北师大版高中英语精品课件Unit 16 Stories

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1、英语(课标北师大版 )专题专题 十六 Unit 16 Stories唱和 ) 的ANUnit 16 Stories 四回 impression刍活学活用“单项填空:(CD She gave me an honest girl. 垣 B. the impress of下 impies oh of ,.D. fiCO with the poor condition of he school ,the rich man de- termined to give half of his money away to the school.A. Impressing B. ImpressedC.Impre

2、ssive D. To impress量答案 (1D)A the impression of 是国定搭配。(2)B 从句子结构上看,该句是由分词短语作状语的简单名,而分词短语的逻辑主语是 the rich man, 从句意上看是表示“对印象深刻”,有被动含义。国策 be caught in储活学活用“单项填空 _The signiae sonidet he 全 andiaherof有.忆 have stolen B.to be stealingC.to steal D. stealing苹答案 D 本题考查 catch sb. doing sth. ,caught 在这里是过去分词作后置定语,

3、相当于 the girl who was caught stealing。 国策 look like刍活学活用“单项填空;CD一What is he like?Which of the following is wrong?AJSanan 个Honesi)一How is John? A. Considerate B. FineC. Beautiful D. Funny芭答案 (1)B 问句询问他的性格人品外表等,所以排除 B。(2)B 句意:一一约翰身体怎么样? 一一很好。 国策 图 occur争活学活用”用上面的词组填空;(DAfre inthe hospital in the midnig

4、ht.(2) 站 to ine that 中edidnt knowI had_moxed into the new上TOCTIULOU 1G)TE that Isaw him on my way home-.(4) Ididnt to him that she would refuse his invitation.苹答案 (1)broke out C) oceurred 。 G3) happened (4) oe-eur国策 回 preserve急活学活用“单项填空:(CD This vase by an old woman。和has presejved B_preservedeekal l

5、 De nleservedCD) The old box ia because oil preserves metal from rust、A. in good preservation B. a good preservation0C. preservation D. out of good preservation霍答案 (1)D CD)A有巡年模拟回 break into,break down刍活学活用“单项填空:(CD They couldnt agree with each other and finally a quarrel _ between them.A. broke up

6、B. brmoke downCroke outl D.broke inCD)The cohiputer wstem saddenly wh for information on the Internet.A. broke down 了B. broke outC. broke up D. broke in(G3) 一How about your joumey to Mount Emei?一Everything was wonderful except that our car twiceon the way.A. slowed down 了B. broke downC. put down D.

7、got down国策 夫答案 (1)C 和句意:他们未能取得一臻意见,最终他们发生雪他下加网上上补寻往首时也胸系统突然汪 (3)B 考查短语词组。slow down 减速:break down 发生故障;put down 写下,放下;get down 写下,记下。 as a whole争活学活用 用as a whole 和on the whole 填空:(D ,Ithink ips amusing; the opera is very good.(2) The economic problems of one counbry often have a great effecton the world(G) WE Should ,analyse the Tom 四CD An ihe taleuionsgving io bedividedaporsld花答案 (1)On the whole 和句意:总的来说,我认为它有意思;这部戏剧很出色。(2)on the whole 和句意:一个国家的经济问题往往会对全球产生巨大的影响。(3)as a whole 和句意:我们应该把这个问题作为一个整体来分析。(4)as a whole 和句意:这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖?



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