英语语法大全之状语 3

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1、济南沃尔得国际英语c方式副词(短语)1)概说大多数方式副词都是形容词后加词尾-ly 构成:quickly carefullytraditionallyfaithfullyluckilyinternationally但有些以-ly 结尾的词是由名词加词尾构成,是形容词:queenly soldierlyfriendlybeggarly worldlyheavenlycowardly scholarlymiserly这样的词不是副词,因此不能说 She walked queenly而要说 She walked in a queenly manner不能说 He treats me friend-l

2、y而要说 He treats me in a friendly way但是以-ly 结尾的形容词有时直接用作副词,而不再加-ly,以避免不协 调的声音:We have acted manly(不要说 manlily) in these circumstancesHe died untimely(不要说 untimelily)The army retreated orderly有少数表示方式的副词性短语可以用方式副词代替:He treats John with kindness(= kindly)He speaks Japanese with fluency(=fluently)I can do

3、 it with ease(=easily)They marched off in triumph(= triumphantly)He has told you in private(=privately)By good luck(= Luckily) I find the thing I lostHe sent the letter by mistake (mistakenly)济南沃尔得国际英语He deceived me on purpose(= purposely)He screamed like a fool(=foolishly)但多数这类短语不能用副词代替:He comes of

4、 a rich familyHe failed because of his negligenceIt is made by JohnHe was killed with a stoneIt is made of ironHe is starved to deathWe wished for peaceHe went out in spite of the rainPlants will die without water表示方式的短语相当大一批是由介词引起的,如1658中所给的例子。另一大批为地点 副词,亦称副词性小品词,常可用在动词成语中,表示方式而不是表示地点。有些地点 副词跟在不及物动

5、词后(参阅1346)。He drew up(=stopped) before a storeHold on(= Wait) a second, pleaseThe machine broke down(=didnt work properly)Things work out(=develop) badlyHe didnt show up( appear)The couple split up(=ended their relationship) just an hour after their weddingHe turned in( went to bed) at elevenSpeak u

6、p(=speak in a loud voice)济南沃尔得国际英语有些则跟在及物动词后面:We put on(=presented) a showHe turned down(=refused) my applicationDont hold up(=delay) the trafficYou made up(=invented) the storyIll take on(=undertake) the taskWe have to put off(=postpone) the trip还有一些跟在不及物动词后,后面再跟一个介词:She came around to(=agreed to)

7、my viewsShe went in for(=got interested in)photographyI have to fall back upon(= depend upon) his supportWe stand up for(= support) his policyCan you catch up with(=overtake) your class?2)带-ly 词尾的单音节副词及不带-ly 词尾的单音节副词a)带-ly 词尾的副词和不带-ly 词尾的副词可以有相同的意思特别值得注意的是一些单音节形容词,可以有两个副词形式,一个带词尾-ly,一个 不带-ly。这类副词,有些

8、两种形式意思相同,但用法不同。带-ly 的副词可以用在所修 饰的动词前面或后面,而不带-ly 的副词通常紧跟在一个特定的单音节动词后,与这个动 词构成一种习用语:CHEAP(LY):We must buy cheap(= buy at a low price)and sell dear It costs cheapVictory cannot be bought cheaply (=with little loss)He got off cheaply(引伸用法)可和 DEAR(LY)比较。济南沃尔得国际英语CLOSE(LY):He held(or clasped,hug, shut)it c

9、lose(ly)DEAR(LY): He wants to sell dear, but does not want to pay dear It costs dearHe loves her dearly He pays dearly( suffers) for his follyDEEP(LY):He drank deep(= drank to excess) Still waters run deep It was buried deepI felt his death deeplyI deeply regret it He is deeply interestedFAIR(LY): H

10、e played fair(or fairly)(= acted justly)We fought fair(= fought honestly) Copy it out fair(=clearly)We deal fairly with him We act fairly by all menFALSE(LY): He played(someone)false(=cheated some-one)They falsely accused himFINE(LY):It suits me fine We are doing fineIt is finely down He is finely d

11、ressedFIRM(LY): He stood(or held) firm(=stuck to his opinion)He firmly believes it He fixed it firmlyFIRST(LY): He came first(=before all the others)He first saw her in 1969First(ly), we should be kind to peopleSecondly,FOUL(LY):He played foul(= acted unjustly) The ship fell foul of(= ran against) t

12、he rocksThey murdered him foullyFULL(Y):I know it full(=completely)well济南沃尔得国际英语It has not been fully understood I cannot satisfy him fully(fully 为 程度副词而不是方式副词)HIGH(LY):He lived high( lived luxuriously), paid high (=paid a high price), played high(=played for large stakes),aimed or flew high ( was a

13、mbitious) The bird flew highThey spoke(or thought) highly of(= praised or respected) him He is highly paidLAST(LY):He arrived last(= after all the others)I last (=for the last time) saw her in 1969Lastly,I will phone to you in case of need可和 FIRST(LY)比较。LOOSE(LY):The dog broke(or got) loose(escaped)

14、 He played fast and loose(= acted recklessly and inconstantly)The bolt work loose(or free)(= became loose)He used this word very looselyLOW(LY): He buys low and sells highHe lived(or paid,played,aimed, flew) low He bowed(or lay) lowHe sang(or spoke) low The supply ran low(=became diminished)He spoke

15、 lowly(=humbly)He bowed lowly(=humbly)可和 HIGH(LY)比较。NEW(LY):It is a new-built hotelA new-made dress was on displayA new-coined word is sometimes very attractiveIt is a newly built hotelThey are a newly married couplePLAIN(LY):Write plain and speak plainI told him plainly济南沃尔得国际英语QUICK(LY):He got rich quickHe ran( or went,walked)quick(ly)He quickly ran to the opposite side可和 SLOW(LY)比较。RIGHT(LY):Please turn rightHe judged(or guessed,remembered) rightNo matter whether you act right or wrong,you will sufferHe is rightly accusedYou rightly suppose thatI cannot rightly recollect可和


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