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1、Unit OneChanges in the Way We LiveMr. Doherty Builds His Dream LifeText AWay of living Fast manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way 过过得去,尚可It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension.She never works but somehow she gets by.我父母靠很少的钱钱将就着把日子过过了下去。My paren

2、ts managed to get by on a small amount of money.get bySupplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveRescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train.D R _ word _ haul1D R _ word _ haul12. transport, as with a t

3、ruck, cart, etc. (用卡车车、马车马车 等)拖运,运送The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every morning.1. pull or drag sth. with effort or force (用力地)拖,拉,拽 A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.救援队队把药药品和食物运到被淹的村庄。The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villa

4、ges.haul vt.Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ haul2D R _ word _ haul2haul, drag, pullLorries haul heavy goods from factories to ports. 大卡车车把沉重的货货物从工厂运到港口。haul 指缓缓慢而费费力地拖一极重之物,有时时可表示 很困难难地拽。Suppl

5、ementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ haul3D R _ word _ haul3drag 指施力者在地面或表面上缓缓慢而沉重地 把东东西拖过过一段距离,该词该词 通常使人想到 主动动或被动动的阻力。You might drag a heavy box across the ground if you couldnt lift it.如果你提不动动一个重箱子,你可

6、以在地上 拖着它走。Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ haul3D R _ word _ haul3pull 为为最普通用词词,可指朝各个方向拉,并不 强调调用力大小。该词该词 后面可添加副词词或副 词词组词词组 具体描述拖拉动动作的用力大小或方 向等。 They pulled hard but the rock remained stock- sti

7、ll. 他们们使劲劲地拉,可那石头头仍纹丝纹丝 不动动。Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveShe has been ill and must have supplements to her ordinary food.D R _ word _ D R _ word _ supplementsupplement1. vt. add to sth. in order to impr

8、ove it (followed by with)补补充,增补补 Peter supplements his ordinary income by writing books.医生建议议在我的饮饮食中补补充维维生素 E 和 A。The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A.2. n. an additional amount of sth. (followed by to)增补补物,增刊Do you read the color supplements of the Sunday newspapers?你读读周

9、日报纸报纸 的彩色增刊吗吗?supplementSupplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ sprayD R _ word _ sprayvt. force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) 喷喷洒;扫扫射They sprayed the Presidents car with bullets.汽

10、车车开过过,溅溅了我一身水。A car went past and sprayed me with water.Ill have to spray the roses with insecticide to get rid of the greenfly (蚜虫).spray Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ pursueD R _ word _ pu

11、rsue1. be busy with; continue steadily with追求,致力于After graduation Martin chose to pursue the same career as his father as a doctor.2. follow esp. in order to catch, kill, or defeat追逐,追赶 The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner at high speed.She is pursued by many young men.pursue vt.Supplementary

12、 ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ wickedD R _ word _ wickedadj. evil or bad 坏的,邪恶恶的,缺德的We are all born good, but can be taught to be wicked.那是坏巫婆的城堡!Thats the castle of the wicked witch! I have such a wicked

13、 toothache.wicked Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ get D R _ word _ get throughthroughcome successfully to the end 顺顺利通过过当地政府已采取一些措施以确保所有人顺顺利过过冬。The local government has taken some measures to

14、ensure that all the people will get through the winter.She got through the entrance examination and was accepted by the college.get through Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ at that D R _ word _

15、 at that pointpointat that very moment; right then 在那一刻,在那时时The train was now only a couple of yards from the kids on the track. At that point, Anthony threw himself forward and pulled them clear.The man suddenly held up a poster. At that point, all TV cameras were pointed at him.at that point Suppl

16、ementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveD R _ word _ on D R _ word _ on balancebalancewith all things considered 总总的来说说On balance, its probably not advisable to change the companys name.我想,总总的来说说,我更喜欢欢新的操作系统统。I think, on balance, I prefer the n



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