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1、 1 .工作在他 14 岁的时候,汉斯离开家去哥本哈根寻找他的财富。在一个漫长 而令人沮丧的时期,他找不到工作。最后,他送了一出他写给皇家剧院的剧本。2.突然,人们听到了很大的响声,抬头看了看。他们的马战斗。两个人冲上来 阻止他们,但已经太迟了。3 .项目然而,即使在他成名之后,安徒生仍然觉得自己是个局外人。他的人际 关系使他很痛苦。丹麦评论家经常批评他的故事,嘲笑他的外表。4。我要记住,优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成 这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生活的一部分。5。如果我告诉你,我警告他不要把他的马绑在我的附近,他会否认的。然后你 不能决定我们谁讲的是真话。6。他

2、把颤抖的小动物抱在怀里,又在小溪里涉水而过。不久他就赶上了慢牛。工作。他总是喜欢早点做事。然后,如果他太忙,一切都会好起来的。8.我可能会写一页关于在生命早期学习的重要性,以挺立,并拒绝做不值得的 行为,因为它是不值得的。9.安徒生经常写关于善战胜恶的胜利。有时他会写一些悲观的故事。10.我们拜访了房东,并和他谈了话。我们都渴望拥有像家一样的东西,我们总 能回到家,而不是一个酒店房间,不管它有多好。Hello, my friendAs the holidays ended, the break came to an end. We started the new term again.We s

3、hould take part in social welfare activities and spend more time with our parents. Read more and study hard. I hope we can travel together sometime. I hope you can write back to me. I wish you all the best!Protecting Our EyesightNowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, people

4、have higher requirements for learning, work and life. But in recent years, the decline in eyesight among teenagers has been increasing year by year, so that their studies and employment are affected. , the incidence of juvenile myopia increased significantly with age, high school is higher than prim

5、ary school myopia incidence, college than high school myopia incidence rate is high, the key school, major work class, and especially the graduating class. Among parents with myopia, the incidence of myopia in children is higher than that of non-myopic children. High myopia has obvious genetic facto

6、rs, so it is more important for adolescents with a family history of myopia to be more prophylactic and to pay attention to the influence of acquired factors. Adolescents are in the development stage, individual nutrition status, eye ball wall hardness, the resistance of the external pressure is aff

7、ected by environmental factors. Therefore, how to prevent myopia is a multifaceted problem.First of all, you should pay attention to the use of eye hygiene: including the correct sitting position when studying, reading and writing with an eye and book distance of about 0.3 m. Dont read and write for long periods of time. Read between 30 minutes and 1h. You should take a break and look away from the distance. The light should come from the top left of the job and avoid reading in direct or dim light. The reading should be clear, color contrast should be soft and so on.



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