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1、 专题一、复习的轮次及任务 专题二、复习资料的选择和利用 专题三、模拟考试的设计 专题四、词汇问题 专题五、语言知识考查的边界 专题六、完形填空复习的几个关键词 专题七、阅读理解复习的几个关键词 专题八、提高写作能力的方法和伪方法专题一:复习的轮次及其任务一轮复习:复习课本,尤其是必修部分; 二轮复习:复习语法专题 三轮复习:梳理各个题型 四轮复习:模拟考试时间问题;进度问题;深度问题第三轮复习的任务1. 梳理本题型的命题规律; 2. 整理过去五年的基本考点; 3. 总结本题型的答题技巧; 4. 训练本题型的答题规范。第四轮复习的任务1. 知识上-查漏补缺; 2. 技能上- 寻根问底; 3.

2、心理上- 临危不乱。专题二、复习资料的选择与利用忌偏、忌难、忌怪;忌被资料绑架;忌深、忌广、忌全;适合二轮、三轮复习宜从一而终;宜统筹考点;宜稳定难度;宜打破题型;宜矫枉过正。1. He bought a house last week but _ still needs repair work before they can move in. A. it B. one C. the one D. which 2. We took _ for granted that all kids would preferto have longer holidays and less homework.

3、 A. it B. one C. this D. that 3. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full. 1、尽早着手,未雨绸缪;2、以赛促记,威逼利诱;3、能飞则飞,能走则走;4、分层处理,滚好雪球;5、高难阅读,独占鳌头;6、融入语境,细水长流。It was a warm sunny morning. Larry Jackson got up pretty early. He had an appointment with his coach to meet in the tennis club. He was both deli

4、ghted and thrilled to attend a game to challenge some of the professional players. Their tennis club consisted of a dozen of tennis lovers, some of whom used to be professionals. Although he had been defeated by them over and over again, Larry was always optimistic about the future, hoping one day h

5、e could acquire some advanced skills so as to become a professional himself. His coach, Mr. Bradley, had always thought Larry was a gifted tennis player since he could handle the ball and the racket really well at even five. Mr. Bradley had arranged Larry to play against some other players of his ag

6、e, and he had won almost every match. Although his coach was extremely strict with him and treated him without mercy, Larry took it as essential for his career and attended training constantly with great enthusiasm. He knew it well that only in this way could he realize his dreams. 炽热考点: 1、定语从句2、名词性

7、从句 3、状语从句4、时态和语态 5、非谓语动词6、代词 7、交际8、词汇辨析 9、短语辨析10、情态动词 11、省略、倒装、强调、虚拟语气等专题五、语言知识考查的边界每个考点的六个到位:1、本章的常见考点及出题方式; 2、本章题目的基本思路; 3、与本章有关的近五年的高考题; 4、与本章有关的近15年的高考经典题; 5、近五年山东卷在本章的考题; 6、猜测明年大致的命题点。定语从句 考点分布:1、关系词的省略问题;2、关系代词that 的选择问题;3、关系代词which的选择问题4、关系副词的选择问题;5、介词+关系代词引导从句的问题;6、介词+关系副词引导从句的问题;7、as引导从句的问题

8、。基本思路:分析成分。名词性从句考点分布: 1、语序问题 2、what的选择问题 3、that和whether的区别问题 4、whether和if 的区别问题 5、who和whoever的区别问题 6、whoever和no matter who的区别问题 7、名词性从句的虚拟语气问题 8、主语从句和强调句型的区别问题基本解题思路:分析成分状语从句考点分布: 【考点一:when, while, as的区别问题】 【考点二:名词作连词用引导时间状语从句的问题】 【考点三:副词作连词用引导时间状语从句的问题】 【考点四:hardlywhen与no sooner than的区别问题】 【考点五:与si

9、nce有关的考点问题】 【考点六:before作连词用的问题】 【考点七:与until相关的考点问题】 【考点八:for用作连词的问题】 【考点九:when引导条件状语从句的问题】 【考点十:结果状语从句用sothat 还是用suchthat 的问题】 【考点十一:as引导让步状语从句的问题】 【考点十二:while引导让步状语从句的问题】 基本解题思路:翻译非谓语动词考点分布: 【考点一、不定式作宾语与动词的-ing形式作宾语的问题】 【考点二、不定式作宾补 vs 分词作宾补的区别问题】 【考点三、不定式作状语和分词作状语的区别问题】 【考点四、不定式、现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别问题】

10、【考点五、不定式的主动式和被动式作定语的区别问题】 【考点六、动名词的复合结构作宾语时的代词转化问题】 【考点七、带to不定式和不带to不定式的问题】 【考点八、不定式符号的单独使用问题】解题基本思路:关系时态和语态考点分布: 【考点一、一般过去时与现在完成时得区别问题】 【考点二、 一般过去时与过去完成时的区别问题】 【考点三、一般过去时与过去进行时的区别问题】 【考点四、现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别问题】 【考点五、一般现在时与现在进行时的区别问题】 【考点六、如何选择适当的形式表示将来的问题】 【考点七、主动形式表被动意义的问题】基本解题思路:1、背定义 2、找基点 3、看状语 4、

11、凭感觉情态动词个性一、may表示“让步”和“祝福”的用法; 个性二、can表示由于客观原因而形成的能力的用法; 个性三、cant作为must(推测)的否定形式的用法; 个性四、can在肯定陈述中表示逻辑事实推理的用法; 个性五、must在某些以you为主语的疑问句或if-分句中,还可以表示某种感情色彩,如表示说话人对听话人的某种做法的反感等的用法; 个性六、will表示“愿意”或“意志”的用法; 个性七、will表示“习惯”的用法; 个性八、shall在疑问句中是征询听话人的意愿或意图的用法; 个性九、shall表示坚持,用于第二、第三人称主语,表示说话人强烈的意志和决心(命令、承诺、威胁)的

12、用法; 个性十、should的各种用法,尤其是表示一种多余的担心,“万一”的用法。考点分布代词 考点分布: 【考点一:no one, none 和nothing的区别问题】 【考点二:全部否定和部分否定的问题】 【考点三:it与one的区别问题】 【考点四:one, the one, ones, the ones, that, those的区别问题】 【考点五:every*还是any*的问题】 【考点六:another后面跟复数名词的问题】 【考点七:it的几个重要用法问题】 【考点八:somebody, nobody, something, somewhere, nowhere, nothi

13、ng的特殊意义问题】 【考点九:either还是both的问题】 【考点十:主格还是宾格的问题】交际用语交际用语的时代划分学生训练完形的心结;学生做题的步骤;教师讲解的方法;完形填空的选材;阅读速度阅读难度新材料的问题以讲促读干扰项的命题规 律A句到B句的转化 训练Arthur Miller is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Millers father had moved to the USA from Austria-Hungary, drawn like so

14、many others by the “Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s. Why did Arthur Millers father move to the USA? A. He suffered from severe hunger in his home country. B. He was attracted by th

15、e “Great American Dream”. C. He hoped to make his son a dramatist. D. His family business failed. In Willy Loman, the hero of the play, we see a man who has got into trouble with this system. He is regarded as a hero by his colleagues. There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowe

16、d the production of cheaper milk thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete. Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service. Why does home milk delivery no longer exist? A. Nobody wants to be a milkman now. B. It has been driven out of the market. C. Its service is getting poor. D. It is forbidden by law. Recently, an old milk


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