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1、LOGO建设项目风险管理建设项目风险管理制作人制作人: 宇宇 德德 明明主讲人主讲人: 宇宇 德德 明明制作日期制作日期:2010年年3月月2010-4-101风险管理过程风险管理过程2010-4-102 基本概念基本概念 风险管理原则风险管理原则 风险管理过程风险管理过程 风险标准风险标准 风险处理风险处理/响应响应2010-4-103基本概念基本概念1. risk uncertainty inherent in plans and the possibility of something happening that can affect the prospects of achievin

2、g business or project goals 2. risk identification determination of what could pose a risk2010-4-104基本概念基本概念3. risk analysis systematic use of available information to: characterize the risks; determine how often the specified events could occur; Judge the magnitude of their likely consequences2010-

3、4-105基本概念基本概念4. risk evaluation(评价评价) process used to decide risk management priorities by evaluating and comparing the level of risk against predetermined standard, target risk levels or other criteria2010-4-106基本概念基本概念 5. risk assessment(评估评估) overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation r

4、isk assessment =risk analysis + risk evaluation 6. risk treatment selection and implementation of appropriate options for dealing with risk2010-4-107基本概念基本概念7. risk management systematic application of policies, procedures, methods, and practices to the tasks of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, t

5、reating, and monitoring risk2010-4-108基本概念基本概念8. secondary risk risk arising from the risk treatment process 9. residual risk risk remaining after risk treatment measures have been taken2010-4-109基本概念基本概念10. project risk combination of the probability of an event and its consequences for project obj

6、ectives Rf(P,Q) =P*Q2010-4-1010基本概念基本概念11. stakeholder Individual, group or organization have a vested interest or influence on the business or its projects 12. stakeholder analysis process for identifying stakeholders, their interests and influences2010-4-1011既得利益基本概念基本概念13. project risk management

7、 plan It is a part of the project plan, describing the structured process of project risk management. It may include or refer to: the context and boundaries of the project including the objectives of project risk management;2010-4-1012基本概念基本概念proposed risk management methodology, processes and inter

8、faces; personnel responsible for risk management activities; responsibilities, authority and lines of reporting; internal and external interfaces2010-4-1013基本概念基本概念program of risk management meetings; project risk register format; review processes; relationship with other project documentation and p

9、lans;2010-4-1014基本概念基本概念 relevant organizational procedures; risk management plans from other sources as appropriate (for example, subcontractors) Note: the project risk management plan should be reviewed regularly and updated as required. 2010-4-1015基本概念基本概念14. project risk manager He is the indivi

10、dual responsible for the project risk management tasks. He may be the project manager himself, or his delegated representative. The tasks include: establishing the context for project risk management process;2010-4-1016基本概念基本概念 managing risk identification activities; managing risk analysis and eval

11、uation activities; recommending, initiating and implementing risk treatment activities until the level of risk is tolerable; applying for an executive decision on conflicting risk issues; verifying the implementation of decisions and their effectiveness;2010-4-1017基本概念基本概念 communicating information

12、about risk issues in an appropriate and timely fashion throughout the project; ensuring contingency plans are in place; identifying and recording any problems relating to the management of risk; monitoring the risk management process and implementing corrective action where necessary; providing docu

13、mentation to ensure traceability.2010-4-1018基本概念基本概念15. project risk register It is the medium for recording changes to risk status. It should be initiated at the risk identification stage. It should contain at least a list of the identified risks, their ranks and the names of the people for treatin

14、g them.2010-4-1019基本概念基本概念 A unique ID should be allocated and noted, and the traceability of the data to its source should also be recorded. The plans for treating each risk should be documented, including the actions required, the person responsible and the schedule.2010-4-1020风险登记表举例风险登记表举例序序 号号风

15、风 险险 事事 件件成成 因因 概概 率率 等等 级级后后 果果 等等 级级风风 险险 等等 级级初初 始始 风风 险险 处处 理理 措措 施施概概 率率 等等 级级后后 果果 等等 级级风风 险险 等等 级级残残 余余 风风 险险 处处 理理 措措 施施风风 险险 处处 理理 负负 责责 人人填填 写写 日日 期期意意 见见 / 备备 注注2010-4-10初 始 风 险残 余 风 险21 基本概念基本概念 风险管理原则风险管理原则 风险管理过程风险管理过程 风险标准风险标准 风险处理风险处理/响应响应2010-4-1022Recall risk management systematic application of policies, procedures, methods, and practices to the tasks of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, and monitoring risk2010-4-1023风险管理原则风险管理原则原则原则1(社会性原则社会性原则) 风险管理应在合理可行的风险管理应在合理可行的 前提下,将项目中可能存在的前提下,将项目中可能存在的 各类风险降到可接受的水平,各类风险降到可接受的水平, 最大程度的保证安全,保障建最大程度的保证安全,保障建 设工期,保护环境,控制投资


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