外研版高中必修四 module5

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1、 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorgescavepeakplainplateaushoreslopevalley wood flat surroundcolleague downstreamn. 洞;山洞 n. 山顶;山峰 n. 平原 n. 高原 n. (海,湖,河等的)岸 n. 斜坡 n. 山谷 n. (常做复数)树林 adj. 平坦的 vt. 围绕;环绕 n. 同事 adv. 向下游;随波而下goodstradetemple dock deck hillyraftnarrowdetourlegend distantexploit n. 货物 vi./n

2、. 做生意 n. 寺庙n. 码头 vi. 驶入码头 n. 甲板 adj. 多山的 n. 木筏 vi. 变狭窄 n. 迂路;绕行之路 n. 传奇;传说故事 adj. 遥远的 vt. 开发1.Goods The goods (is / are) of good quality.are2. dock / deck / duck3. the raft ( 划木筏)ride4. at least ( )( 至多 )at most5. forbid / permit / allow / advise 6. distant / distance In the distance至少at a distancer

3、iverrivergorgegorgewoodwoodslopecavevalleycliffspeakshorelakegoodsraftdockdeckpagodatempleconstruction sitebambooLets have a memory test1.1. “walls of stone to hold back clouds and “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow rain till a smooth lake rises in th

4、e narrow gorges. ”gorges. ”2. Who first suggested the idea of a damWho first suggested the idea of a damacross the Yangtze River? across the Yangtze River?3. The advantages and disadvantages of three gorges damA Trip Along the Three GorgesWhat are the Three Gorges? The Qutang Gorge瞿塘峡 The Wu Gorge巫峡

5、 The Xiling Gorge西陵峡The first gorge,8 km ,以雄著称The Qutang GorgeThe Wu Gorge42km,巫峡以秀著称The Xiling Gorge以险为特色, 126km白帝城 昭君宅 孔明碑 屈原祠Scenery along the Three Gorges Read the introduction and find the following information: A trip along the Three Gorgestime:_passengers:_means of transportation: _during the

6、 Spring Festival , 1997Peter and his colleaguetake a boat_August 1996, Peter Hessler, a young American teacher _ English, arrived _ the town of Fuling _ the Yangtze River.Inof inon介词填空:He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.翻译句子:他和另一位同事将在那里的一所

7、教师 进修学院任教两年。 The first semester finished at the end of January and they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival.FulingFengduQutang GorgeWushanDaning RiverWu GorgeXiang RiverXiling GorgeThe Three Gorges Dam1. What did the writer see at the dam? 2. Did the writer enjoy the trip? Why or why not?涪陵丰都

8、瞿塘峡大 宁 河巫峡小小三峡湘江西陵峡三峡大坝Lefton a afternoon. As we docked at We slept throughAt Wushan we made a detour upto seeIt was a morning as we went through We passed There was so much history along As we came out of , we sailed into the construction site ofRead the passage and complete the statements about th

9、e writers journey. 1 Peter and his friend went downstream _.(a) to see the dam (b) to see the Three Gorges (c) to get to Fuling 2 He chose the Jiangyou boat because_.(a) it was crowded (b) it didnt stop at temples (c) it didnt usually carry foreigners33 When they started the trip it was_.(a) sunny (

10、b) cold (c) evening4 When the boat went through the firstgorges, Peter and his friend _.(a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck(c) were asleep5 When they reached the site of the dam_ came to look.(a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners 6 Peter was impressed by the Yan

11、gtzeRivers sense of _.(a) power (b) history (c) danger2.We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.我们可以看到太阳正向白塔后面落去 。 太阳东升西落。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. sunset1. That sounded fine to me.- What delicious cakes!- They would taste _ with butter.A.good B. better C. bad D.

12、worse2. 2. seesee the sun the sun settingsetting 看到太阳正在落下看到太阳正在落下 see sb. doing 看见某人正在做 see sb. do 看见某人做了 昨晚我看见他出去了。 I saw him go out last night. 我看见他在偷商店里的钱。 I saw him stealing money from the shop. He was seen to go out last night. He was seen stealing money from the shop.see do 改为被动语态时,要用be seen t

13、o do3.The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.当急流穿过两英里高的峡谷时,峡谷 变窄了,只有350英尺。4.At least we have two more left.再,又,还two more= two other= another two 5.Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, e

14、very hill was heavy with the past.块块巨石形状各异,条条支流都流 淌着传说,座座小山都承载着过往 。6.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters. “Building the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it said.A sign in 20-foot characters was on a distant mountain.“建造三峡大坝,开发长江资源”On the top of the mountain _ a tall tree. He came to a small village, in front of which _ a big rock. On the wall _ two loudspeakers.墙上挂着两个喇叭。 Among the goods _ Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.is倒装句谓语动词的数与主语保持一致。倒装句谓语动词的数与主语保持一致。is hangare1. 他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院任教两 年。He and a colleague _ _ _ two years there teac


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