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1、 简单的英语演讲短文 英语美文摘抄 英语演讲小短文带翻译 1 分钟英语演讲短文故事 英 语演讲学生简单 篇一:简单的英语演讲稿 简单的英语演讲稿 Good morning everybody!Its my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic ething about ore important, time or money. Some people often say:“money is more important than time.”they think that if people have money. T

2、hey can buy clothes, foods, drinks, houses, cars, puters and so o n. But l dont think so. Because e is gone aking more money. Y DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. other) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the cou

3、ntry. She bade me take good care of him. any people do not knoe. It (this) is indeed a great pity. Y BIRTHDAY 我 的生日 Yesterday y birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to e and take part in it. The tea party began at half past si

4、x. There ents. y aim is to bee a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the (my) country. Hoany duties to fulfill. The first duty of a good citizen is to love his country. He is to (must) be ready to sacrifice even his oent (to) maintain order. If everybody can do so, the country bol of

5、a (the) country. To respect it means to respect the country. In other an loves his country, he must love the national flag. In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day. Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national

6、 anthem. It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony. 尊敬国旗是每个公民的责任(义务)。为什么?因为国旗是国家的 象征。尊敬它意思就是尊敬国家。换句话说,如果一个人爱国,他 必须爱国旗。 在学校里,通常每天定时要升旗。那时,校长,老师,教职员学生 教师将恭敬地站在它前面并且唱国歌。参加此项仪式确实非常有意 义。 第十七天:THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION 教育的重要性 It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong

7、hoost countries in (of) the atter of course that industry sure that a hard-an only enjoys playing and making pleasures. That he is doomed to failure is of no doubt. Y NATIVE TOy native toy grandfather y family has lived here for more than one hundred years. It is a small village. There are about one

8、 thousand inhabitants. Most of them are farmers. The mode of their living is very simple. Hoade up their minds to live a modern life. 我的故乡是 X。我们自从祖父是小孩时,就定居在此地。换句话说, 我们家人在此地已经住了一百余年了。 这个小村庄。居民大约有一千人。他们大部分是农夫。他们的生活 方式很简单。然而,他们已拥有电视和冰箱。他们下定决心要过一 个现代的生活。 第二十天:MY SCHOOL LIFE 我的学校生活 y parents e. After I

9、had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. ake yourself a better person and knoeone else and expect them to knoember: ay be they are simply great enough to receive isgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the toselves by dishonest means. ost think that they

10、 are above being supported by the toselves by dishonest means.Do not trouble yourself much to get ne.Things do not change;haida. 海 达 范 文网:简 单的英语演讲短文) 不论 你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要恶言咒骂它。它不像你 那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。你要爱你的生活,尽管 它贫穷。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮; 在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不靠 城镇来支援他们;可是事实上他们是往往利用了不正当的手

11、段来对 付生活。不要找新的花样,无论是新的朋友或新的衣服,来麻烦你 自己。找旧的,回到那里去。万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可 以卖掉,但要保留你的思想。 The Goodness of Life Though there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for es be overshadoore small, quiet acts of love, kindness and passion. For every person any, many more ost magnificent vistas and in the smallest


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