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1、Unit 4Unit 4Notice and PosterNotice and PosterCENTURY ENGLISH 世纪英语 应用英语写作大大连连连连理工大理工大学学出版社出版社Basic Knowledge of Practical English WritingWriting TipsWriting Tips1 1Layouts and SamplesLayouts and Samples2 2Words and ExpressionsWords and Expressions3 3Typical SentencesTypical Sentences4 4Exercise and

2、PracticeExercise and Practice5 Writing Tips Writing TipsNoticeDefinition A notice is a practical writing which is used by the higher authority to the subordinate, the organization to its members. Types There are two kinds of notices, one is in the form of message; the other is in the correspondence

3、form. Contents Generally the body of a notice should contain the following contents: time, place, sponsor and other details. Writing Tips Writing TipsReminders The notices should be written briefly, appropriately and promptly. The date and the signature of the person or the organization that writes

4、the notice can be omitted; the organization that writes the notice and the person or organization noticed should be in the third person, but if there is a salutation in front of the body, the person or organization noticed should be in the second Writing Tips Writing Tips通 知定义通知是一种上级对下级、单位对职工发布信息的应用

5、文。分类通知有两种:一种是信息卡式,另一种是书信式。内容通知的正文应该包括以下内容:时间、地点、承办人和其它具 体内容。 注意事项通知应该写得简洁、恰当和及时。出通知日期和出通知的人 或单位落款可以省略;出通知单位和被通知的人或单位要用第三人 称,但是如果正文前面已有称呼,那么被通知的人和单位则要用第 二人称。Writing Tips Writing TipsPoster Contents In general, a poster consists of the name of activity, participants, time, place, sponsor and signature

6、.Reminders Posters have no fixed layouts. Their styles are various. But their words should be concise, clear and complete. 海 报内容一般来说,海报内容包括活动名称、参与者、时间、地点、 承办者和签名。注意事项海报没有固定的格式,它们的风格多种多样。但是它们的语 言要简洁、明了和完整。Layouts and SamplesLayouts and SamplesLayout 1 noticeTitleBody_ _ _ (Date)Layouts and Samples La

7、youts and SamplesNoticeNotice is given that of the of our company will be held at the Bankers Club on March 1.February 20th, 2006Sampleherebyhereby ad.by this statement 兹,借此the annual general meetingthe annual general meeting 年会shareholdersshareholder n. someone who owns shares in a business 股东Layou

8、ts and Samples Layouts and SamplesLayout 2 noticeDate Salutation, Body_ _ _ _.Close, SLayouts and SamplesLayouts and SamplesFeb.25, 2006 Dear Sir/Madam, Owing to the large increase in the of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang as manager. The new branch w

9、ill open on 1st of March and from that date all orders and inquiries should be sent to Mr. Wang at the above address instead of our London office. We express our thanks for your cooperation in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Yours, Liu BingSamplevolumevolume

10、n. the total amount of sth 量take this opportunity totake this opportunity to do sth 藉此机会做某事Layouts and SamplesLayouts and SamplesLayout 3 posterActivity Name Participants: Time: Place: Sponsor: Reminders:Layouts and SamplesLayouts and SamplesSample Friendly Basketball MatchAll Are Warmly WelcomeTeam

11、s: University vs University Time: 8:30 a.m., Nov. 24, 2001 ( Saturday) Place: Sponsor: Please contact the Physical Culture Academy for tickets (limited to 100). Basketball fans should hurry. Three college buses will take fans to the match. Fans are expected to gather at the college gate at 8:00 shar

12、p the day of the game.Agriculturalagricultural a. of agriculture 农业的 Normalnormal a. usual and ordinary 规范的Provincialprovincial a. connected with the parts of a country outside the capital 省的Gymnasiumgymnasium n. a room containing exercise equipment 体操房, 体育馆The Physical Cultural AcademyThe Physical

13、Cultural Academy 体育文化研究会Word and Expressions Word and Expressions1. hereby ad. by this statement 兹,借此2. the annual general meeting 年会3. shareholder n. someone who owns shares in a business 股东4. volume n. the total amount of sth 量5. take this opportunity to do sth 藉此机会做某事Word and Expressions Word and Expressions6. agricultura


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