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1、 1 免费答疑 QQ 群:261722915 成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京卷 2014 年 5 月份真题 网址: 咨询 QQ:2568170733 微信公众账号:boyadongli 北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试 2012014 4 年年 5 5 月月 Part IV Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end

2、 of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. In an old town lived a merchant. He earned huge profits by fair means and foul (恶劣的). With more profits flowing in, he became more and more _56_. He complained wh

3、en his wife wanted money to _57_ the home. He criticized her when she prepared _58_ dishes or bought expensive clothes. “Money doesnt grow on trees.“ he _59_ his children when they asked for money to buy books and new dresses. When his sisters, brothers and cousins came to ask for _60_, he drove the

4、m away. _61_ he grew richer, he became more miserly (吝啬的). He _62_ the cook, the maid and the gardener. “No. who will pay them? All of us must share the work and thus avoid _63_ of money.“ he told his wife and children. “What will you do with all this money?“ they asked. But he drove them away, _64_

5、,“1 will do _65_ I like with my money. I earn it. I will save it. I will become the richest man in the town. Wait and see.“ It _66_ him many years to become the richest man in town. But none had a good word to say about him. The people laughed at him, “Money Bag.“ They named him “King Miser.“ The me

6、rchant became worried day by day _67_ his bad name. How could he get a good name? He finally went to an elder and _68_ advice. “Shall I open a charitable (慈善的) hospital ? _69_ a school for the children of the poor? Open a chain of poor homes?“ he asked. “Not a bad idea. In fact, I would normally hav

7、e recommended such kind of charity. But it will cost a lot of money.“ the elder _70_ out. “1 am ready to spend some money to win name and _71_,” the merchant replied. “How can you even think of helping strangers? Should you not attend to the _72_ of your near and dear ones first? Cant you see your w

8、ife and children going around _73_ poor clothes? How hungry they look? Do they have even enough food every day? Listen. Do your _74_ to your family, first. Help your brothers and sisters and other members of the family who are poor. Opening hospitals for the poor or schools for the children of the p

9、oor must come _75_. Charity begins at home.“ saying this, the wise man sent the merchant away. 56 A. honest B. greedy C. upset D. generous 57 A. run B. move C sell D. visit 58 A. friendly B. slender C. costly D. effective 59 A. scolded B. praised C. shouted D. worried 60 A. scheme B. belief C. advic

10、e D. help 61 A. No matter how B. As C. As long as D. Where 62 A. invited B. employed C. promoted D. dismissed 63 A. exchange B. income C. waste D. increase 64 A. screaming B. explaining C. approving D. weeping 65 A. why B. where C. what D. which 66 A. drew B. spent C. paid D. took 67 A. above B. abo

11、ut C. beside D. within 2 免费答疑 QQ 群:261722915 成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京卷 2014 年 5 月份真题 网址: 咨询 QQ:2568170733 微信公众账号:boyadongli 68 A. taught B. consumed C. sought D. searched 69 A. Instruct B. Establish C. Proceed D. Perform 70 A. pointed B. cleaned C. picked D. stepped 71 A. price B. salary C. cost D. fame 72

12、 A. sights B. trusts C. needs D. pays 73 A. at B. in C. for D. on 74 A. origin B. shame C. belief D. duty 75 A. later B. first C. now D. before 3 免费答疑 QQ 群:261722915 成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京卷 2014 年 5 月份真题 网址: 咨询 QQ:2568170733 微信公众账号:boyadongli 成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京卷成人本科学士学位英语统一考试北京卷 20142014 年年 5 5 月份真题答案月份真题答案 第四部分完形填空第四部分完形填空 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 B A C A D B D C B C D B C B A D C B D A


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