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1、辽辽 东东 学学 院院 本本 科科 毕毕 业业 设设 计计蓝调公司人事管理系统设计与实现蓝调公司人事管理系统设计与实现Design and Implementation of Personnel Company System for LanDiao学 生 姓 名: 吴冰 学 院: 信息工程学院 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 班 级: B1311 学 号: 0916131134 指 导 教 师: 鲁琴 审 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2015 年 5 月 20 日 辽辽 东东 学学 院院Eastern Liaoning University 蓝调公司人事管理系统设计与实现- I -摘摘 要要


3、统在设计方面基于 C/S 模式,采用 C+开发技术,以 SQL Server 2008 作为后台数据库,使用 VC6.0 作为开发工具进行开发,主要实现了基本信息管理(部门信息管理、职位信息管理、职工信息管理、权限管理)、招聘管理、考勤管理、培训管理、离职管理、调动管理(部门调动管理、职位调动管理)和统计报表等功能。关键词:关键词:人事管理;结构化分析;信息管理蓝调人事管理系统设计与实现- II -Design and Implementation of Personnel Company System for LanDiaoAbstractThe personnel management s

4、ystem is an essential part of the enterprise, its contents are crucial for corporate decision makers and managers. Traditional way of human existence has low efficiency and poor confidentiality characteristics. To build a high quality, high efficiency and intelligent personnel management system is v

5、ery necessary. This thesis uses the method of system structured analysis, and then elaborates the development, operation flow and some core technology of Personnel Management System. Firstly, the thesis introduced background and purpose of system development; In the phase of system planning, the the

6、sis has carried on the business process analysis and the feasibility analysis, and then discusses the personnel management system feasibility from technical, economic, social, and operating; In the phase of system analysis, the thesis specifically completed the design of data flow diagram and data d

7、ictionary; In the system design stage mainly completed the division of functional modules, database design, system interface design and the introductions of development technology and tools. This system is based on C/S mode, and uses C+ as development technique, SQL Server 2008 as database, and VC6.

8、0 as the development tool. The system mainly implements the department management, post management, entry management, probation period management, shift management, leave management, information management, report management, etc.Key Words:Personnel Management;Structured Analysis;Information Management蓝调人事管理系统设计与实现- III -目 录摘 要.IAbstract .II引 言.11 系统规划.21.1 业务流程分析.21.1.1 现行的业务流程.21.1.2 改进的业务流程.21.2 可行性分析.21.2.1 技术可行性.21.2.2 经济可行性.31.2.3 社会可行性.31.2.4 操作可行性.32 系统分析.42.1 系统需求分析.42.1.1 招聘管理.42.1.2 职工信息管理.42.1.3 离职信息管理.52.1.4 部门信息管理.52.1.5 职位管理.52.1.6 调动管理.


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