Irish Republic - Division & Independence英语国家概况

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《Irish Republic - Division & Independence英语国家概况》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Irish Republic - Division & Independence英语国家概况(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Division Protestants)lSettlers 17th C (Scottish Protestants to the North)The so-called Old English were traditionally loyal to London. But when England (and Scotland) became Protestant, they remained Catholic. They therefore could not get government positions. Therefore, some Old English joined tog

2、ether with the native (Celtic) Irish against new Protestant settlers who were sent to govern Ireland after the Reformation. For an analogy, think about Taiwan after the KMT arrivedReligious Roots of DivisionCatholic landowners lost their lands after the Reformation, and had to move west. New Protest

3、ant settlers from Scotland moved into northern Ireland, and from England into central and southern counties.Potato Famine (1845-49)l8m 5m (1m died; 2m left)Landlords used the police to evict tenantsPotatoes were the staple food of Irish peasantsIrish Abroadl3m Irish citizens live abroadl10.8% of Ame

4、ricans claim Irish ancestry (7x the pop. of Ireland). lEmigration (to the UK independence supporters won. UK govt negotiated. Ireland was divided into north and south: the Irish Free State was created in the south.A Celtic, Catholic Country?lMany Celtic Irish surnames: e.g. ONeil (But Smith is the 5

5、th most common and there are also many Norman names e.g. Fitzgerald).lCatholics 88%; many schools and hospitals are also run by the church, but church attendance is only 50% (90% - 1970)lIrish language study is compulsory, but few are fluent.Therefore, the post-independence emphasis on religious and

6、 language differences (with the UK) is perhaps no longer so relevant in modern IrelandIrish language areasPoliticslBritish-style parliamentary system (with PM)lPresident: symbolic (similar to the Queen)lEuropean-style proportional representation (coalition governments)Economy the new Celtic Tigerl19

7、th C: no Industrial Revolution. (Many Irish labourers worked in the UK)l1922-72: self-sufficiency policy; dependent on agriculturel1972: EU member (received financial grants some moved to Europe away from Irelands strict Catholic censorshipCultural StereotypeslFoolishlEasy-goinglFriendlyAn Englishma

8、n, Scotsman and Irishman were all driving in the desert. Suddenly, their car breaks down and they each have to choose one thing to take with them as they walk in the terrible heat to find help. The Englishman takes an umbrella, as it might rain. The Scotsman takes whisky, as they might get thirsty.

9、But the Irishman takes the car door. The others are puzzled and ask him why he wants the car door. The Irishman replies, “when we get too hot. .we can open the window”Historical SummarylIreland has a Celtic image. But, its culture is mixed and was half-conquered by Normans who were loyal to England

10、until the Reformation. lIn the 16th C, new protestant settlers were sent to populate and govern the country against the native Catholic Irish and Old English opposition.lMany Irish left for America during the 19th C famine. Catholics also began to campaign for equal rights and home rule which was pr

11、omised in 1914. lAfter a rebellion in 1916, southern Ireland won independence in 1922; the new Republic was 90% Catholic but remained English-speaking.Contemporary SummarylIreland has a UK-style parliamentary system but with proportional voting.lIrelands economic self-sufficiency policy changed in 1

12、972 with EU membership.lGovernment spending and taxes were cut in the 1980s.lIreland benefited from EU grants, European market access, US FDI and a young, well-educated English- speaking workforce.lThe Celtic Tiger: has been transformed from one of the poorest EU members to one of the richest, altho

13、ugh the recent banking crisis has hit the country hard.Social & Cultural SummarylUntil the 1970s, Irish society was mainly agricultural, religious, socially conservative, and rather male- dominated.lSince the 1970s, Ireland has become more liberal because of the influence of (UK & US) TV, pop cultur

14、e, expats, the EU, European travel etc (and the discovery of church scandals).lIn the 19th C Irish were negatively stereotyped as foolish though this has been transformed more positively to friendly and easy-going. Ireland also has a rich literary tradition, perhaps because Irish used English more f

15、lexibly and were also open to European influences.TasklWhy did the Irish Republic become independent?lWhat are the major changes in Irish social life since the 1980s and why has Ireland (until recently) been called the Celtic tiger?lCulturally speaking, is Ireland Celtic and why might it be regarded as culturally backward or culturally strong? lWould it be reasonable to compare Ireland to Taiwan (Why / Why not)?


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