英语学业复习 M2 Unit3

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1、Unit 3Amazing peopleKey phrases自古以来,有史以来 在某人的一生中 对好奇 启航去 以知名 出席会议议 死于心脏病 与有关系/牵连牵连of all time during ones life be curious about sth set sail for be known as be present at the meeting die of heart trouble have sth to do with引起(某种结结果) 由于发烧发烧 而生病 提前 (某事得到)回报报当护护士 进进展顺顺利大量的钱钱 踏上,踏入result in fall ill wit

2、h a fever in advance pay off work as a nurse go well a great deal of money set foot on/in全速 在他三十多岁时岁时 作笔记记 与有关系 使梦想成真 十四个中的三个 载载入史册 尊敬某人at full speed in his thirties make/take a note of be related to make a dream a reality three out of the fourteen go down in history look up to sb实现实现 梦想 战胜战胜 ;争取过过来

3、 对对有影响 把比作 在90年代 碰巧 和一样样好;也,还还有 (用来连接并列成分)做是合格的,有的资资格live/realize ones dream win over have a(n) effect on compareto. in the 90s by coincidence= by chance as well as be qualified for /to do自古以来,有史以来 在某人的一生中 对好奇 启航去 以知名 出席会议议 死于心脏病 与有关系/牵连牵连of all time during ones life be curious about sth set sail fo

4、r be known as be present at the meeting die of heart trouble have sth to do with引起(某种结结果) 由于发烧而生病 提前 (某事得到)回报报 当护护士 进进展顺顺利 大量的钱 踏上,踏入result in fall ill with a fever in advance pay off work as a nurse go well a great deal of money set foot on/in全速 在他三十多岁时岁时 作笔记记 与有关系 使梦想成真 十四个中的三个 载载入史册 尊敬某人at full s

5、peed in his thirties make/take a note of be related to make a dream a reality three out of the fourteen go down in history look up to sb实现实现 梦想 战胜战胜 ;争取过过来对对有影响 把比作在90年代 碰巧和一样样好;也,还还有 做是合格的, 有的资资格live/realize ones dream win over have a(n) effect on compareto. in the 90s by coincidence= by chance as

6、well as be qualified for /to do1. curious a. 好奇的;奇异的 基本构词 curiously ad. 好奇地curiosity n. 好奇;好奇心短语搭配 be curious aboutbe curious to do stharouse / excite ones curiosity对感到好奇因好奇想做某事引起某人的好奇心小孩子会自然地对周围每一件事感到好奇。 Children are naturally_ _ everything around them.我很想知道他们在谈论什么。 Im curious _what they are talkin

7、g about.他不辞而别引起我的好奇心。 That he left without saying goodbye_ _.curious aboutto knowaroused my curiosity2. present a. preznt出席的,到场(做表语或后 置定语); 现在,目前(做前置定语)n. priznt礼物,赠品; 目前,现在v. prizent呈奉,奉送短语搭配 at present for the present be present at to the present=at the present time目前 目前,暂且 出席,到场 到目前有多少人出席了会议?How

8、many people_ _ at the meeting?In the present case, we can do nothing but wait.在目前的情况下我们只能等候。他现在在上海。 He is in Shanghai_.我暂时记不起来了。 I cant remember it_. 我把介绍信交给了经理。 I presented the letter of introduction_ the manager.were presentat presentfor the presentto3. result n. 结果,效果 vi. 结果,导致短语搭配result inresult

9、 fromas a result as a result of without result (= in vain)典型例句 车祸导致两名乘客死亡。 The accident _ _the death of two passengers.造成某种结果,导致 由于而产生,作为.的结果 因此 因为 徒劳,毫无结果resulted inThe illness will result in total blindness if (it is) left untreated.如果不治疗的话,这病将导致完全失明。 Illness often_ _ eating too much.=Eating too m

10、uch often _ _illness.疾病往往是因吃的太多而致。 由于下很大的雨,我们只得呆在家里。We had to stay at home_ the heavy rain. 他试图想起她的名字,但没能想起。 He tried to recall her name_ _.results fromresults inas a result ofwithout resultbecause ofdue to owing to on account of 4. certain a. (未指明真实名称的)某;确定的,无疑的;一定会 基本构词 certainly ad. 当然;一定,无疑 cert

11、ainty n. 确实;必然 短语搭配Its certain that- 一定,肯定make certain of / that / wh- 弄清楚;确保be certain to do sth. 必定会for certain 确信A certain Mr. Jones called while you were out. 你不在的时候有一个琼斯先生打电话来了。她一定会来。 She is certain_.我不确定他什么时候来。 I dont know _when he will come.地球是圆的这一点是肯定的。 Its certain that the earth is round.to

12、 comefor certain=_that she will come.Its certain我确信你一定会成功。 Im certain_ your success. =Im certain that you will succeed. Im not certain whether she will go with us. 我没把握她会不会跟我们去。要确保他安全到达。 _ _ _his safe arrival.我们要确保有座位。 Lets make certain_ well get seats.ofMake certain ofthat( )5. compare v. 比较,对照 基本构

13、词 comparison n. 比较,对照 短语搭配 compare sth. to sth. 把和比较;(相同处)把比拟/比喻为 compare A with B 把和比较(异同) compare with sth 匹敌(常否定) (When)compared with/to 与相比(作状语 ) in comparison with 较之He began to compare himself with the other students.他开始拿自己和其他同学相比。年轻人被比作正在升起的太阳。 Young people are_ the rising sun.My works dont _

14、yours.我的作品没法和你的相比。When_ the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big.与整个地球相比,最大的海洋也不那么大了。compared tocompare withcompared with/to6. pick v. 拾起; 采集;挑选 短语搭配 pick up 拾起; 收拾; 学到; 获得; 收听; 用车来接pick out 挑选出; 拣出; 辨认出pick flowers 摘花pick ones pocket 扒钱 We would pick the right person for the work.我们将为这项工作挑选合适的人选。要我去火车站接你吗? Shall I_ you_ at the station?他在法国期间学了很多法语。 He_ French when he was in France.你能在人群中认出那个人吗? Can you_ the man in the crowd? pick uppicked uppick out7. manage v. 管理;设法对付 基本构词 manager n. 经理 management n. 管理;经营 短语搭配 manage to do sth 设法做成某事 典型例句 Your mot


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