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1、Cosmetic SurgeryMy due reportmade by mengjingNew Worlds cosmetic kzmetik adj. 美容的;化妆用的 n. 化妆品;装饰品 surgery s:dri n. 外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室 celebrity silebrti n. 名人;名声 vision vin n. 视力;眼力;幻象;美景;想象力 vt. 显现;梦见;想象 aspiring spairi adj. 有抱负的;追求的;高耸的 v. 立志(aspire的ing形式) eluded ilju:d vt. 逃避,躲避 lethal li:l adj. 致命的

2、,致死的 n. 致死因子 arrogant rnt adj. 自大的,傲慢的 perfect obsessive-compulsive kmplsiv disorder 完美强迫 症 ugly driven blink disorder 丑陋恐惧症 competent and well-trained people 有真才实学的人New sentences People regard appearance as a weapon and a means of empowerment 人们将外表当做权 力的武器与手段 Beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying

3、 goes . 就像俗语所 说的那样,外在美不过是表面现象 Young people see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love. 年轻人把整容看作是财富与 爱情的敲门砖 It seems the aspiring singer Wang Bei has finally achieved the fame and influence that eluded(逃 避) her during her lifetime. 如此看来,似乎这 位满怀抱负的歌手王贝有生之年 默默无闻,殒命 后却名声大噪 Questions What do you

4、think about the importance of good-looking? Do you approve of cosmetic(整容 )?Why? Takeaway: cosmetic surgery it is to let a person of love and hate. Of course can become beautiful clever medicine, also can become a lethal in disguise. But even if there is risk, there are still more and more people ar

5、e willing to take risks, whether it is “perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder“, or “ugly driven blink disorder? We also how to correctly understand oneself, pursue “beautiful effect“? 导读:整容(cosmetic surgery)真是让人又爱 又恨。能变成美丽灵药,当然也能变成致命的砒霜。可即便有风险,仍有越来越多的人愿意铤 而走险,这究竟是 “完美强迫症”驱使,还是“丑陋恐惧症”作祟?我们又该如何正确认识自己,

6、 追求“美丽效应”呢? 王贝,女,2005年成都超女20强,2010年11 月15日上午,王贝母女走进了武汉某整形医 院,接受面部磨骨手术,结果简单的手术却 出现了意外事故,血液通过王贝喉部进入气 管,经转院抢救无效死亡。The tragic(悲剧的) death of celebrity(名人) Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular.近日,超女王贝整容殒命的新闻使得人们愈加意识到越来越流行的整容 手术的风险性。It seem

7、s the aspiring singer Wang Bei has finally achieved the fame and influence that eluded(逃避) her during her lifetime.如此看来,似乎这位满怀 抱负的歌手王贝有生之年默默无闻,殒命后却名声大噪。A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks. Some netizens said Wang was a victim(受

8、害人) of societys unrealistic ideal of beauty: double eyelids, an aquiline(鹰 钩) nose and the pointed chin(下巴) typical of Western celebrities. Others said her death underscores the limits to which people will go to achieve fame and fortune.如今,网络上讨论着一个共同话题:为什么那些长相漂亮 的人都不满意自己的外表呢?大众的审美标准并不切实际:双眼皮、 鹰钩鼻、尖下

9、巴典型的西方人面孔。一些网友说王贝正是该审美 标准的牺牲品。也有的人说她的死也为那些想通过整容获得名誉和财 富的人敲响警钟。Wangs death highlights the fact that cosmetic surgery has become one of Chinas biggest beauty secrets. Last year an estimated 15 billion yuan ($2.2 billion) was spent on cosmetic surgery and the figure is expected to rise 20 percent annually, a China Central Television report concluded.王贝的死揭露了一个事实,那就是整容手术 已成为中国最大的美丽秘诀之一。据中央电视台报道, 去年国民花费在整容手术上的费用估计有150亿元(合 22亿美金),且该费用每年平均增长20%。Thank you so much



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