人教版英语必修5:Unit3 period ⅲ using language

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《人教版英语必修5:Unit3 period ⅲ using language》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语必修5:Unit3 period ⅲ using language(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period Using Language默读文章两次并完成下列任务。Task 1:快速浏览课文 “I Have Seen Amazing Things”并回答下列问题。1How many paragraphs does it contain?_It contains 7 paragraphs. The destination of the visit_ The hero of the visit_ The transportation of the visit _ The time of the visit_2How many modern inventions of the 31st ce

2、ntury did theauthor see? What were they?_Task 2:仔细阅读课文“I Have Seen Amazing Things”并填写下表。The author saw 3 modern inventions of the 31st century.They were thoughtpads, a waste machine and manufacturing robots. In a space station Li Qiang A moveable path In the 31st century Modern Inventions of the 31s

3、t Century Only to be seen on the Space Station CommunicationWaste DisposalManufacturing Inventionthoughtpadsa waste(5)_ manufacturing robotsAdvantages(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ _dispose of (6)_ turn them into several grades of useful materialno waste no(7)_ no(8)_ damageDisadvantagesthoughts must be (4)_ or an

4、unclear message may be sentnonepeople must live on a space station to (9)_ the robots【探究一】阅读课文“I Have Seen Amazing Things”并填写下表。quick efficient environmentally friendly clear machine the waste pollution environmental monitor 【探究二】Whats the writers attitude towards the future themoment he has visited

5、 the space station, optimistic or pessimistic? How do you that?The writers attitude is optimistic.We know that from the following sentences:1So ordinary but so powerful!2I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, absorbed by its efficiency.3My motivation increased as I thought of the wonderf

6、ul world of the future. Task 1:快速阅读课文“I Have Seen Amazing Things”,以约 30词概括文章的大意。提示:本文讲述了李强在参观未来世界时看到的新发明以及他对这些新发明的感想。_ _This passage is about Li Qiangs visit to a space station in the 31st century.Apart from describing the modern inventions that he saw there, such as thoughtpads, a waste machine and

7、 manufacturing robots, he also told us how he felt during the visit.Task 2:仔细阅读课文“I Have Seen Amazing Things”,选择正确答案。1The space station spins slowly in space to _.Alook like the earthBlook like a round plateCimitate the pull of the earths gravityDattract more visitorsC 2What does the word “greedy” m

8、ean?_AWanting more.BBeing powerful.CBeing thoughtful.DBeing efficient.3We can know that _.Aeverything can be turned useful in the environment areaBnot everything can be recycledCeverything can be turned into fertilizerD all the rubbish is buried under the ground on the spacestationA A 4 Which of the

9、 following is NOT true according to thetext?_AThe waste machine is efficient.B On the space station there are robots performing tasks inspace.CThe robots can produce all kinds of goods without humansinstructions.D There is no waste, no pollution and no environmentaldamage on space station.C PartMain

10、 Idea1 (Para.1)My first visit was to a (1)_ considered the most (2)_ in space.2 (Para.26)What I saw and visited there:(3)_, a waste machine and manufacturing (4)_3 (Para.7)As I thought of the wonderful world of the future, my (5)_ increased.Task 3:根据课文内容,完成下列表格。space station modern thoughtpads robot

11、s motivation Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。It was my first visit to a space station.Described as an(1)_ round plate, it spins slowly in space (2)_(imitate) the pull of the earths gravity.The (3)_ showed usthree stops.In the first stop, I saw the thoughtpads used for(4)_ (send) messages.Next stop, we were

12、 in theenvironment area.There was a (5)_ machine which could(6) _ all the waste available.The (7)_ stop showedushowthegoodswere(8)_ (manufacture)by(9)_ I couldnt help thinking this was a really(10)_ (amaze) visit and my motivation also increased.enormous to imitate guide sendingwaste swallow third m

13、anufacturedrobots amazing Task 5:课文佳句背诵。1What _ you do if you _ yourself alone ona desert island? 如果你发现你独自一人在一个荒岛上,你将怎样做呢?2 _ an exhibition of the most up-to-dateinventions of the 31st century.太空站里展出了 31 世纪一些最前沿的发明。would found Inside was 1consider vt. using theprinciples of ecology 为分词短语,作方式状语。定语 there is a system be disposed of 被动



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