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1、 月夜深院breezen. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波 vi. 吹微风;逃走 过去式breezed 过去分词breezed 现在分词breezing 短语 fresh breeze气象 清风;气象 五级风;气象 轻劲风;气象 蒲福五级 风 gentle breeze气象 三级风;微风之恋;朽木一指;微风 breeze coke碎焦炭;成型焦碳 breeze up变强;风开始吹起来 They click upon themselves as the breeze rises and turn many-colored as the stir cracks and crazes th

2、eir enamel. 一阵风吹起,树枝就咯喇喇响,闪射出五彩缤纷,原来这一颤动,冰块坼裂成瓷 瓶上的无数细纹。月夜深院brilliantadj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的 短语 brilliant cut磨光刻花法;一种钻石切割法;明亮型;切磨工艺 split brilliant简化多面型 And my academic adviser was an out lesbian and she wrote about it. She was also a poet and a brilliant teacher. 但是,我的大学导师是个出柜的女同性恋,她对此还进行写作,她是个诗人,也 是

3、一个很棒的老师。 Actually, hes pretty cool. I mean, not only is he a brilliant scientist, but it turns out hes a Black Diamond skier. 事实上,他真的很酷。 不仅仅因为他是个天才,他还是个黑钻滑雪高手。月夜深院brookvt. 忍受;容忍 n. 小溪; 小河 短语 Brook University布洛克大学 The child fell in the brook. 那孩子掉进小河里了。 A large man with thick red hair, he would brook

4、 no compromise. 他身材魁梧,一头浓厚的红发,容不得半点妥协。 My minds starts up at some flash on the flow of its thoughts , like a brook at a sudden liquid note of its own that is never repeated . 我的心灵在思想之流中因瞬间的光芒而开始活跃,正如小溪因其自身突然流动的。永 不重复的音调而活跃一般。月夜深院bulbn. 电灯泡;鳞茎;球状物 vi. 生球茎;膨胀成球状 短语 bulb onion洋葱;葱头;珠葱;洋葱头 lamp bulb灯泡;玻

5、璃泡 HOW many inventions does it take to change a light bulb? 每当人类变革一次灯泡需要多少位发明家? Any effort to meet that demand, though, will be doomed if a light bulb requires a skilled network engineer to install it and the services of a corporate IT department to manage it. 如果连一颗灯泡,都要熟练的网路工程师才能安装,并且需要公司的资讯部 门提供维修

6、服务,那麽任何企图建造智慧住宅的努力,都注定无效。月夜深院bulkn. 体积,容量;大块;大多数,大部分 vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要 短语 bulk volume总体积;成堆容积;容积;松装体积 bulk buying大批购买;大宗采购 bulk sale整批销售;大宗卖;趸售;整批出售 The bulk of the adjustment should come from spending cuts. 调整的主要部分应该来自消费的缩减。 The bulk storage tank can either supply gas from the vapor space or liqu

7、id from the bottom of the tank. 大容量储存容器能够或者从蒸气空间供应气体,或者从容器底部供应液体。月夜深院bulln. 公牛;看好股市者;粗壮如牛的人;俚胡说八道;印玺 adj. 公牛似的;雄性的;大型的 vt. 证券企图抬高证券价格;美俚吓唬;强力实现 vi. 证券价格上涨;走运;猛推;俚吹牛 短语 bull markets牛市 fighting bull欧洲斗牛 bull ring鼻环;填料护圈;首拖索环;磨环 Mike: You look really tired, Amanda. Want some Red Bull? 迈克:你看上去很累,阿曼达。要喝些

8、红牛吗? While there will always be price anomalies allowing investors to make money in wine, this bull-run is your classic demand story. 尽管总是会出现价格异常,让投资者得以从葡萄酒投资中获利,但这次的牛 市行情是典型的需求故事。月夜深院bulletn. 子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子 vi. 射出;迅速行进 短语 rubber bullet橡皮子弹 bullet wound枪弹创;枪弹伤;子弹伤 “Red Plenty“ has bullet-proofed

9、 itself against specialists by its breadth of field and seriousness of purpose. “红色富饶”因其所涉及的广度和严肃性在专家面前有了防弹衣般的保护。 Police say the mutilated corpses discovered early today had bullet wounds and were most likely victims of sectarian violence. 警察说毁伤的尸体今早被发现有弹伤并且很可能是宗派的冲突的受害者。月夜深院buryvt. 埋葬;隐藏 过去式buried

10、过去分词buried 现在分词burying 短语 bury it深埋地下 Bury heart葬心 bury (oneself) in 埋头于,专心于 . Bury the dead near a church. 将死者埋葬在教堂附近。 Tribes returned to particular places to bury their dead. 部落的人返回到特定地点埋葬死者。 Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend. 存一大罐硬币并埋在你家后面的院子里。然后画一张藏宝图,交给你的一个朋友。( 让他找去吧!)


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