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1、 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 1商学院毕业班学生商学院毕业班学生 职业规划意识、职业价值观及其性别差异研究职业规划意识、职业价值观及其性别差异研究 以上海交大和北京大学管理学院学生为例 摘摘 要要 针对大学生的职业生涯规划研究在国外已较为成熟,近几年在国内 刚刚起步。 15 岁-24 岁之间年龄段的大学生按照 D.E.Super 职业生涯五阶 段划分法正处在职业生涯探索期阶段,这一阶段的自我开发和职业方向 定位是未来职业发展的基础。哈佛 30 年纵向研究显示,学生阶段拥有清 晰中长期目标的人拥有更成功的职业生涯。Werbel 系列研究也证明职业 生涯探索和求职有效性存在正相关关系,毕业生的自我探

2、索和环境探索 努力直接影响其择业有效性。国内研究者也分别从职业成熟度、自我效 能感、择业影响因素、职业决策、就业压力等方面探讨了大学生职业生 涯规划和择业过程中的各种问题。 通过国内国外研究文献梳理和总结,对于商学院学生职业生涯规划 以及性别差异的探讨都比较少,因此本文选择国内两所培养模式相近的 知名商学院毕业班学生做为样本进行探索性研究。创新点在于以往大学 生职业生涯规划文献都是针对普通在校大学生,而本研究着重针对商学 院学生,将职业生涯规划和职业价值观理论与现代人力资源理论、社会 学、心理学等学科结合起来,探讨商学院毕业班学生对社会自我和心理 自我的认知程度、自我定位清晰度、职业发展路径规

3、划、职业选择偏好、 择业影响因素和择业价值观等,并对商学院男女生在职业生涯规划意识 和择业价值观中体现的差异进行对比分析,研究结果对今后高校和商学 院根据商科学生独特性展开具有针对性的职业发展和择业指导工作有一 定参考价值。 研究采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的实证研究方式,在对北大清上海交通大学硕士学位论文 2华交大复旦 4 所高校就业指导中心负责人、10 名商学院毕业班学生、资 深职业咨询顾问和教育心理学教授三类对象进行深度访谈的基础上,设 计调查问卷并进行调研。调研样本来自北京大学光华管理学院和上海交 通大学安泰管理学院,共有 243 个样本参加。通过运用理论分析、对比 分析等方法,分析商

4、学院学生在自我认知度、职业生涯规划意识、择业 倾向性和择业价值观这四方面的特点及性别差异。 研究结果显示:(1)商学院毕业班学生自我认知深度和广度不足,对 性格、兴趣、能力三方面的认知度顺次降低,对职业发展路径和具体发 展规划缺乏深入思考;女性学生因受到性别角色、社会观念、传统文化 等因素的影响和制约,仍体现出比男性稍低的自我认知度,但比男性学 生呈现更积极主动的职业规划意识;(2)商学院毕业班学生择业决策呈现 趋同性,女性学生趋同性倾向尤为严重,学生择业观需要得到有效疏导; (3)商学院毕业班学生中长期职业规划体现管理型和专业型两大类别,男 性学生更倾向于向企业管理者方向发展,女性学生更倾向

5、于在本专业领 域深耕;(4)商学院毕业班学生持综合性、多重性的择业价值观,就业决 策综合考虑职业促进因素、保健因素和声望因素,男性学生偏重实际经 济利益,女性学生体现出强烈的学习动机和成就动机,极重视职业发展, 体现出商学院女生的独特性。 关键词关键词:商学院毕业班学生,自我认知度,职业规划意识,职业价值观, 性别差异 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 3RESEARCH ON CAREER AWARENESS, CAREER VALUES AND GENDER DIFFERNECES OF BUSINESS GRADUATING STUDENTS SAMPLES FROM SJTU AND PKU

6、BUSINESS SCHOOLS ABSTRACT Studies of career development have been mature abroad, while in China studies in the field have just started. According to 5-stage career theory raised by D.E.Super, college students are in the stage career exploration, which is a critical period for self exploration, caree

7、r direction positioning, and laying ground for future career development. A 30-year longitudinal study of Harvard indicates that people who have clearer mid-long term career goals in their college have more successful careers. Furthermore, Werbel studies discuss the correlation between career explor

8、ation and job search effectiveness, and the efforts students make for self exploration and environment exploration will directly influence their job search effectiveness, including job satisfaction and starting salary. Domestic studies also explore various problems in college student career developm

9、ent and job search from aspects of career maturity, career decision-making, job search pressure, etc. Based on overseas and domestic studies, this research explores the graduating students of two business schools as samples. The innovative points include that former literature of college students ca

10、reer development are almost all about common students, while this research focuses on business students; the research combines theories of career development and career values with modern human resource theory, psychology and sociology, discusses the self-awareness, self-positioning, career choice a

11、nd influential factors of their choice, and compares the differences between male and 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 4female business students. All samples are from Guanghua Management School of Peking University and Antai Management School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 243 samples in total. The research adopts qu

12、alitative and quantitative research methods, designs questionnaire and conducts the survey on the basis of in-depth interviews with 10 business students, leaders of career guidance centers in 4 universities and a number of experienced career counselors. Through using comparative and theoretical anal

13、yses, the paper analyzes the unqiue features of business students in self-awareness, career development, career choice inclination and career values. The results include: (1)Business graduating students dont have deep and clear enough self-awareness and career development route. Female students, who

14、 are restricted by gender role and social, traditional and cultural factors, show a lower self-awareness but higher career planning counciouseness than male students; (2)Business graduating students show greatly converging job choice, especially females, who are in need of effecitve guidance; (3)Mid

15、-long term career plan reveals two categories of management and professionalism, male students are more willing to develop into executives while females wish to dig in their specialty field; (4)Business students hold diversified career values including factors of career motivation, career security a

16、nd career prestige, male students focus on real benefits while female make more emphases on learning and growing, which is the unique feature of female business students. KEY WORDS: business school graduate students, self-consciousness, career planning awareness, career values, gender differences 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重


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