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1、2010 专八人文知识小练习(1) 1. _is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it is a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people. A Beowulf B sir Gawain C the Canterbury tale D king Arthur and his knights2. The father of English poetry, the aut

2、hor of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of _. A Romeo and Juliet B the faerie queen C Tamburlainc D the Canterbury tales3. The group of Shakespeare plays known as “romance“or “reconciliation plays“ is _. A merchant of Venice, as you like it B the tempest, pericles, the winters tale C Romeo and J

3、uliet, antonym and Cleopatra D.the tempest, pericles, the winters tale,Cymbeline4. Which of the following are regarded as Shakespeares four great tragedies? A Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, King Lear B Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, Macbeth C hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth D Romeo and J

4、uliet, Othello, Macbeth, Timon of Athens5. Which of the following is not the work of Francis bacon? A advancement of learning B new instrument C songs of innocence D essays6. At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics by Samuel Johnson, _is the founder of metaphys

5、ical poetry. A Ben Johnson B john Milton C john Bunyan D john Donne7. Daniel Defoe is a famous_. A poetB novelist C playwright D essayist8. “He has a servant called Friday.“ “he“in the quoted sentence is a character in_. A Henry fieldings tom jones B john Bunyan the pilgrims progress C Richard brins

6、ley Sheridans the school for scandal D Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe9. Guiiliver travel was written by_. A Daniel Defoe B Charles dickens C Jonathan swift D Joseph Addison10. William Wordsworth is generally known as a _poet. A romantic B realistic C naturalistic D neo-classic答案详解: 1. ABeowulf 是 Angl

7、o-Saxon 时代留下的重要的古英语文学作品,它被认为是英国的民族史诗.sir Gawain and the green knight,king Arthur and his knights of the round table 是中古英语时期的浪漫传奇.the Canterbury tale 是英国大诗人乔叟的一部诗体短篇小说集.2. D乔叟被誉为英国诗歌之父,Troilus and Criseyde 是他的重要作品之一.3. D1608-1612 被认为是莎翁的浪漫剧创作时期,包括四部浪漫剧和解剧 the tempest, pericles, the winters tale,Cymbe

8、line . merchant of Venice, as you like it,twelfth night,the merry wives of Windsor 为莎翁的喜剧,Romeo and Juliet, antonym and Cleopatra 为悲剧.4. C莎翁最杰出的四大悲剧为 hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.5. Csongs of innocence 是英国 18 世纪末 19 世纪初浪漫主义诗人 William Blake 的著作.6. Djohn Donne 是 17 世纪玄学派诗人的重要代表人物,Ben Johnson 是莎

9、翁同时代的剧作家,john Milton,john Bunyan 虽都是 17 世纪著名作家,但作品风格与玄学派大相径庭.7. BDaniel Defoe 创作的鲁宾逊漂流记为他赢得了英国小说之父的称号.8. DDaniel Defoe 创作的鲁宾逊漂流记中的主人公 Robinson Crusoe 有个同伴和仆人叫 Friday.9. CGuiiliver travel 是 Jonathan swift 一部极具魅力的儿童故事,同时包含深刻的思想内容.10. AWilliam Wordsworth 为英国浪漫派诗 2010 专八人文知识小练习专八人文知识小练习(5) 1._is the hom

10、e of golf. A England B Scotland C Wales D Ireland2.Which of the follwing languages is NOT spoken in Scotland? A English B Scottish C Gaelic D Denish3.The election of _ made Margaret Thatcher to power and she became the first woman prime minister. A 1979 B 1980 C 1982 D 19924.To its full sense, the B

11、ritish Parliament consist of _ A the House Lord and the House of Commons B the House and the Senate C the Queen and the Hosue of Lords D the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons5.The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by _ A King Harold

12、B Robin Hood C Oliver Cromwell D William the Conqueror6.There are _ state churches in Britain. A two B three C four D five7.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son_, the regime began immediately to collapse. A Henry B Hamilton C Richard D Charles8._ birthday is a great event

13、in Britain since it marks the beginning of full manhood or womanhood. A The twenty-first B The eighteenth C The nineteenth D The twentieth9.Reuters was founded in _ A 1715 B 1751 C 1851 D 181510. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A.? A Uncle Sam B Brother Jonathan C Yankee D All of the above答

14、案详解:答案详解: 1.B 高尔夫是一项古老的贵族的运动,源于十五世纪或更早以前的苏格兰,苏格兰地区山 多,气候湿润,多雾,非常适合牧草生长,这里的工业文明以前是连绵不断的牧场。相传 当时牧羊人放牧闲暇时,用木板玩游戏,将石子击入兔子窝或洞中。久而久之形成了使用 不同的球杆并按一定的规则击球。2.D Gaelic 苏格兰盖尔语是高地苏格兰人的传统语言;更多人使用的语言是英语。一直到 15 世纪末,盎格鲁人仍然以他们的语言称苏格兰盖尔语为苏格兰语 (盎格鲁语: Scottish) 。3.A Margaret Thatcher 在 1979 年成为英国首相,为英国史上第一个女首相。4.D 具体的说

15、,英国的议会是有元首,上议院和下议院组成。其中,元首没有实权,上议 员由大法官(Lord Chancellor)掌权,是由神职议员(the Lord Spiritual)和世俗议员(the Lord Temporal) ,下 议院的成员是通过选举产生的 651 名议员,以首相为首。5.D 伦敦塔名为“塔”,实际上是公元 11 世纪处于罗马统治时期的一座城堡式建筑。6.A 英国有两大国教: 在英格兰是英格兰教(Church of England)或者英国圣公会,在苏格 莎白的头衔全称为“托上帝宏恩,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合国和她的其他领土和领地的女王、 英联邦元首、基督教的保护者伊丽莎白二世”。可

16、见,英/女王是基督教的保护者。7.C Oliver Cromwell 的儿子在父亲过世后继承王权,但是不久后掌控的政体瓦解。1660 年, 议会扶植流浪法国的前国王儿子 Charle 二世当国王。8.A 在英国,21 岁生日是个大生日,因为他们认为 21 岁是大人开始的年龄。9.C 路透社是世界四大通讯社之一,也是英国创办最早的通讯社。1850 年由保罗朱利叶 斯路透 (paul julius reuter)在德国亚琛创办,1851 年迁址到伦敦。创办人路透原为德国 人,后加入英国籍。1865 年,路透把他的私人通讯社扩展成为一家大公司。10.D “山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam) , “乔纳森大哥”和“扬基老”都是美国和美国人的绰号。 2010 专八人文知识小练习专八人文知识小练习(6)练习题目:练习题目:1. “The Graveyard Poets“got the name because _.A they ch



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