modules 1-3课件 外研版(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、板块九 Modules 13.词汇认知1 adj.显然的,显而易见的 adv.显而易见地2 adj.令人困惑的,难懂的 adj.人感到困惑的3 vt.比较 n比较4 vi.不同,有区别 adj.不同的 n区别,差异Module 1 British and American Englishobviousobviouslyconfusingconfusedcomparecomparisondifferdifferentdifference5 v说起,评论 ;n.评论 ,讲话6 vt.加,增加 n增加7 vt.陈述,提出(观点,计划等)adj.出席的,到场的n.礼物8 n努力,尝试9 vt.简化 a

2、dj.简单 的10 vt.批评 n批评,指责 adj.批判的,吹毛求疵的 n评论 家,批评家11 有相同的特点12 有影响;使不相同13 引起;导致 14 同意;支持15 幸亏,多亏remarkaddadditionpresentattemptsimplifysimplecriticisecriticismcriticalcritichave.in commonmake a differencelead toin favour ofthanks to.语境助记The at the meeting that we should be brave enough to face and challe

3、nges in our life. ,what he said is right.There are many things in life we cant change or control,but we can control our attitudes towards them.Our attitudes make all the to our life. At last,he that to the past,we are living a better life now and we must seize the good opportunity to make progress.

4、linguist presentremarkedvarious criticismObviouslysimplydifferenceaddedcomparedsteadier1confusing adj.令人困惑的,难懂的His confused expression suggests that he gets confused by this confusing problem.他困惑的表情表明这个令人困惑的问题 把他给搞糊涂了。They looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question.他们困惑地看着我,没有回答问题 。(2

5、011年高考安徽卷)His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out what it is he is trying to express.他的作文如此难懂,以至于很难弄清他到底在想表达什么。2compare vt.比较,匹敌,比喻;相比 n比较Pang Long compares his lover to a butterfly in his song.庞龙 在歌中把他的情人比作蝴蝶。The view in Jiuzhaigou is beyond/without_compare.九寨沟的景色无与伦比。Film has a

6、much shorter history,especially when compared_to such art forms as music and painting.电影和音乐、绘画这样 的艺术 相比,历史是较短的。3differ vi.不同,有区别Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays.现在对脏 物的态度依然迥异。The teacher spoke English throughout the class, which was totally different_from the lessons I had taken before

7、.老师在课堂上自始至终说 英语,这与我之前所参加的课程完全不同。Chinese differs greatly from English in pronunciation.汉语 的发音与英语大不相同。4present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);赠送;颁发adj.出席的;在场的;现在的n.礼物;赠品;现在 Information is presented in an entertaining way.信息被以一种轻松娱乐 的方式展现出来。Ms.Hellman is busy at present,can she ring you later?赫尔曼女士现在正忙着,让她过一会儿给你回电话

8、好吗?He presented the school with 100 computers.He presented 100 computers to the school.他向这所学校捐赠了100台电脑 。present 作形容词,表示“出席的;在场的”之意时,通常作表语或后置定语;表示“现在的,目前的”意思时通常用作前置定语。5attempt n努力;尝试;企图 vt.试图;企图They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape.他们千方百计想逃跑。The campaign has certainly managed to raise

9、public awareness of the issue.这项 运动一定能够唤 起公众对这 一事件的意识。His parents made_an_attempt_to send their son abroad for further education.他父母曾试图 送他出国深造。attempt用作可数名词,前面常加不定冠词an;attempted用作前置定语时 ,意为“未遂的;意图的”。如:an attempted murder一起杀人未遂案6have.in common有共同之处I have a lot in common with Tom so we two have much to

10、 talk about.我和Tom有许多共同之处,因此我们有许多话题 可聊。Though we are friend,I have nothing in common with Jane.尽管我们是朋友,但我和简毫无共同之处。In_common_with a lot of other countries,were facing a lot of economic challenges.同许多别的国家一样,我国也面临着经济 挑战。7make a difference有影响;起重要作用We can hope to reach our goals and truly make a differenc

11、e by discovering what we do best.只有发现 自己的长处 才有希望达到目标并产生影响。(2011年高考天津卷)In a word,the program aims to encourage students to be active citizens and engage themselves in making a difference in society.总之,这个计划旨在鼓励学生成为积 极的公民并在社会上与众不同。(2012年高考四川卷)I make $2,000 a week, 60 surely wont make_that/so_big_a_diff

12、erence_to me.我一星期赚2 000美元,60美元真的不会给我造成多么大的影响。 8lead to引起,导致;通向 (2011年高考天津卷)Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can lead to many diseases.现代科技给出了明确的证据,吸烟可导致多种疾病。The path will lead you to the railway station.你走这条路可以到达火车站。What led_you_to_change your mind?什么使你改变了主意。9in favour of赞同;支持Whe

13、n asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside in favour of younger men.当被问及他们对 校长的意见时 ,许多老师都希望看到他让位给年轻人。Was he in_favour_of the plan?他赞成这个计划吗?1Shelly had worked hard for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first_.Aassistance BappetiteCattempt Daid解析:考查名词辨析。assistance帮助,协助,援助;appetite食欲,胃口;attempt尝试 ,努力;aid援助,救护,帮助。句意Shelly已经为 她的生物课考试努力学习了,所以她能够确信她第一次尝试 就能过关。答案:C2When the manager told us his plan,some of us were _ it while others were against.Ain favor of Bin honor o


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