新人教版英语九年《Unit 9 When was it invented》ppt课件A

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1、Section AUnit 91a GROUPWORK Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Number them 1-51234 51b Listen and match the inventions with the dates.abedc18761885192719711976abecd1c PAIRWORKA: When was the telephone invented ?B:I think it was invented in 1876.Julie Thompsonbat

2、tery-operated slippersChelsea Lanmonheated ice cream scoopJayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworthshoes with adjustable heels2a Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear.312PAIRWORKWho was it / were they invented by ?It was/ They were invented by Chelsea Lanmon.3a PAIRWORK Make a list of f

3、ive helpful inventions and five annoying.Helpful inventionsAnnoying inventionsExample: telephoneExample: alarm clock1. bomb (原子弹)missile(导弹)rifle (步枪)chemical weaponinstant glue(速干胶)3b PAIRWORK A: What do you think is the most helpful invention? B :I

4、think the most helpful invention is the light bulb. A: Why is that? B: Well, it gives people more time to work and play every day. A: What do you think is a helpful invention? B: I think it is the car. A: Why is that? B: Well, it makes it possible for people to move to distant places faster. 4 PAIRW

5、ORKImagine you are left alone on a small island in the sea. If you are allowed to take five inventions along with you, what would you take? I would like to take the followings with me: a knife, a flashlight, a cell phone, a telescope and a gun.A: Id like to have a radio because I could listen to mus

6、ic all day.B: Yes, but thats not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have .The passive voice.被动语态英语中动词有主动和被动两种语态,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者, 在被动语态中动作的执行者有时用by短语表示出来。被动语态的构成构成:助动词be+ (及物动词的) 过去分词 am (is, are) + donewas (were) + done一般现在时一般过去时The passive voice.被动语态被动

7、语态的用法: 不知动作执行者时,常用被动语态.e.g. My bike was stolen yesterday.This car is made in America.2. 不必要说出动作执行者时,常用.e.g. Rome was not built in a day.3. 为了突出强调动作的承受者时,常用被动语态.e.g. Thousands of beaches are polluted (污染).The passive voice.被动语态主动语态变为被动语态的步骤:1.把原主动句中的宾语转换为被动语态的主语。2.把动词改为被动形式,即 “be + 过去分词”。注意 be动词要按新的主

8、语的人称和数进行变化,时态要和原来的主动语态的时态保持一致。3. 原来主动语态句中的主语,如果需要,就放在by后面以它的宾格形式出现。如果没有必要就可以省略。其他的成分 (定语,状语) 不变,句式也不能变。Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. The passive voice.被动语态主动语态变被动语态的结构图主动语态变被动语态的结构图: :主语谓语动词过 去时宾时间状语主语谓语动词的过 过去分词宾时间状语Students book P70, part 4.用所给动词的正确形式填空:1) The bike _(fix) up by Xiao Ming yesterday.2) Sunglasses _ (use) for protecting peoples eyes.3) A picture _(put) up on the blackboard.4) French_ (speak) in France.5) Teenagers should _(allow) to choose their own clothes.was fixedare usedis putis spokenbe allowed


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