三维设计高二英语同步课件:Module 1 Section Ⅱ(外研版选修7)

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1、Module 1 BasketballSection Introduction excellent2average Ba feeling of enthusiasm or interest3deserve Cto remain the same4outstanding Dto go regularly to a school as a student;look after 返回返回5motivation Ethe amount that is typical of a group of people or things6hold Fto have earned something by goo

2、d or bad action or behavior答案:1.D 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.B 6.C返回返回.根据所给词性及汉语释义写出单词1 v防守;为辩护 n. 防守;辩护(词)2 adj. 有天资的;有才能的 n天资;天赋;才能3 n. 职业球员adj. 职业的;专业的n. 职业;专业4 adj. 复杂的 v. 使复杂化 n. 使情况复杂的事物; 难题defenddefensetalentedtalentprofessionalprofessioncomplicatedcomplicatecomplication返回返回5 adj.有价值的 n. 价值v.珍视;尊重;给估价 adj

3、.有价值的;贵重的6. n. 动力 v. 激励;激发的热情7 adj. 各种各样的 v. 变化;不同n. 种类8 adj. 全部的;整个的 adv. 全部地;完全地9 adj. 立刻的;即刻的 adv. 立刻;立即valuedvaluevaluablemotivationmotivatevariousvaryvarietyentireentirelyimmediateimmediately返回返回1talented adj. 有天资的;有才能的;有才干的(gifted)教材原句 Several universities have topclass amateur basketball team

4、s, and talented players often turn professional as soon as they finish their studies.一些大学拥有一流的业余篮球队,并且有天分的球员一毕业就成为专业球员。 Shen Chunyang is recognized to be a talented actress with the TV series Cherry played.随着电视剧樱桃的热播,沈春阳被公认为是一名有天赋的女演员。返回返回(1)be talented/gifted in .在上(方面)有天赋(2)talent n. 天资;天赋;才能have

5、a talent/gift for sth.有的才能/天赋It is obvious that Jeremy ShuHow Lin is talented in playing basketball.很显然,林书豪在打篮球方面很有天赋。返回返回The teacher found that the boy learning a second language. The teacher found that the boy was talented/gifted in learning a second language.老师发现小男孩在学外语上很有天赋。Zhou Tian is talented

6、/gifted in playing diabolo (空竹)周天在玩空竹上很有天赋。had a talent/gift for返回返回2average n平均数;一般水平;平均标准adj.平均的;平常的;普通的v.平均为教材原句 During this time, the average number of points he scored was more than 30 points per game.这期间,他每场比赛的平均得分都超过30分。The average age of the football players is 19.这些足球队员的平均年龄是19岁。返回返回There w

7、as nothing special about the meal; it was average.饭菜没什么特别,挺平常的。It was planned that they average 40 miles per day by bike. 他们计划每天骑自行车走40英里。below/above average 在一般水平以下/以上with an average of . 平均为on average 平均起来返回返回On average we have seven classes per day.我们平均每天上7节课。The old mans living standard is below

8、 average in the village.在这个村子里,这个老人的生活水平低于平均水平。Nowadays the family becomes smaller in China, three people in each unit.现在中国家庭变小了,平均每户3口人。with anaverage of返回返回3. deserve v. 应得(常与to连用,不用于进行时);值得教材原句 But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代

9、杰出球员”这一称号。You deserve a reward for your great contribution to the company.你对公司贡献很大,理应得到奖赏。返回返回deserve to do 值得做;应该做deserve to be done deserve doing值得(被)做;应该(表示被动意义)deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意He works very hard and deserves to get the prize.他很刻苦,应该获得这个奖。返回返回Your suggestion deserves because

10、 she has made enough preparations for the game.Your suggestion deserves because she has made enough preparations for the game.你的建议值得考虑,因为她为这场比赛做了充分的准备。点津 除deserve后跟动名词表示被动外,need, want, require, be worth后跟动名词也表示被动。The teacher tells those children the flowers need watering/to be watered every day.老师告诉

11、孩子们这些花每天都需要浇水。considering/considerationto be considered返回返回点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入返回返回返回返回1 the history of 在的历史上2grow 成长,长大3 the average of 平均为4rescue . . 把从中营救出5 one point 一度;曾经6 a record 保持纪录7 than 不只是;不仅仅是 8be known 作为而出名9name . . 以命名10millions 数百万inupwithfromatholdmore asafter of返回返回1grow up 成长,长大;壮大;

12、发展; 形成教材原句 Jordan was born in New York and grew up in North Carolina.乔丹出生于纽约,在北卡罗莱纳州长大。Recently, I feel my daughter is really starting to grow up.近来,我感到女儿真的开始长大了。Many restaurants grew up at the foot of the mountain with more and more visitors coming to visit here.随着越来越多的游客来到这里,许多饭店在山脚下发展起来。返回返回grow

13、up to be 成长为grow into (渐渐)成长为The naughty boy has a handsome man.原来的淘气的男孩已成长为了英俊的男子。The small fishing village 20 years ago has grown into a big city now.20年前的小渔村现在已经发展成为了一座大城市。grown up to be返回返回2at one point 一度;曾经;当时教材原句 At one point, Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him!曾几何时,张伯伦比其他所有运动员都优秀得多,以至于他们改变了比赛规则来试图限制他。At one point, Xu Jinglei dreamed of becoming an artist, but later she became a famous director.徐静蕾曾经梦想着做一名画家,但后来她成为了著名的导演。返回返回on the point of . 正要(做某事)to the point



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